""" Module to define and register Terminal IPython shortcuts with :mod:`prompt_toolkit` """ # Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import os import signal import sys import warnings from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Callable, Any, Optional, List from prompt_toolkit.application.current import get_app from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import KeyBindings from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_processor import KeyPressEvent from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings import named_commands as nc from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.completion import ( display_completions_like_readline, ) from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.vi_state import InputMode, ViState from prompt_toolkit.filters import Condition from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython from IPython.terminal.shortcuts import auto_match as match from IPython.terminal.shortcuts import auto_suggest from IPython.terminal.shortcuts.filters import filter_from_string from IPython.utils.decorators import undoc from prompt_toolkit.enums import DEFAULT_BUFFER __all__ = ["create_ipython_shortcuts"] @dataclass class BaseBinding: command: Callable[[KeyPressEvent], Any] keys: List[str] @dataclass class RuntimeBinding(BaseBinding): filter: Condition @dataclass class Binding(BaseBinding): # while filter could be created by referencing variables directly (rather # than created from strings), by using strings we ensure that users will # be able to create filters in configuration (e.g. JSON) files too, which # also benefits the documentation by enforcing human-readable filter names. condition: Optional[str] = None def __post_init__(self): if self.condition: self.filter = filter_from_string(self.condition) else: self.filter = None def create_identifier(handler: Callable): parts = handler.__module__.split(".") name = handler.__name__ package = parts[0] if len(parts) > 1: final_module = parts[-1] return f"{package}:{final_module}.{name}" else: return f"{package}:{name}" AUTO_MATCH_BINDINGS = [ *[ Binding( cmd, [key], "focused_insert & auto_match & followed_by_closing_paren_or_end" ) for key, cmd in match.auto_match_parens.items() ], *[ # raw string Binding(cmd, [key], "focused_insert & auto_match & preceded_by_raw_str_prefix") for key, cmd in match.auto_match_parens_raw_string.items() ], Binding( match.double_quote, ['"'], "focused_insert" " & auto_match" " & not_inside_unclosed_string" " & preceded_by_paired_double_quotes" " & followed_by_closing_paren_or_end", ), Binding( match.single_quote, ["'"], "focused_insert" " & auto_match" " & not_inside_unclosed_string" " & preceded_by_paired_single_quotes" " & followed_by_closing_paren_or_end", ), Binding( match.docstring_double_quotes, ['"'], "focused_insert" " & auto_match" " & not_inside_unclosed_string" " & preceded_by_two_double_quotes", ), Binding( match.docstring_single_quotes, ["'"], "focused_insert" " & auto_match" " & not_inside_unclosed_string" " & preceded_by_two_single_quotes", ), Binding( match.skip_over, [")"], "focused_insert & auto_match & followed_by_closing_round_paren", ), Binding( match.skip_over, ["]"], "focused_insert & auto_match & followed_by_closing_bracket", ), Binding( match.skip_over, ["}"], "focused_insert & auto_match & followed_by_closing_brace", ), Binding( match.skip_over, ['"'], "focused_insert & auto_match & followed_by_double_quote" ), Binding( match.skip_over, ["'"], "focused_insert & auto_match & followed_by_single_quote" ), Binding( match.delete_pair, ["backspace"], "focused_insert" " & preceded_by_opening_round_paren" " & auto_match" " & followed_by_closing_round_paren", ), Binding( match.delete_pair, ["backspace"], "focused_insert" " & preceded_by_opening_bracket" " & auto_match" " & followed_by_closing_bracket", ), Binding( match.delete_pair, ["backspace"], "focused_insert" " & preceded_by_opening_brace" " & auto_match" " & followed_by_closing_brace", ), Binding( match.delete_pair, ["backspace"], "focused_insert" " & preceded_by_double_quote" " & auto_match" " & followed_by_double_quote", ), Binding( match.delete_pair, ["backspace"], "focused_insert" " & preceded_by_single_quote" " & auto_match" " & followed_by_single_quote", ), ] AUTO_SUGGEST_BINDINGS = [ Binding( auto_suggest.accept_in_vi_insert_mode, ["end"], "default_buffer_focused & (ebivim | ~vi_insert_mode)", ), Binding( auto_suggest.accept_in_vi_insert_mode, ["c-e"], "vi_insert_mode & default_buffer_focused & ebivim", ), Binding(auto_suggest.accept, ["c-f"], "vi_insert_mode & default_buffer_focused"), Binding( auto_suggest.accept_word, ["escape", "f"], "vi_insert_mode & default_buffer_focused & ebivim", ), Binding( auto_suggest.accept_token, ["c-right"], "has_suggestion & default_buffer_focused", ), Binding( auto_suggest.discard, ["escape"], "has_suggestion & default_buffer_focused & emacs_insert_mode", ), Binding( auto_suggest.discard, ["delete"], "has_suggestion & default_buffer_focused & emacs_insert_mode", ), Binding( auto_suggest.swap_autosuggestion_up, ["up"], "navigable_suggestions" " & ~has_line_above" " & has_suggestion" " & default_buffer_focused", ), Binding( auto_suggest.swap_autosuggestion_down, ["down"], "navigable_suggestions" " & ~has_line_below" " & has_suggestion" " & default_buffer_focused", ), Binding( auto_suggest.up_and_update_hint, ["up"], "has_line_above & navigable_suggestions & default_buffer_focused", ), Binding( auto_suggest.down_and_update_hint, ["down"], "has_line_below & navigable_suggestions & default_buffer_focused", ), Binding( auto_suggest.accept_character, ["escape", "right"], "has_suggestion & default_buffer_focused", ), Binding( auto_suggest.accept_and_move_cursor_left, ["c-left"], "has_suggestion & default_buffer_focused", ), Binding( auto_suggest.accept_and_keep_cursor, ["c-down"], "has_suggestion & default_buffer_focused", ), Binding( auto_suggest.backspace_and_resume_hint, ["backspace"], "has_suggestion & default_buffer_focused", ), ] SIMPLE_CONTROL_BINDINGS = [ Binding(cmd, [key], "vi_insert_mode & default_buffer_focused & ebivim") for key, cmd in { "c-a": nc.beginning_of_line, "c-b": nc.backward_char, "c-k": nc.kill_line, "c-w": nc.backward_kill_word, "c-y": nc.yank, "c-_": nc.undo, }.items() ] ALT_AND_COMOBO_CONTROL_BINDINGS = [ Binding(cmd, list(keys), "vi_insert_mode & default_buffer_focused & ebivim") for keys, cmd in { # Control Combos ("c-x", "c-e"): nc.edit_and_execute, ("c-x", "e"): nc.edit_and_execute, # Alt ("escape", "b"): nc.backward_word, ("escape", "c"): nc.capitalize_word, ("escape", "d"): nc.kill_word, ("escape", "h"): nc.backward_kill_word, ("escape", "l"): nc.downcase_word, ("escape", "u"): nc.uppercase_word, ("escape", "y"): nc.yank_pop, ("escape", "."): nc.yank_last_arg, }.items() ] def add_binding(bindings: KeyBindings, binding: Binding): bindings.add( *binding.keys, **({"filter": binding.filter} if binding.filter is not None else {}), )(binding.command) def create_ipython_shortcuts(shell, skip=None) -> KeyBindings: """Set up the prompt_toolkit keyboard shortcuts for IPython. Parameters ---------- shell: InteractiveShell The current IPython shell Instance skip: List[Binding] Bindings to skip. Returns ------- KeyBindings the keybinding instance for prompt toolkit. """ kb = KeyBindings() skip = skip or [] for binding in KEY_BINDINGS: skip_this_one = False for to_skip in skip: if ( to_skip.command == binding.command and to_skip.filter == binding.filter and to_skip.keys == binding.keys ): skip_this_one = True break if skip_this_one: continue add_binding(kb, binding) def get_input_mode(self): app = get_app() app.ttimeoutlen = shell.ttimeoutlen app.timeoutlen = shell.timeoutlen return self._input_mode def set_input_mode(self, mode): shape = {InputMode.NAVIGATION: 2, InputMode.REPLACE: 4}.get(mode, 6) cursor = "\x1b[{} q".format(shape) sys.stdout.write(cursor) sys.stdout.flush() self._input_mode = mode if shell.editing_mode == "vi" and shell.modal_cursor: ViState._input_mode = InputMode.INSERT # type: ignore ViState.input_mode = property(get_input_mode, set_input_mode) # type: ignore return kb def reformat_and_execute(event): """Reformat code and execute it""" shell = get_ipython() reformat_text_before_cursor( event.current_buffer, event.current_buffer.document, shell ) event.current_buffer.validate_and_handle() def reformat_text_before_cursor(buffer, document, shell): text = buffer.delete_before_cursor(len(document.text[: document.cursor_position])) try: formatted_text = shell.reformat_handler(text) buffer.insert_text(formatted_text) except Exception as e: buffer.insert_text(text) def handle_return_or_newline_or_execute(event): shell = get_ipython() if getattr(shell, "handle_return", None): return shell.handle_return(shell)(event) else: return newline_or_execute_outer(shell)(event) def newline_or_execute_outer(shell): def newline_or_execute(event): """When the user presses return, insert a newline or execute the code.""" b = event.current_buffer d = b.document if b.complete_state: cc = b.complete_state.current_completion if cc: b.apply_completion(cc) else: b.cancel_completion() return # If there's only one line, treat it as if the cursor is at the end. # See https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/10425 if d.line_count == 1: check_text = d.text else: check_text = d.text[: d.cursor_position] status, indent = shell.check_complete(check_text) # if all we have after the cursor is whitespace: reformat current