#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ The IPython controller application. Authors: * Brian Granger * MinRK """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2008 The IPython Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import with_statement import json import os import stat import sys from multiprocessing import Process from signal import signal, SIGINT, SIGABRT, SIGTERM import zmq from zmq.devices import ProcessMonitoredQueue from zmq.log.handlers import PUBHandler from IPython.core.profiledir import ProfileDir from IPython.parallel.apps.baseapp import ( BaseParallelApplication, base_aliases, base_flags, catch_config_error, ) from IPython.utils.importstring import import_item from IPython.utils.localinterfaces import localhost, public_ips from IPython.utils.traitlets import Instance, Unicode, Bool, List, Dict, TraitError from IPython.kernel.zmq.session import ( Session, session_aliases, session_flags, ) from IPython.parallel.controller.heartmonitor import HeartMonitor from IPython.parallel.controller.hub import HubFactory from IPython.parallel.controller.scheduler import TaskScheduler,launch_scheduler from IPython.parallel.controller.dictdb import DictDB from IPython.parallel.util import split_url, disambiguate_url, set_hwm # conditional import of SQLiteDB / MongoDB backend class real_dbs = [] try: from IPython.parallel.controller.sqlitedb import SQLiteDB except ImportError: pass else: real_dbs.append(SQLiteDB) try: from IPython.parallel.controller.mongodb import MongoDB except ImportError: pass else: real_dbs.append(MongoDB) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Module level variables #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _description = """Start the IPython controller for parallel computing. The IPython controller provides a gateway between the IPython engines and clients. The controller needs to be started before the engines and can be configured using command line options or using a cluster directory. Cluster directories contain config, log and security files and are usually located in your ipython directory and named as "profile_name". See the `profile` and `profile-dir` options for details. """ _examples = """ ipcontroller --ip= --port=1000 # listen on ip, port for engines ipcontroller --scheme=pure # use the pure zeromq scheduler """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The main application #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- flags = {} flags.update(base_flags) flags.update({ 'usethreads' : ( {'IPControllerApp' : {'use_threads' : True}}, 'Use threads instead of processes for the schedulers'), 'sqlitedb' : ({'HubFactory' : {'db_class' : 'IPython.parallel.controller.sqlitedb.SQLiteDB'}}, 'use the SQLiteDB backend'), 'mongodb' : ({'HubFactory' : {'db_class' : 'IPython.parallel.controller.mongodb.MongoDB'}}, 'use the MongoDB backend'), 'dictdb' : ({'HubFactory' : {'db_class' : 'IPython.parallel.controller.dictdb.DictDB'}}, 'use the in-memory DictDB backend'), 'nodb' : ({'HubFactory' : {'db_class' : 'IPython.parallel.controller.dictdb.NoDB'}}, """use dummy DB backend, which doesn't store any information. This is the default as of IPython 0.13. To enable delayed or repeated retrieval of results from the Hub, select one of the true db backends. """), 'reuse' : ({'IPControllerApp' : {'reuse_files' : True}}, 'reuse existing json connection files'), 'restore' : ({'IPControllerApp' : {'restore_engines' : True, 'reuse_files' : True}}, 'Attempt to restore engines from a JSON file. ' 'For use when resuming a crashed controller'), }) flags.update(session_flags) aliases = dict( ssh = 'IPControllerApp.ssh_server', enginessh = 'IPControllerApp.engine_ssh_server', location = 'IPControllerApp.location', url = 'HubFactory.url', ip = 'HubFactory.ip', transport = 'HubFactory.transport', port = 'HubFactory.regport', ping = 'HeartMonitor.period', scheme = 'TaskScheduler.scheme_name', hwm = 