# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """IPython Test Suite Runner. This module provides a main entry point to a user script to test IPython itself from the command line. There are two ways of running this script: 1. With the syntax `iptest all`. This runs our entire test suite by calling this script (with different arguments) recursively. This causes modules and package to be tested in different processes, using nose or trial where appropriate. 2. With the regular nose syntax, like `iptest -vvs IPython`. In this form the script simply calls nose, but with special command line flags and plugins loaded. """ # Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. from __future__ import print_function import glob from io import BytesIO import os import os.path as path import sys from threading import Thread, Lock, Event import warnings import nose.plugins.builtin from nose.plugins.xunit import Xunit from nose import SkipTest from nose.core import TestProgram from nose.plugins import Plugin from nose.util import safe_str from IPython.utils.process import is_cmd_found from IPython.utils.importstring import import_item from IPython.testing.plugin.ipdoctest import IPythonDoctest from IPython.external.decorators import KnownFailure, knownfailureif pjoin = path.join #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Globals #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Warnings control #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Twisted generates annoying warnings with Python 2.6, as will do other code # that imports 'sets' as of today warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'the sets module is deprecated', DeprecationWarning ) # This one also comes from Twisted warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'the sha module is deprecated', DeprecationWarning) # Wx on Fedora11 spits these out warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'wxPython/wxWidgets release number mismatch', UserWarning) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Monkeypatch Xunit to count known failures as skipped. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def monkeypatch_xunit(): try: knownfailureif(True)(lambda: None)() except Exception as e: KnownFailureTest = type(e) def addError(self, test, err, capt=None): if issubclass(err[0], KnownFailureTest): err = (SkipTest,) + err[1:] return self.orig_addError(test, err, capt) Xunit.orig_addError = Xunit.addError Xunit.addError = addError #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check which dependencies are installed and greater than minimum version. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def extract_version(mod): return mod.__version__ def test_for(item, min_version=None, callback=extract_version): """Test to see if item is importable, and optionally check against a minimum version. If min_version is given, the default behavior is to check against the `__version__` attribute of the item, but specifying `callback` allows you to extract the value you are interested in. e.g:: In [1]: import sys In [2]: from IPython.testing.iptest import test_for In [3]: test_for('sys', (2,6), callback=lambda sys: sys.version_info) Out[3]: True """ try: check = import_item(item) except (ImportError, RuntimeError): # GTK reports Runtime error if it can't be initialized even if it's # importable. return False else: if min_version: if callback: # extra processing step to get version to compare check = callback(check) return check >= min_version else: return True # Global dict where we can store information on what we have and what we don't # have available at test run time have = {} have['curses'] = test_for('_curses') have['matplotlib'] = test_for('matplotlib') have['numpy'] = test_for('numpy') have['pexpect'] = test_for('IPython.external.pexpect') have['pymongo'] = test_for('pymongo') have['pygments'] = test_for('pygments') have['qt'] = test_for('IPython.external.qt') have['sqlite3'] = test_for('sqlite3') have['cython'] = test_for('Cython') have['tornado'] = test_for('tornado.version_info', (3,1,0), callback=None) have['jinja2'] = test_for('jinja2') have['mistune'] = test_for('mistune') have['requests'] = test_for('requests') have['sphinx'] = test_for('sphinx') have['jsonschema'] = test_for('jsonschema') have['casperjs'] = is_cmd_found('casperjs') have['phantomjs'] = is_cmd_found('phantomjs') have['slimerjs'] = is_cmd_found('slimerjs') min_zmq = (2,1,11) have['zmq'] = test_for('zmq.pyzmq_version_info', min_zmq, callback=lambda x: x()) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test suite definitions #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_group_names = ['parallel', 'kernel', 'kernel.inprocess', 'config', 'core', 'extensions', 'lib', 'terminal', 'testing', 'utils', 'nbformat', 'qt', 'html', 'nbconvert' ] class TestSection(object): def __init__(self, name, includes): self.name = name self.includes = includes self.excludes = [] self.dependencies = [] self.enabled = True def exclude(self, module): if not module.startswith('IPython'): module = self.includes[0] + "." + module self.excludes.append(module.replace('.', os.sep)) def requires(self, *packages): self.dependencies.extend(packages) @property def will_run(self): return self.enabled and all(have[p] for p in self.dependencies) # Name -> (include, exclude, dependencies_met) test_sections = {n:TestSection(n, ['IPython.