"""Base classes for the notebook conversion pipeline. This module defines Converter, from which all objects designed to implement a conversion of IPython notebooks to some other format should inherit. """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2012, the IPython Development Team. # # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. # # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import # Stdlib imports import codecs import io import logging import os import pprint import re from types import FunctionType # IPython imports from IPython.nbformat import current as nbformat from IPython.config.configurable import Configurable, SingletonConfigurable from IPython.utils.traitlets import List, Unicode, Type, Bool, Dict, CaselessStrEnum # Our own imports from .utils import remove_fake_files_url #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Local utilities #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def clean_filename(filename): """ Remove non-alphanumeric characters from filenames. Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename to be sanitized. Returns ------- clean : str A sanitized filename that contains only alphanumeric characters and underscores. """ filename = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '_', filename) return filename #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Class declarations #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ConversionException(Exception): pass class DocStringInheritor(type): """ This metaclass will walk the list of bases until the desired superclass method is found AND if that method has a docstring and only THEN does it attach the superdocstring to the derived class method. Please use carefully, I just did the metaclass thing by following Michael Foord's Metaclass tutorial (http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/metaclasses.shtml), I may have missed a step or two. source: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/msg/26f7b4fcb4d66c95 by Paul McGuire """ def __new__(meta, classname, bases, classDict): newClassDict = {} for attributeName, attribute in classDict.items(): if type(attribute) == FunctionType: # look through bases for matching function by name for baseclass in bases: if hasattr(baseclass, attributeName): basefn = getattr(baseclass, attributeName) if basefn.__doc__: attribute.__doc__ = basefn.__doc__ break newClassDict[attributeName] = attribute return type.__new__(meta, classname, bases, newClassDict) class Converter(Configurable): #__metaclass__ = DocStringInheritor #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Class-level attributes determining the behaviour of the class but # probably not varying from instance to instance. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- default_encoding = 'utf-8' extension = str() blank_symbol = " " # Which display data format is best? Subclasses can override if # they have specific requirements. display_data_priority = ['pdf', 'svg', 'png', 'jpg', 'text'] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Instance-level attributes that are set in the constructor for this # class. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- infile = Unicode() highlight_source = Bool(True, config=True, help="Enable syntax highlighting for code blocks.") preamble = Unicode("" , config=True, help="Path to a user-specified preamble file") infile_dir = Unicode() infile_root = Unicode() clean_name = Unicode() files_dir = Unicode() outbase = Unicode() #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Instance-level attributes that are set by other methods in the base # class. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- figures_counter = 0 output = Unicode() #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Instance-level attributes that are not actually mentioned further # in this class. TODO: Could they be usefully moved to a subclass? #------------------------------------------------------------------------- with_preamble = Bool(True,config=True) user_preamble = None raw_as_verbatim = False def __init__(self, infile=None, config=None, exclude=[] **kw): super(Converter,self).__init__(config=config) #DocStringInheritor.__init__(self=config) # N.B. Initialized in the same order as defined above. Please try to # keep in this way for readability's sake. self.exclude_cells = exclude self.infile = infile self.infile_dir, infile_root = os.path.split(infile) self.infile_root = os.path.splitext(infile_root)[0] self.clean_name = clean_filename(self.infile_root) # Handle the creation of a directory for ancillary files, for # formats that need one. files_dir = os.path.join(self.infile_dir, self.clean_name + '_files') if not os.path.isdir(files_dir): os.mkdir(files_dir) self.files_dir = files_dir self.outbase = os.path.join(self.infile_dir, self.infile_root) def __del__(self): if os.path.isdir(self.files_dir) and not os.listdir(self.files_dir): os.rmdir(self.files_dir) def _get_prompt_number(self, cell): return cell.prompt_number if hasattr(cell, 'prompt_number') \ else self.blank_symbol def dispatch(self, cell_type): """return cell_type dependent render method, for example render_code """ return getattr(self, 'render_' + cell_type, self.render_unknown) def dispatch_display_format(self, format): """ return output_type dependent render method, for example render_output_text """ return getattr(self, 'render_display_format_' + format, self.render_unknown_display) def