# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """DPyGetOpt -- Demiurge Python GetOptions Module $Id: DPyGetOpt.py 2872 2007-11-25 17:58:05Z fperez $ This module is modeled after perl's Getopt::Long module-- which is, in turn, modeled after GNU's extended getopt() function. Upon instantiation, the option specification should be a sequence (list) of option definitions. Options that take no arguments should simply contain the name of the option. If a ! is post-pended, the option can be negated by prepending 'no'; ie 'debug!' specifies that -debug and -nodebug should be accepted. Mandatory arguments to options are specified using a postpended '=' + a type specifier. '=s' specifies a mandatory string argument, '=i' specifies a mandatory integer argument, and '=f' specifies a mandatory real number. In all cases, the '=' can be substituted with ':' to specify that the argument is optional. Dashes '-' in option names are allowed. If an option has the character '@' postpended (after the argumentation specification), it can appear multiple times within each argument list that is processed. The results will be stored in a list. The option name can actually be a list of names separated by '|' characters; ie-- 'foo|bar|baz=f@' specifies that all -foo, -bar, and -baz options that appear on within the parsed argument list must have a real number argument and that the accumulated list of values will be available under the name 'foo' $Id: DPyGetOpt.py 2872 2007-11-25 17:58:05Z fperez $""" #***************************************************************************** # # Copyright (c) 2001 Bill Bumgarner <bbum@friday.com> # # # Published under the terms of the MIT license, hereby reproduced: # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # #***************************************************************************** __author__ = 'Bill Bumgarner <bbum@friday.com>' __license__ = 'MIT' __version__ = '1.2' # Modified to use re instead of regex and regsub modules. # 2001/5/7, Jonathan Hogg <jonathan@onegoodidea.com> import re import string import sys import types class Error(Exception): """Base class for exceptions in the DPyGetOpt module.""" class ArgumentError(Error): """Exception indicating an error in the arguments passed to DPyGetOpt.processArguments.""" class SpecificationError(Error): """Exception indicating an error with an option specification.""" class TerminationError(Error): """Exception indicating an error with an option processing terminator.""" specificationExpr = re.compile('(?P<required>.)(?P<type>.)(?P<multi>@?)') ArgRequired = 'Requires an Argument' ArgOptional = 'Argument Optional' # The types modules is not used for these identifiers because there # is no identifier for 'boolean' or 'generic' StringArgType = 'String Argument Type' IntegerArgType = 'Integer Argument Type' RealArgType = 'Real Argument Type' BooleanArgType = 'Boolean Argument Type' GenericArgType = 'Generic Argument Type' # dictionary of conversion functions-- boolean and generic options # do not accept arguments and do not need conversion functions; # the identity function is used purely for convenience. ConversionFunctions = { StringArgType : lambda x: x, IntegerArgType : string.atoi, RealArgType : string.atof, BooleanArgType : lambda x: x, GenericArgType : lambda x: x, } class DPyGetOpt: def __init__(self, spec = None, terminators = ['--']): """ Declare and intialize instance variables Yes, declaration is not necessary... but one of the things I sorely miss from C/Obj-C is the concept of having an interface definition that clearly declares all instance variables and methods without providing any implementation details. it is a useful reference! all instance variables are initialized to 0/Null/None of the appropriate type-- not even the default value... """ # sys.stderr.write(string.join(spec) + "\n") self.allowAbbreviations = 1 # boolean, 1 if abbreviations will # be expanded self.freeValues = [] # list, contains free values self.ignoreCase = 0 # boolean, YES if ignoring case self.needsParse = 0 # boolean, YES if need to reparse parameter spec self.optionNames = {} # dict, all option names-- value is index of tuple self.optionStartExpr = None # regexp defining the start of an option (ie; '-', '--') self.optionTuples = [] # list o' tuples containing defn of options AND aliases self.optionValues = {} # dict, option names (after alias expansion) -> option value(s) self.orderMixed = 0 # boolean, YES if options can be mixed with args self.posixCompliance = 0 # boolean, YES indicates posix like behaviour self.spec = [] # list, raw specs (in case it must be reparsed) self.terminators = terminators # list, strings that terminate argument processing self.termValues = [] # list, values after terminator self.terminator = None # full name of terminator that ended # option processing # set up defaults self.setPosixCompliance() self.setIgnoreCase() self.setAllowAbbreviations() # parse spec-- if present if spec: self.parseConfiguration(spec) def setPosixCompliance(self, aFlag = 0): """ Enables and disables posix compliance. When enabled, '+' can be used as an option prefix and free values can be mixed with options. """ self.posixCompliance = aFlag self.needsParse = 1 if self.posixCompliance: self.optionStartExpr = re.compile('(--|-)(?P<option>[A-Za-z0-9_-]+)(?P<arg>=.