//============================================================================ // TextCell //============================================================================ var IPython = (function (IPython) { var TextCell = function (notebook) { IPython.Cell.apply(this, arguments); this.placeholder = "Type <strong>HTML</strong> and LaTeX: $\\alpha^2$" this.rendered = false; }; TextCell.prototype = new IPython.Cell(); TextCell.prototype.create_element = function () { var cell = $("<div>").addClass('cell text_cell border-box-sizing'). append( $("<textarea>" + this.placeholder + "</textarea>"). addClass('text_cell_input'). attr('rows',1). attr('cols',80). autogrow() ).append( // The tabindex=-1 makes this div focusable. $('<div></div>').addClass('text_cell_render').attr('tabindex','-1') ) this.element = cell; }; TextCell.prototype.bind_events = function () { IPython.Cell.prototype.bind_events.apply(this); var that = this; this.element.keydown(function (event) { if (event.which === 13) { if (that.rendered) { that.edit(); event.preventDefault(); }; }; }); }; TextCell.prototype.select = function () { IPython.Cell.prototype.select.apply(this); var output = this.element.find("div.text_cell_render"); output.trigger('focus'); }; TextCell.prototype.edit = function () { if (this.rendered === true) { var text_cell = this.element; var input = text_cell.find("textarea.text_cell_input"); var output = text_cell.find("div.text_cell_render"); output.hide(); input.show().trigger('focus'); this.rendered = false; }; }; TextCell.prototype.render = function () { if (this.rendered === false) { var text_cell = this.element; var input = text_cell.find("textarea.text_cell_input"); var output = text_cell.find("div.text_cell_render"); var text = input.val(); if (text === "") { text = this.placeholder; input.val(text); }; output.html(text) input.html(text); MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset",MathJax.Hub]); input.hide(); output.show(); this.rendered = true; }; }; TextCell.prototype.config_mathjax = function () { var text_cell = this.element; var that = this; text_cell.click(function () { that.edit(); }).focusout(function () { that.render(); }); text_cell.trigger("focusout"); }; TextCell.prototype.get_text = function() { return this.element.find("textarea.text_cell_input").val(); }; TextCell.prototype.set_text = function(text) { this.element.find("textarea.text_cell_input").val(text); this.element.find("textarea.text_cell_input").html(text); this.element.find("div.text_cell_render").html(text); }; TextCell.prototype.at_top = function () { if (this.rendered) { return true; } else { return false; } }; TextCell.prototype.at_bottom = function () { if (this.rendered) { return true; } else { return false; } }; TextCell.prototype.fromJSON = function (data) { if (data.cell_type === 'text') { if (data.text !== undefined) { this.set_text(data.text); this.grow(this.element.find("textarea.text_cell_input")); }; }; } TextCell.prototype.toJSON = function () { var data = {} data.cell_type = 'text'; data.text = this.get_text(); return data; }; IPython.TextCell = TextCell; return IPython; }(IPython));