'TaskScheduler.hwm', ) aliases.update(base_aliases) aliases.update(session_aliases) class IPControllerApp(BaseParallelApplication): name = u'ipcontroller' description = _description examples = _examples classes = [ProfileDir, Session, HubFactory, TaskScheduler, HeartMonitor, DictDB] + real_dbs # change default to True auto_create = Bool(True, config=True, help="""Whether to create profile dir if it doesn't exist.""") reuse_files = Bool(False, config=True, help="""Whether to reuse existing json connection files. If False, connection files will be removed on a clean exit. """ ) restore_engines = Bool(False, config=True, help="""Reload engine state from JSON file """ ) ssh_server = Unicode(u'', config=True, help="""ssh url for clients to use when connecting to the Controller processes. It should be of the form: [user@]server[:port]. The Controller's listening addresses must be accessible from the ssh server""", ) engine_ssh_server = Unicode(u'', config=True, help="""ssh url for engines to use when connecting to the Controller processes. It should be of the form: [user@]server[:port]. The Controller's listening addresses must be accessible from the ssh server""", ) location = Unicode(u'', config=True, help="""The external IP or domain name of the Controller, used for disambiguating engine and client connections.""", ) import_statements = List([], config=True, help="import statements to be run at startup. Necessary in some environments" ) use_threads = Bool(False, config=True, help='Use threads instead of processes for the schedulers', ) engine_json_file = Unicode('ipcontroller-engine.json', config=True, help="JSON filename where engine connection info will be stored.") client_json_file = Unicode('ipcontroller-client.json', config=True, help="JSON filename where client connection info will be stored.") def _cluster_id_changed(self, name, old, new): super(IPControllerApp, self)._cluster_id_changed(name, old, new) self.engine_json_file = "%s-engine.json" % self.name self.client_json_file = "%s-client.json" % self.name # internal children = List() mq_class = Unicode('zmq.devices.ProcessMonitoredQueue') def _use_threads_changed(self, name, old, new): self.mq_class = 'zmq.devices.%sMonitoredQueue'%('Thread' if new else 'Process') write_connection_files = Bool(True, help="""Whether to write connection files to disk. True in all cases other than runs with `reuse_files=True` *after the first* """ ) aliases = Dict(aliases) flags = Dict(flags) def save_connection_dict(self, fname, cdict): """save a connection dict to json file.""" c = self.config url = cdict['registration'] location = cdict['location'] if not location: if public_ips(): location = public_ips()[-1] else: self.log.warn("Could not identify this machine's IP, assuming %s." " You may need to specify '--location=' to help" " IPython decide when to connect via loopback." % localhost() ) location = localhost() cdict['location'] = location fname = os.path.join(self.profile_dir.security_dir, fname) self.log.info("writing connection info to %s", fname) with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(cdict, indent=2)) os.chmod(fname, stat.S_IRUSR|stat.S_IWUSR) def load_config_from_json(self): """load config from existing json connector files.""" c = self.config self.log.debug("loading config from JSON") # load engine config fname = os.path.join(self.profile_dir.security_dir, self.engine_json_file) self.log.info("loading connection info from %s", fname) with open(fname) as f: ecfg = json.loads(f.read()) # json gives unicode, Session.key wants bytes c.Session.key = ecfg['key'].encode('ascii') xport,ip = ecfg['interface'].split('://') c.HubFactory.engine_ip = ip c.HubFactory.engine_transport = xport self.location = ecfg['location'] if not self.engine_ssh_server: self.engine_ssh_server = ecfg['ssh'] # load client config fname = os.path.join(self.profile_dir.security_dir, self.client_json_file) self.log.info("loading connection info from %s", fname) with open(fname) as f: ccfg = json.loads(f.read()) for