*)?') self.orderMixed = 0 else: self.optionStartExpr = re.compile('(--|-|\+)(?P<option>[A-Za-z0-9_-]+)(?P<arg>=.*)?') self.orderMixed = 1 def isPosixCompliant(self): """ Returns the value of the posix compliance flag. """ return self.posixCompliance def setIgnoreCase(self, aFlag = 1): """ Enables and disables ignoring case during option processing. """ self.needsParse = 1 self.ignoreCase = aFlag def ignoreCase(self): """ Returns 1 if the option processor will ignore case when processing options. """ return self.ignoreCase def setAllowAbbreviations(self, aFlag = 1): """ Enables and disables the expansion of abbreviations during option processing. """ self.allowAbbreviations = aFlag def willAllowAbbreviations(self): """ Returns 1 if abbreviated options will be automatically expanded to the non-abbreviated form (instead of causing an unrecognized option error). """ return self.allowAbbreviations def addTerminator(self, newTerm): """ Adds newTerm as terminator of option processing. Whenever the option processor encounters one of the terminators during option processing, the processing of options terminates immediately, all remaining options are stored in the termValues instance variable and the full name of the terminator is stored in the terminator instance variable. """ self.terminators = self.terminators + [newTerm] def _addOption(self, oTuple): """ Adds the option described by oTuple (name, (type, mode, default), alias) to optionTuples. Adds index keyed under name to optionNames. Raises SpecificationError if name already in optionNames """ (name, (type, mode, default, multi), realName) = oTuple # verify name and add to option names dictionary if self.optionNames.has_key(name): if realName: raise SpecificationError('Alias \'' + name + '\' for \'' + realName + '\' already used for another option or alias.') else: raise SpecificationError('Option named \'' + name + '\' specified more than once. Specification: ' + option) # validated. add to optionNames self.optionNames[name] = self.tupleIndex self.tupleIndex = self.tupleIndex + 1 # add to optionTuples self.optionTuples = self.optionTuples + [oTuple] # if type is boolean, add negation if type == BooleanArgType: alias = 'no' + name specTuple = (type, mode, 0, multi) oTuple = (alias, specTuple, name) # verify name and add to option names dictionary if self.optionNames.has_key(alias): if realName: raise SpecificationError('Negated alias \'' + name + '\' for \'' + realName + '\' already used for another option or alias.') else: raise SpecificationError('Negated option named \'' + name + '\' specified more than once. Specification: ' + option) # validated. add to optionNames self.optionNames[alias] = self.tupleIndex self.tupleIndex = self.tupleIndex + 1 # add to optionTuples self.optionTuples = self.optionTuples + [oTuple] def addOptionConfigurationTuple(self, oTuple): (name, argSpec, realName) = oTuple if self.ignoreCase: name = string.lower(name) if realName: realName = string.lower(realName) else: realName = name oTuple = (name, argSpec, realName) # add option self._addOption(oTuple) def addOptionConfigurationTuples(self, oTuple): if type(oTuple) is ListType: for t in oTuple: self.addOptionConfigurationTuple(t) else: self.addOptionConfigurationTuple(oTuple) def parseConfiguration(self, spec): # destroy previous stored information + store raw spec self.spec = spec self.optionTuples = [] self.optionNames = {} self.tupleIndex = 0 tupleIndex = 0 # create some regex's for parsing each spec splitExpr = \ re.compile('(?P<names>\w+[-A-Za-z0-9|]*)?(?P<spec>!|[=:][infs]@?)?') for option in spec: # push to lower case (does not negatively affect # specification) if self.ignoreCase: option = string.lower(option) # break into names, specification match = splitExpr.match(option) if match is None: raise SpecificationError('Invalid specification {' + option + '}') names = match.group('names') specification = match.group('spec') # break name into name, aliases nlist = string.split(names, '|') # get name name = nlist[0] aliases = nlist[1:] # specificationExpr = regex.symcomp('\(<required>.