// Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. // Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. define([ 'base/js/namespace', 'jquery', 'base/js/utils', 'base/js/keyboard', 'notebook/js/contexthint', 'codemirror/lib/codemirror', ], function(IPython, $, utils, keyboard, CodeMirror) { "use strict"; // easier key mapping var keycodes = keyboard.keycodes; var prepend_n_prc = function(str, n) { for( var i =0 ; i< n ; i++){ str = '%'+str ; } return str; }; var _existing_completion = function(item, completion_array){ for( var i=0; i < completion_array.length; i++) { if (completion_array[i].trim().substr(-item.length) == item) { return true; } } return false; }; // what is the common start of all completions function shared_start(B, drop_prct) { if (B.length == 1) { return B[0]; } var A = []; var common; var min_lead_prct = 10; for (var i = 0; i < B.length; i++) { var str = B[i].str; var localmin = 0; if(drop_prct === true){ while ( str.substr(0, 1) == '%') { localmin = localmin+1; str = str.substring(1); } } min_lead_prct = Math.min(min_lead_prct, localmin); A.push(str); } if (A.length > 1) { var tem1, tem2, s; A = A.slice(0).sort(); tem1 = A[0]; s = tem1.length; tem2 = A.pop(); while (s && tem2.indexOf(tem1) == -1) { tem1 = tem1.substring(0, --s); } if (tem1 === "" || tem2.indexOf(tem1) !== 0) { return { str:prepend_n_prc('', min_lead_prct), type: "computed", from: B[0].from, to: B[0].to }; } return { str: prepend_n_prc(tem1, min_lead_prct), type: "computed", from: B[0].from, to: B[0].to }; } return null; } var Completer = function (cell, events) { this.cell = cell; this.editor = cell.code_mirror; var that = this; events.on('kernel_busy.Kernel', function () { that.skip_kernel_completion = true; }); events.on('kernel_idle.Kernel', function () { that.skip_kernel_completion = false; }); }; Completer.prototype.startCompletion = function () { /** * call for a 'first' completion, that will set the editor and do some * special behavior like autopicking if only one completion available. */ if (this.editor.somethingSelected()|| this.editor.getSelections().length > 1) return; this.done = false; // use to get focus back on opera this.carry_on_completion(true); }; // easy access for julia to monkeypatch // Completer.reinvoke_re = /[%0-9a-z._/\\:~-]/i; Completer.prototype.reinvoke= function(pre_cursor, block, cursor){ return Completer.reinvoke_re.test(pre_cursor); }; /** * * pass true as parameter if this is the first invocation of the completer * this will prevent the completer to dissmiss itself if it is not on a * word boundary like pressing tab after a space, and make it autopick the * only choice if there is only one which prevent from popping the UI. as * well as fast-forwarding the typing if all completion have a common * shared start **/ Completer.prototype.carry_on_completion = function (first_invocation) { /** * Pass true as parameter if you want the completer to autopick when * only one completion. This function is automatically reinvoked at * each keystroke with first_invocation = false */ var cur = this.editor.getCursor(); var line = this.editor.getLine(cur.line); var pre_cursor = this.editor.getRange({ line: cur.line, ch: cur.ch - 1 }, cur); // we need to check that we are still on a word boundary // because while typing the completer is still reinvoking itself // so dismiss if we are on a "bad" caracter if (!this.reinvoke(pre_cursor) && !first_invocation) { this.close(); return; } this.autopick = false; if (first_invocation) { this.autopick = true; } // We want a single cursor position. if (this.editor.somethingSelected()|| this.editor.getSelections().length > 1) { return; } // one kernel completion came back, finish_completing will be called with the results // we fork here and directly call finish completing if kernel is busy var cursor_pos = utils.to_absolute_cursor_pos(this.editor, cur); if (this.skip_kernel_completion) { this.finish_completing({ content: { matches: [], cursor_start: cursor_pos, cursor_end: cursor_pos, }}); } else { this.cell.kernel.complete(this.editor.getValue(), cursor_pos, $.proxy(this.finish_completing, this) ); } }; Completer.prototype.finish_completing = function (msg) { /** * let's build a function that wrap all that stuff into what is needed * for the new completer: */ var content = msg.content; var start = content.cursor_start; var end = content.cursor_end; var matches = content.matches; var cur = this.editor.getCursor(); if (end === null) { // adapted message spec replies don't have cursor position info, // interpret end=null as current position, // and negative start relative to that end = utils.to_absolute_cursor_pos(this.editor, cur); if (start === null) { start = end; } else if (start < 0) { start = end + start; } } var results = CodeMirror.contextHint(this.editor); var filtered_results = []; //remove results from context completion //that are already in kernel completion var i; for (i=0; i < results.length; i++) { if (!