key in ('key', 'registration', 'pack', 'unpack', 'signature_scheme'): assert ccfg[key] == ecfg[key], "mismatch between engine and client info: %r" % key xport,addr = ccfg['interface'].split('://') c.HubFactory.client_transport = xport c.HubFactory.client_ip = ip if not self.ssh_server: self.ssh_server = ccfg['ssh'] # load port config: c.HubFactory.regport = ecfg['registration'] c.HubFactory.hb = (ecfg['hb_ping'], ecfg['hb_pong']) c.HubFactory.control = (ccfg['control'], ecfg['control']) c.HubFactory.mux = (ccfg['mux'], ecfg['mux']) c.HubFactory.task = (ccfg['task'], ecfg['task']) c.HubFactory.iopub = (ccfg['iopub'], ecfg['iopub']) c.HubFactory.notifier_port = ccfg['notification'] def cleanup_connection_files(self): if self.reuse_files: self.log.debug("leaving JSON connection files for reuse") return self.log.debug("cleaning up JSON connection files") for f in (self.client_json_file, self.engine_json_file): f = os.path.join(self.profile_dir.security_dir, f) try: os.remove(f) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Failed to cleanup connection file: %s", e) else: self.log.debug(u"removed %s", f) def load_secondary_config(self): """secondary config, loading from JSON and setting defaults""" if self.reuse_files: try: self.load_config_from_json() except (AssertionError,IOError) as e: self.log.error("Could not load config from JSON: %s" % e) else: # successfully loaded config from JSON, and reuse=True # no need to wite back the same file self.write_connection_files = False self.log.debug("Config changed") self.log.debug(repr(self.config)) def init_hub(self): c = self.config self.do_import_statements() try: self.factory = HubFactory(config=c, log=self.log) # self.start_logging() self.factory.init_hub() except TraitError: raise except Exception: self.log.error("Couldn't construct the Controller", exc_info=True) self.exit(1) if self.write_connection_files: # save to new json config files f = self.factory base = { 'key' : f.session.key.decode('ascii'), 'location' : self.location, 'pack' : f.session.packer, 'unpack' : f.session.unpacker, 'signature_scheme' : f.session.signature_scheme, } cdict = {'ssh' : self.ssh_server} cdict.update(f.client_info) cdict.update(base) self.save_connection_dict(self.client_json_file, cdict) edict = {'ssh' : self.engine_ssh_server} edict.update(f.engine_info) edict.update(base) self.save_connection_dict(self.engine_json_file, edict) fname = "engines%s.json" % self.cluster_id self.factory.hub.engine_state_file = os.path.join(self.profile_dir.log_dir, fname) if self.restore_engines: self.factory.hub._load_engine_state() def init_schedulers(self): children = self.children mq = import_item(str(self.mq_class)) f = self.factory ident = f.session.bsession # disambiguate url, in case of * monitor_url = disambiguate_url(f.monitor_url) # maybe_inproc = 'inproc://monitor' if self.use_threads else monitor_url # IOPub relay (in a Process) q = mq(zmq.PUB, zmq.SUB, zmq.PUB, b'N/A',b'iopub') q.bind_in(f.client_url('iopub')) q.setsockopt_in(zmq.IDENTITY, ident + b"_iopub") q.bind_out(f.engine_url('iopub')) q.setsockopt_out(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') q.connect_mon(monitor_url) q.daemon=True children.append(q) # Multiplexer Queue (in a Process) q = mq(zmq.ROUTER, zmq.ROUTER, zmq.PUB, b'in', b'out') q.bind_in(f.client_url('mux')) q.setsockopt_in(zmq.IDENTITY, b'mux_in') q.bind_out(f.engine_url('mux')) q.setsockopt_out(zmq.IDENTITY, b'mux_out') q.connect_mon(monitor_url) q.daemon=True children.append(q) # Control Queue (in a Process) q = mq(zmq.ROUTER, zmq.ROUTER, zmq.PUB, b'incontrol', b'outcontrol') q.bind_in(f.client_url('control')) q.setsockopt_in(zmq.IDENTITY, b'control_in') q.bind_out(f.engine_url('control')) q.setsockopt_out(zmq.IDENTITY, b'control_out') q.connect_mon(monitor_url) q.daemon=True children.append(q) if 'TaskScheduler.scheme_name' in self.config: scheme = self.config.TaskScheduler.scheme_name else: scheme = TaskScheduler.scheme_name.get_default_value() # Task