\)\(<type>.\)\(<multi>@?\)') if not specification: #spec tuple is ('type', 'arg mode', 'default value', 'multiple') argType = GenericArgType argMode = None argDefault = 1 argMultiple = 0 elif specification == '!': argType = BooleanArgType argMode = None argDefault = 1 argMultiple = 0 else: # parse match = specificationExpr.match(specification) if match is None: # failed to parse, die raise SpecificationError('Invalid configuration for option \'' + option + '\'') # determine mode required = match.group('required') if required == '=': argMode = ArgRequired elif required == ':': argMode = ArgOptional else: raise SpecificationError('Unknown requirement configuration \'' + required + '\'') # determine type type = match.group('type') if type == 's': argType = StringArgType argDefault = '' elif type == 'i': argType = IntegerArgType argDefault = 1 elif type == 'f' or type == 'n': argType = RealArgType argDefault = 1 else: raise SpecificationError('Unknown type specifier \'' + type + '\'') # determine quantity if match.group('multi') == '@': argMultiple = 1 else: argMultiple = 0 ## end else (of not specification) # construct specification tuple specTuple = (argType, argMode, argDefault, argMultiple) # add the option-- option tuple is (name, specTuple, real name) oTuple = (name, specTuple, name) self._addOption(oTuple) for alias in aliases: # drop to all lower (if configured to do so) if self.ignoreCase: alias = string.lower(alias) # create configuration tuple oTuple = (alias, specTuple, name) # add self._addOption(oTuple) # successfully parsed.... self.needsParse = 0 def _getArgTuple(self, argName): """ Returns a list containing all the specification tuples that match argName. If none match, None is returned. If one matches, a list with one tuple is returned. If more than one match, a list containing all the tuples that matched is returned. In other words, this function does not pass judgement upon the validity of multiple matches. """ # is it in the optionNames dict? try: # sys.stderr.write(argName + string.join(self.optionNames.keys()) + "\n") # yes, get index tupleIndex = self.optionNames[argName] # and return tuple as element of list return [self.optionTuples[tupleIndex]] except KeyError: # are abbreviations allowed? if not self.allowAbbreviations: # No! terefore, this cannot be valid argument-- nothing found return None # argName might be an abbreviation (and, abbreviations must # be allowed... or this would not have been reached!) # create regex for argName argExpr = re.compile('^' + argName) tuples = filter(lambda x, argExpr=argExpr: argExpr.search(x[0]) is not None, self.optionTuples) if not len(tuples): return None else: return tuples def _isTerminator(self, optionName): """ Returns the full name of the terminator if optionName is a valid terminator. If it is, sets self.terminator to the full name of the terminator. If more than one terminator matched, raises a TerminationError with a string describing the ambiguity. """ # sys.stderr.write(optionName + "\n") # sys.stderr.write(repr(self.terminators)) if optionName in self.terminators: self.terminator = optionName elif not self.allowAbbreviations: return None # regex thing in bogus # termExpr = regex.compile('^' + optionName) terms = filter(lambda x, on=optionName: string.find(x,on) == 0, self.terminators) if not len(terms): return None elif len(terms) > 1: raise TerminationError('Ambiguous terminator \'' + optionName + '\' matches ' + repr(terms)) self.terminator = terms[0] return self.terminator def processArguments(self, args = None): """ Processes args, a list of arguments (including options). If args is the same as sys.argv, automatically trims the first argument (the executable name/path). If an exception is not raised, the argument list was parsed correctly. Upon successful completion, the freeValues instance variable will contain all the arguments that were not associated with an option in the order they were encountered. optionValues is a dictionary containing the value of each option-- the method valueForOption() can be used to query this dictionary. terminator will contain the argument encountered that terminated option processing (or None, if a terminator was never encountered) and termValues will contain all of the options that appeared after the Terminator (or an empty list). """ if hasattr(sys, "argv") and args == sys.argv: args = sys.argv[1:] max = len(args) # maximum index + 1 self.freeValues = [] # array to hold return values self.optionValues= {} index = 0 # initial index self.terminator = None self.termValues = [] while index < max: # obtain argument arg = args[index] # increment index -- REMEMBER; it is NOW incremented index = index + 1 # terminate