text # before cursor after_cursor = d.text[d.cursor_position :] reformatted = False if not after_cursor.strip(): reformat_text_before_cursor(b, d, shell) reformatted = True if not ( d.on_last_line or d.cursor_position_row >= d.line_count - d.empty_line_count_at_the_end() ): if shell.autoindent: b.insert_text("\n" + indent) else: b.insert_text("\n") return if (status != "incomplete") and b.accept_handler: if not reformatted: reformat_text_before_cursor(b, d, shell) b.validate_and_handle() else: if shell.autoindent: b.insert_text("\n" + indent) else: b.insert_text("\n") return newline_or_execute def previous_history_or_previous_completion(event): """ Control-P in vi edit mode on readline is history next, unlike default prompt toolkit. If completer is open this still select previous completion. """ event.current_buffer.auto_up() def next_history_or_next_completion(event): """ Control-N in vi edit mode on readline is history previous, unlike default prompt toolkit. If completer is open this still select next completion. """ event.current_buffer.auto_down() def dismiss_completion(event): """Dismiss completion""" b = event.current_buffer if b.complete_state: b.cancel_completion() def reset_buffer(event): """Reset buffer""" b = event.current_buffer if b.complete_state: b.cancel_completion() else: b.reset() def reset_search_buffer(event): """Reset search buffer""" if event.current_buffer.document.text: event.current_buffer.reset() else: event.app.layout.focus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) def suspend_to_bg(event): """Suspend to background""" event.app.suspend_to_background() def quit(event): """ Quit application with ``SIGQUIT`` if supported or ``sys.exit`` otherwise. On platforms that support SIGQUIT, send SIGQUIT to the current process. On other platforms, just exit the process with a message. """ sigquit = getattr(signal, "SIGQUIT", None) if sigquit is not None: os.kill(0, signal.SIGQUIT) else: sys.exit("Quit") def indent_buffer(event): """Indent buffer""" event.current_buffer.insert_text(" " * 4) def newline_autoindent(event): """Insert a newline after the cursor indented appropriately. Fancier version of former ``newline_with_copy_margin`` which should compute the correct indentation of the inserted line. That is to say, indent by 4 extra space after a function definition, class definition, context manager... And dedent by 4 space after ``pass``, ``return``, ``raise ...``. """ shell = get_ipython() inputsplitter = shell.input_transformer_manager b = event.current_buffer d = b.document if b.complete_state: b.cancel_completion() text = d.text[: d.cursor_position] + "\n" _, indent = inputsplitter.check_complete(text) b.insert_text("\n" + (" " * (indent or 0)), move_cursor=False) def open_input_in_editor(event): """Open code from input in external editor""" event.app.current_buffer.open_in_editor() if sys.platform == "win32": from IPython.core.error import TryNext from IPython.lib.clipboard import ( ClipboardEmpty, tkinter_clipboard_get, win32_clipboard_get, ) @undoc def win_paste(event): try: text = win32_clipboard_get() except TryNext: try: text = tkinter_clipboard_get() except (TryNext, ClipboardEmpty): return except ClipboardEmpty: return event.current_buffer.insert_text(text.replace("\t", " " * 4)) else: @undoc def win_paste(event): """Stub used on other platforms""" pass KEY_BINDINGS = [ Binding( handle_return_or_newline_or_execute, ["enter"], "default_buffer_focused & ~has_selection & insert_mode", ), Binding( reformat_and_execute, ["escape", "enter"], "default_buffer_focused & ~has_selection & insert_mode & ebivim", ), Binding(quit, ["c-\\"]), Binding( previous_history_or_previous_completion, ["c-p"], "vi_insert_mode & default_buffer_focused", ), Binding( next_history_or_next_completion, ["c-n"], "vi_insert_mode & default_buffer_focused", ), Binding(dismiss_completion, ["c-g"], "default_buffer_focused & has_completions"), Binding(reset_buffer, ["c-c"], "default_buffer_focused"), Binding(reset_search_buffer, ["c-c"], "search_buffer_focused"), Binding(suspend_to_bg, ["c-z"], "supports_suspend"), Binding( indent_buffer, ["tab"], # Ctrl+I == Tab "default_buffer_focused" " & ~has_selection" " & insert_mode" " & cursor_in_leading_ws", ), Binding(newline_autoindent, ["c-o"], "default_buffer_focused & emacs_insert_mode"), Binding(open_input_in_editor, ["f2"], "default_buffer_focused"), *AUTO_MATCH_BINDINGS, *AUTO_SUGGEST_BINDINGS, Binding( display_completions_like_readline, ["c-i"], "readline_like_completions" " & default_buffer_focused" " & ~has_selection" " & insert_mode" " & ~cursor_in_leading_ws", ), Binding(win_paste, ["c-v"], "default_buffer_focused & ~vi_mode & is_windows_os"), *SIMPLE_CONTROL_BINDINGS, *ALT_AND_COMOBO_CONTROL_BINDINGS, ]