#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Script to build documentation using Sphinx.

import fileinput,os,sys

def oscmd(c):

# html manual.
oscmd('sphinx-build -d build/doctrees source build/html')

if sys.platform != 'win32':
    # LaTeX format.
    oscmd('sphinx-build -b latex -d build/doctrees source build/latex')

    # Produce pdf.
    topdir = os.getcwdu()

    # Change chapter style to section style: allows chapters to start on
    # the current page.  Works much better for the short chapters we have.
    # This must go in the class file rather than the preamble, so we modify
    # manual.cls at runtime.
% Local changes.
    {\raggedright \reset@font \Huge \bfseries \thechapter \quad #1}
    {\raggedright \reset@font \Huge \bfseries #1}
    # manual.cls in Sphinx <= 0.6.7 became sphinxmanual.cls for 1.x
    manualcls = 'sphinxmanual.cls'
    if not os.path.exists(manualcls):
        manualcls = 'manual.cls'

    for line in fileinput.FileInput(manualcls, inplace=True):
        if 'Support for module synopsis' in line and unmodified:
        elif 'makechapterhead' in line:
            # Already have altered manual.cls: don't need to again.
        print line,

    # Copying the makefile produced by sphinx...
    oscmd('pdflatex ipython.tex')
    oscmd('pdflatex ipython.tex')
    oscmd('pdflatex ipython.tex')
    oscmd('makeindex -s python.ist ipython.idx')
    oscmd('makeindex -s python.ist modipython.idx')
    oscmd('pdflatex ipython.tex')
    oscmd('pdflatex ipython.tex')

    # Create a manual/ directory with final html/pdf output
    oscmd('rm -rf manual')
    oscmd('mkdir manual')
    oscmd('cp -r build/html/*.html build/html/_static manual/')
    oscmd('cp build/latex/ipython.pdf manual/')