immediately if option terminator encountered if self._isTerminator(arg): self.freeValues = self.freeValues + args[index:] self.termValues = args[index:] return # is this possibly an option? match = self.optionStartExpr.match(arg) if match is None: # not an option-- add to freeValues self.freeValues = self.freeValues + [arg] if not self.orderMixed: # mixing not allowed; add rest of args as freeValues self.freeValues = self.freeValues + args[index:] # return to caller return else: continue # grab name optName = match.group('option') # obtain next argument-- index has already been incremented nextArg = match.group('arg') if nextArg: nextArg = nextArg[1:] index = index - 1 # put it back else: try: nextArg = args[index] except: nextArg = None # transpose to lower case, if necessary if self.ignoreCase: optName = string.lower(optName) # obtain defining tuple tuples = self._getArgTuple(optName) if tuples == None: raise ArgumentError('Illegal option \'' + arg + '\'') elif len(tuples) > 1: raise ArgumentError('Ambiguous option \'' + arg + '\'; matches ' + repr(map(lambda x: x[0], tuples))) else: config = tuples[0] # config is now set to the configuration tuple for the # argument (fullName, spec, realName) = config (optType, optMode, optDefault, optMultiple) = spec # if opt mode required, but nextArg is none, raise an error if (optMode == ArgRequired): if (not nextArg) or self._isTerminator(nextArg): # print nextArg raise ArgumentError('Option \'' + arg + '\' requires an argument of type ' + optType) if (not optMode == None) and nextArg and (not self._isTerminator(nextArg)): # nextArg defined, option configured to possibly consume arg try: # grab conversion function-- the try is more for internal diagnostics func = ConversionFunctions[optType] try: optionValue = func(nextArg) index = index + 1 except: # only raise conversion error if REQUIRED to consume argument if optMode == ArgRequired: raise ArgumentError('Invalid argument to option \'' + arg + '\'; should be \'' + optType + '\'') else: optionValue = optDefault except ArgumentError: raise except: raise ArgumentError('(' + arg + ') Conversion function for \'' + optType + '\' not found.') else: optionValue = optDefault # add value to options dictionary if optMultiple: # can be multiple values try: # try to append element self.optionValues[realName] = self.optionValues[realName] + [optionValue] except: # failed-- must not exist; add it self.optionValues[realName] = [optionValue] else: # only one value per if self.isPosixCompliant and self.optionValues.has_key(realName): raise ArgumentError('Argument \'' + arg + '\' occurs multiple times.') self.optionValues[realName] = optionValue def valueForOption(self, optionName, defaultValue = None): """ Return the value associated with optionName. If optionName was not encountered during parsing of the arguments, returns the defaultValue (which defaults to None). """ try: optionValue = self.optionValues[optionName] except: optionValue = defaultValue return optionValue ## ## test/example section ## test_error = 'Test Run Amok!' def _test(): """ A relatively complete test suite. """ try: DPyGetOpt(['foo', 'bar=s', 'foo']) except Error, exc: print 'EXCEPTION (should be \'foo\' already used..): %s' % exc try: DPyGetOpt(['foo|bar|apple=s@', 'baz|apple!']) except Error, exc: print 'EXCEPTION (should be duplicate alias/name error): %s' % exc x = DPyGetOpt(['apple|atlas=i@', 'application|executable=f@']) try: x.processArguments(['-app', '29.3']) except Error, exc: print 'EXCEPTION (should be ambiguous argument): %s' % exc x = DPyGetOpt(['foo'], ['antigravity', 'antithesis']) try: x.processArguments(['-foo', 'anti']) except Error, exc: print 'EXCEPTION (should be ambiguous terminator): %s' % exc profile = ['plain-option', 'boolean-option!', 'list-of-integers=i@', 'list-real-option|list-real-alias|list-real-pseudonym=f@', 'optional-string-option:s', 'abbreviated-string-list=s@'] terminators = ['terminator'] args = ['-plain-option', '+noboolean-option', '--list-of-integers', '1', '+list-of-integers', '2', '-list-of-integers', '3', 'freeargone', '-list-real-option', '1.1', '+list-real-alias', '1.2', '--list-real-pseudonym', '1.3', 'freeargtwo', '-abbreviated-string-list', 'String1', '--abbreviated-s', 'String2', '-abbrev', 'String3', '-a', 'String4', '-optional-string-option', 'term', 'next option should look like an invalid arg', '-a'] print 'Using profile: ' + repr(profile) print 'With terminator: ' + repr(terminators) print 'Processing arguments: ' + repr(args) go = DPyGetOpt(profile, terminators) go.processArguments(args) print 'Options (and values): ' + repr(go.optionValues) print 'free args: ' + repr(go.freeValues) print 'term args: ' + repr(go.termValues)