%s' % n]) for n in test_group_names} # Exclusions and dependencies # --------------------------- # core: sec = test_sections['core'] if not have['sqlite3']: sec.exclude('tests.test_history') sec.exclude('history') if not have['matplotlib']: sec.exclude('pylabtools'), sec.exclude('tests.test_pylabtools') # lib: sec = test_sections['lib'] if not have['zmq']: sec.exclude('kernel') # We do this unconditionally, so that the test suite doesn't import # gtk, changing the default encoding and masking some unicode bugs. sec.exclude('inputhookgtk') # We also do this unconditionally, because wx can interfere with Unix signals. # There are currently no tests for it anyway. sec.exclude('inputhookwx') # Testing inputhook will need a lot of thought, to figure out # how to have tests that don't lock up with the gui event # loops in the picture sec.exclude('inputhook') # testing: sec = test_sections['testing'] # These have to be skipped on win32 because they use echo, rm, cd, etc. # See ticket https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/87 if sys.platform == 'win32': sec.exclude('plugin.test_exampleip') sec.exclude('plugin.dtexample') # terminal: if (not have['pexpect']) or (not have['zmq']): test_sections['terminal'].exclude('console') # parallel sec = test_sections['parallel'] sec.requires('zmq') if not have['pymongo']: sec.exclude('controller.mongodb') sec.exclude('tests.test_mongodb') # kernel: sec = test_sections['kernel'] sec.requires('zmq') # The in-process kernel tests are done in a separate section sec.exclude('inprocess') # importing gtk sets the default encoding, which we want to avoid sec.exclude('zmq.gui.gtkembed') sec.exclude('zmq.gui.gtk3embed') if not have['matplotlib']: sec.exclude('zmq.pylab') # kernel.inprocess: test_sections['kernel.inprocess'].requires('zmq') # extensions: sec = test_sections['extensions'] if not have['cython']: sec.exclude('cythonmagic') sec.exclude('tests.test_cythonmagic') # This is deprecated in favour of rpy2 sec.exclude('rmagic') # autoreload does some strange stuff, so move it to its own test section sec.exclude('autoreload') sec.exclude('tests.test_autoreload') test_sections['autoreload'] = TestSection('autoreload', ['IPython.extensions.autoreload', 'IPython.extensions.tests.test_autoreload']) test_group_names.append('autoreload') # qt: test_sections['qt'].requires('zmq', 'qt', 'pygments') # html: sec = test_sections['html'] sec.requires('zmq', 'tornado', 'requests', 'sqlite3', 'jsonschema') # The notebook 'static' directory contains JS, css and other # files for web serving. Occasionally projects may put a .py # file in there (MathJax ships a conf.py), so we might as # well play it safe and skip the whole thing. sec.exclude('static') sec.exclude('fabfile') if not have['jinja2']: sec.exclude('notebookapp') if not have['pygments'] or not have['jinja2']: sec.exclude('nbconvert') # config: # Config files aren't really importable stand-alone test_sections['config'].exclude('profile') # nbconvert: sec = test_sections['nbconvert'] sec.requires('pygments', 'jinja2', 'jsonschema', 'mistune') # Exclude nbconvert directories containing config files used to test. # Executing the config files with iptest would cause an exception. sec.exclude('tests.files') sec.exclude('exporters.tests.files') if not have['tornado']: sec.exclude('nbconvert.post_processors.serve') sec.exclude('nbconvert.post_processors.tests.test_serve') # nbformat: test_sections['nbformat'].requires('jsonschema') #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions and classes #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def check_exclusions_exist(): from IPython.utils.path import get_ipython_package_dir from IPython.utils.warn import warn parent = os.path.dirname(get_ipython_package_dir()) for sec in test_sections: for pattern in sec.exclusions: fullpath = pjoin(parent, pattern) if not os.path.exists(fullpath) and not glob.glob(fullpath + '.*'): warn("Excluding nonexistent file: %r" % pattern) class ExclusionPlugin(Plugin): """A nose plugin to effect our exclusions of files and directories. """ name = 'exclusions' score = 3000 # Should come before any other plugins def __init__(self, exclude_patterns=None): """ Parameters ---------- exclude_patterns : sequence of strings, optional Filenames containing these patterns (as raw strings, not as regular expressions) are excluded from the tests. """ self.exclude_patterns = exclude_patterns or [] super(ExclusionPlugin, self).__init__() def options(self, parser, env=os.environ): Plugin.options(self, parser, env) def configure(self, options, config): Plugin.configure(self, options, config) # Override nose trying to disable plugin. self.enabled = True def wantFile(self, filename): """Return whether the given filename should be scanned for tests. """ if any(pat in filename for pat in self.exclude_patterns): return False return None def wantDirectory(self, directory): """Return whether the given directory should be scanned for tests. """ if any(pat in directory for pat in self.exclude_patterns): return False return None class StreamCapturer(Thread): daemon = True # Don't hang if main thread crashes started = False def __init__(self): super(StreamCapturer, self).