Queue (in a Process) if scheme == 'pure': self.log.warn("task::using pure DEALER Task scheduler") q = mq(zmq.ROUTER, zmq.DEALER, zmq.PUB, b'intask', b'outtask') # q.setsockopt_out(zmq.HWM, hub.hwm) q.bind_in(f.client_url('task')) q.setsockopt_in(zmq.IDENTITY, b'task_in') q.bind_out(f.engine_url('task')) q.setsockopt_out(zmq.IDENTITY, b'task_out') q.connect_mon(monitor_url) q.daemon=True children.append(q) elif scheme == 'none': self.log.warn("task::using no Task scheduler") else: self.log.info("task::using Python %s Task scheduler"%scheme) sargs = (f.client_url('task'), f.engine_url('task'), monitor_url, disambiguate_url(f.client_url('notification')), disambiguate_url(f.client_url('registration')), ) kwargs = dict(logname='scheduler', loglevel=self.log_level, log_url = self.log_url, config=dict(self.config)) if 'Process' in self.mq_class: # run the Python scheduler in a Process q = Process(target=launch_scheduler, args=sargs, kwargs=kwargs) q.daemon=True children.append(q) else: # single-threaded Controller kwargs['in_thread'] = True launch_scheduler(*sargs, **kwargs) # set unlimited HWM for all relay devices if hasattr(zmq, 'SNDHWM'): q = children[0] q.setsockopt_in(zmq.RCVHWM, 0) q.setsockopt_out(zmq.SNDHWM, 0) for q in children[1:]: if not hasattr(q, 'setsockopt_in'): continue q.setsockopt_in(zmq.SNDHWM, 0) q.setsockopt_in(zmq.RCVHWM, 0) q.setsockopt_out(zmq.SNDHWM, 0) q.setsockopt_out(zmq.RCVHWM, 0) q.setsockopt_mon(zmq.SNDHWM, 0) def terminate_children(self): child_procs = [] for child in self.children: if isinstance(child, ProcessMonitoredQueue): child_procs.append(child.launcher) elif isinstance(child, Process): child_procs.append(child) if child_procs: self.log.critical("terminating children...") for child in child_procs: try: child.terminate() except OSError: # already dead pass def handle_signal(self, sig, frame): self.log.critical("Received signal %i, shutting down", sig) self.terminate_children() self.loop.stop() def init_signal(self): for sig in (SIGINT, SIGABRT, SIGTERM): signal(sig, self.handle_signal) def do_import_statements(self): statements = self.import_statements for s in statements: try: self.log.msg("Executing statement: '%s'" % s) exec(s, globals(), locals()) except: self.log.msg("Error running statement: %s" % s) def forward_logging(self): if self.log_url: self.log.info("Forwarding logging to %s"%self.log_url) context = zmq.Context.instance() lsock = context.socket(zmq.PUB) lsock.connect(self.log_url) handler = PUBHandler(lsock) handler.root_topic = 'controller' handler.setLevel(self.log_level) self.log.addHandler(handler) @catch_config_error def initialize(self, argv=None): super(IPControllerApp, self).initialize(argv) self.forward_logging() self.load_secondary_config() self.init_hub() self.init_schedulers() def start(self): # Start the subprocesses: self.factory.start() # children must be started before signals are setup, # otherwise signal-handling will fire multiple times for child in self.children: child.start() self.init_signal() self.write_pid_file(overwrite=True) try: self.factory.loop.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.log.critical("Interrupted, Exiting...\n") finally: self.cleanup_connection_files() def launch_new_instance(*args, **kwargs): """Create and run the IPython controller""" if sys.platform == 'win32': # make sure we don't get called from a multiprocessing subprocess # this can result in infinite Controllers being started on Windows # which doesn't have a proper fork, so multiprocessing is wonky # this only comes up when IPython has been installed using vanilla # setuptools, and *not* distribute. import multiprocessing p = multiprocessing.current_process() # the main process has name 'MainProcess' # subprocesses will have names like 'Process-1' if p.name != 'MainProcess': # we are a subprocess, don't start another Controller! return return IPControllerApp.launch_instance(*args, **kwargs) if __name__ == '__main__': launch_new_instance()