convert(self, cell_separator='\n'): """ Generic method to converts notebook to a string representation. This is accomplished by dispatching on the cell_type, so subclasses of Convereter class do not need to re-implement this method, but just need implementation for the methods that will be dispatched. Parameters ---------- cell_separator : string Character or string to join cells with. Default is "\n" Returns ------- out : string """ lines = [] lines.extend(self.optional_header()) lines.extend(self.main_body(cell_separator)) lines.extend(self.optional_footer()) return u'\n'.join(lines) def main_body(self, cell_separator='\n'): converted_cells = [] for worksheet in self.nb.worksheets: for cell in worksheet.cells: #print(cell.cell_type) # dbg conv_fn = self.dispatch(cell.cell_type) if cell.cell_type in ('markdown', 'raw'): remove_fake_files_url(cell) converted_cells.append('\n'.join(conv_fn(cell))) cell_lines = cell_separator.join(converted_cells).split('\n') return cell_lines def render(self): "read, convert, and save self.infile" if not hasattr(self, 'nb'): self.read() self.output = self.convert() assert(type(self.output) == unicode) return self.save() def read(self): "read and parse notebook into NotebookNode called self.nb" with open(self.infile) as f: self.nb = nbformat.read(f, 'json') def save(self, outfile=None, encoding=None): "read and parse notebook into self.nb" if outfile is None: outfile = self.outbase + '.' + self.extension if encoding is None: encoding = self.default_encoding with io.open(outfile, 'w', encoding=encoding) as f: f.write(self.output) return os.path.abspath(outfile) def optional_header(self): """ Optional header to insert at the top of the converted notebook Returns a list """ return [] def optional_footer(self): """ Optional footer to insert at the end of the converted notebook Returns a list """ return [] def _new_figure(self, data, fmt): """Create a new figure file in the given format. Returns a path relative to the input file. """ figname = '%s_fig_%02i.%s' % (self.clean_name, self.figures_counter, fmt) self.figures_counter += 1 fullname = os.path.join(self.files_dir, figname) # Binary files are base64-encoded, SVG is already XML if fmt in ('png', 'jpg', 'pdf'): data = data.decode('base64') fopen = lambda fname: open(fname, 'wb') else: fopen = lambda fname: codecs.open(fname, 'wb', self.default_encoding) with fopen(fullname) as f: f.write(data) return fullname def render_heading(self, cell): """convert a heading cell Returns list.""" raise NotImplementedError def render_code(self, cell): """Convert a code cell Returns list.""" raise NotImplementedError def render_markdown(self, cell): """convert a markdown cell Returns list.""" raise NotImplementedError def _img_lines(self, img_file): """Return list of lines to include an image file.""" # Note: subclasses may choose to implement format-specific _FMT_lines # methods if they so choose (FMT in {png, svg, jpg, pdf}). raise NotImplementedError def render_display_data(self, output): """convert display data from the output of a code cell Returns list. """ for fmt in self.display_data_priority: if fmt in output: break else: for fmt in output: if fmt != 'output_type': break else: raise RuntimeError('no display data') # Is it an image? if fmt in ['png', 'svg', 'jpg', 'pdf']: img_file = self._new_figure(output[fmt], fmt) # Subclasses can have format-specific render functions (e.g., # latex has to auto-convert all SVG to PDF first). lines_fun = getattr(self, '_%s_lines' % fmt, None) if not lines_fun: lines_fun = self._img_lines lines = lines_fun(img_file) else: lines_fun = self.dispatch_display_format(fmt) lines = lines_fun(output) return lines def render_raw(self, cell): """convert a cell with raw text Returns list.""" raise NotImplementedError def render_unknown(self, cell): """Render cells of unkown type Returns list.""" data = pprint.pformat(cell) logging.warning('Unknown cell: %s' % cell.cell_type) return self._unknown_lines(data) def render_unknown_display(self, output, type): """Render cells of unkown type Returns list.""" data = pprint.pformat(output) logging.warning('Unknown output: %s' % output.output_type) return self._unknown_lines(data) def render_stream(self, output): """render the stream part of an output Returns list. Identical to render_display_format_text """ return self.render_display_format_text(output) def render_pyout(self, output): """convert pyout part of a code cell Returns list.""" raise NotImplementedError def render_pyerr(self, output): """convert pyerr part of a code cell Returns list.""" raise NotImplementedError def _unknown_lines(self, data): """Return list of lines for an unknown cell. Parameters ---------- data : str The content of the unknown data as a single string. """ raise NotImplementedError # These are the possible format types in an output node def render_display_format_text(self, output): """render the text part of an output Returns list. """ raise NotImplementedError def render_display_format_html(self, output): """render the html part of an output Returns list. """ raise NotImplementedError def render_display_format_latex(self, output): """render the latex part of an output Returns list. """ raise NotImplementedError def render_display_format_json(self, output): """render the json part of an output Returns list. """ raise NotImplementedError def render_display_format_javascript(self, output): """render the javascript part of an output Returns list. """ raise NotImplementedError