_existing_completion(results[i].str, matches)) { filtered_results.push(results[i]); } } // append the introspection result, in order, at at the beginning of // the table and compute the replacement range from current cursor // positon and matched_text length. for (i = matches.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { filtered_results.unshift({ str: matches[i], type: "introspection", from: utils.from_absolute_cursor_pos(this.editor, start), to: utils.from_absolute_cursor_pos(this.editor, end) }); } // one the 2 sources results have been merge, deal with it this.raw_result = filtered_results; // if empty result return if (!this.raw_result || !this.raw_result.length) return; // When there is only one completion, use it directly. if (this.autopick && this.raw_result.length == 1) { this.insert(this.raw_result[0]); return; } if (this.raw_result.length == 1) { // test if first and only completion totally matches // what is typed, in this case dismiss var str = this.raw_result[0].str; var pre_cursor = this.editor.getRange({ line: cur.line, ch: cur.ch - str.length }, cur); if (pre_cursor == str) { this.close(); return; } } if (!this.visible) { this.complete = $('
').addClass('completions'); this.complete.attr('id', 'complete'); // Currently webkit doesn't use the size attr correctly. See: // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=4579 this.sel = $('') .attr('tabindex', -1) .attr('multiple', 'true'); this.complete.append(this.sel); this.visible = true; $('body').append(this.complete); //build the container var that = this; this.sel.dblclick(function () { that.pick(); }); this.sel.focus(function () { that.editor.focus(); }); this._handle_keydown = function (cm, event) { that.keydown(event); }; this.editor.on('keydown', this._handle_keydown); this._handle_keypress = function (cm, event) { that.keypress(event); }; this.editor.on('keypress', this._handle_keypress); } this.sel.attr('size', Math.min(10, this.raw_result.length)); // After everything is on the page, compute the postion. // We put it above the code if it is too close to the bottom of the page. var pos = this.editor.cursorCoords( utils.from_absolute_cursor_pos(this.editor, start) ); var left = pos.left-3; var top; var cheight = this.complete.height(); var wheight = $(window).height(); if (pos.bottom+cheight+5 > wheight) { top = pos.top-cheight-4; } else { top = pos.bottom+1; } this.complete.css('left', left + 'px'); this.complete.css('top', top + 'px'); // Clear and fill the list. this.sel.text(''); this.build_gui_list(this.raw_result); return true; }; Completer.prototype.insert = function (completion) { this.editor.replaceRange(completion.str, completion.from, completion.to); }; Completer.prototype.build_gui_list = function (completions) { for (var i = 0; i < completions.length; ++i) { var opt = $('').text(completions[i].str).addClass(completions[i].type); this.sel.append(opt); } this.sel.children().first().attr('selected', 'true'); this.sel.scrollTop(0); }; Completer.prototype.close = function () { this.done = true; $('#complete').remove(); this.editor.off('keydown', this._handle_keydown); this.editor.off('keypress', this._handle_keypress); this.visible = false; }; Completer.prototype.pick = function () { this.insert(this.raw_result[this.sel[0].selectedIndex]); this.close(); }; Completer.prototype.keydown = function (event) { var code = event.keyCode; // Enter var options; var index; if (code == keycodes.enter) { event.codemirrorIgnore = true; event._ipkmIgnore = true; event.preventDefault(); this.pick(); // Escape or backspace } else if (code == keycodes.esc || code == keycodes.backspace) { event.codemirrorIgnore = true; event._ipkmIgnore = true; event.preventDefault(); this.close(); } else if (code == keycodes.tab) { //all the fastforwarding operation, //Check that shared start is not null which can append with prefixed completion // like %pylab , pylab have no shred start, and ff will result in py