__init__() self.streams = [] self.buffer = BytesIO() self.readfd, self.writefd = os.pipe() self.buffer_lock = Lock() self.stop = Event() def run(self): self.started = True while not self.stop.is_set(): chunk = os.read(self.readfd, 1024) with self.buffer_lock: self.buffer.write(chunk) os.close(self.readfd) os.close(self.writefd) def reset_buffer(self): with self.buffer_lock: self.buffer.truncate(0) self.buffer.seek(0) def get_buffer(self): with self.buffer_lock: return self.buffer.getvalue() def ensure_started(self): if not self.started: self.start() def halt(self): """Safely stop the thread.""" if not self.started: return self.stop.set() os.write(self.writefd, b'wake up') # Ensure we're not locked in a read() self.join() class SubprocessStreamCapturePlugin(Plugin): name='subprocstreams' def __init__(self): Plugin.__init__(self) self.stream_capturer = StreamCapturer() self.destination = os.environ.get('IPTEST_SUBPROC_STREAMS', 'capture') # This is ugly, but distant parts of the test machinery need to be able # to redirect streams, so we make the object globally accessible. nose.iptest_stdstreams_fileno = self.get_write_fileno def get_write_fileno(self): if self.destination == 'capture': self.stream_capturer.ensure_started() return self.stream_capturer.writefd elif self.destination == 'discard': return os.open(os.devnull, os.O_WRONLY) else: return sys.__stdout__.fileno() def configure(self, options, config): Plugin.configure(self, options, config) # Override nose trying to disable plugin. if self.destination == 'capture': self.enabled = True def startTest(self, test): # Reset log capture self.stream_capturer.reset_buffer() def formatFailure(self, test, err): # Show output ec, ev, tb = err captured = self.stream_capturer.get_buffer().decode('utf-8', 'replace') if captured.strip(): ev = safe_str(ev) out = [ev, '>> begin captured subprocess output <<', captured, '>> end captured subprocess output <<'] return ec, '\n'.join(out), tb return err formatError = formatFailure def finalize(self, result): self.stream_capturer.halt() def run_iptest(): """Run the IPython test suite using nose. This function is called when this script is **not** called with the form `iptest all`. It simply calls nose with appropriate command line flags and accepts all of the standard nose arguments. """ # Apply our monkeypatch to Xunit if '--with-xunit' in sys.argv and not hasattr(Xunit, 'orig_addError'): monkeypatch_xunit() warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'This will be removed soon. Use IPython.testing.util instead') arg1 = sys.argv[1] if arg1 in test_sections: section = test_sections[arg1] sys.argv[1:2] = section.includes elif arg1.startswith('IPython.') and arg1[8:] in test_sections: section = test_sections[arg1[8:]] sys.argv[1:2] = section.includes else: section = TestSection(arg1, includes=[arg1]) argv = sys.argv + [ '--detailed-errors', # extra info in tracebacks '--with-ipdoctest', '--ipdoctest-tests','--ipdoctest-extension=txt', # We add --exe because of setuptools' imbecility (it # blindly does chmod +x on ALL files). Nose does the # right thing and it tries to avoid executables, # setuptools unfortunately forces our hand here. This # has been discussed on the distutils list and the # setuptools devs refuse to fix this problem! '--exe', ] if '-a' not in argv and '-A' not in argv: argv = argv + ['-a', '!crash'] if nose.__version__ >= '0.11': # I don't fully understand why we need this one, but depending on what # directory the test suite is run from, if we don't give it, 0 tests # get run. Specifically, if the test suite is run from the source dir # with an argument (like 'iptest.py IPython.core', 0 tests are run, # even if the same call done in this directory works fine). It appears # that if the requested package is in the current dir, nose bails early # by default. Since it's otherwise harmless, leave it in by default # for nose >= 0.11, though unfortunately nose 0.10 doesn't support it. argv.append('--traverse-namespace') # use our plugin for doctesting. It will remove the standard doctest plugin # if it finds it enabled plugins = [ExclusionPlugin(section.excludes), IPythonDoctest(), KnownFailure(), SubprocessStreamCapturePlugin() ] # Use working directory set by parent process (see iptestcontroller) if 'IPTEST_WORKING_DIR' in os.environ: os.chdir(os.environ['IPTEST_WORKING_DIR']) # We need a global ipython running in this process, but the special # in-process group spawns its own IPython kernels, so for *that* group we # must avoid also opening the global one (otherwise there's a conflict of # singletons). Ultimately the solution to this problem is to refactor our # assumptions about what needs to be a singleton and what doesn't (app # objects should, individual shells shouldn't). But for now, this # workaround allows the test suite for the inprocess module to complete. if 'kernel.inprocess' not in section.name: from IPython.testing import globalipapp globalipapp.start_ipython() # Now nose can run TestProgram(argv=argv, addplugins=plugins) if __name__ == '__main__': run_iptest()