# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Tests for various magic functions. Needs to be run by nose (to make ipython session available). """ from __future__ import absolute_import #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import io import os import sys from StringIO import StringIO from unittest import TestCase try: from importlib import invalidate_caches # Required from Python 3.3 except ImportError: def invalidate_caches(): pass import nose.tools as nt from IPython.core import magic from IPython.core.magic import (Magics, magics_class, line_magic, cell_magic, line_cell_magic, register_line_magic, register_cell_magic, register_line_cell_magic) from IPython.core.magics import execution, script, code from IPython.nbformat.v3.tests.nbexamples import nb0 from IPython.nbformat import current from IPython.testing import decorators as dec from IPython.testing import tools as tt from IPython.utils import py3compat from IPython.utils.tempdir import TemporaryDirectory from IPython.utils.process import find_cmd #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test functions begin #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @magic.magics_class class DummyMagics(magic.Magics): pass def test_rehashx(): # clear up everything _ip = get_ipython() _ip.alias_manager.alias_table.clear() del _ip.db['syscmdlist'] _ip.magic('rehashx') # Practically ALL ipython development systems will have more than 10 aliases yield (nt.assert_true, len(_ip.alias_manager.alias_table) > 10) for key, val in _ip.alias_manager.alias_table.iteritems(): # we must strip dots from alias names nt.assert_true('.' not in key) # rehashx must fill up syscmdlist scoms = _ip.db['syscmdlist'] yield (nt.assert_true, len(scoms) > 10) def test_magic_parse_options(): """Test that we don't mangle paths when parsing magic options.""" ip = get_ipython() path = 'c:\\x' m = DummyMagics(ip) opts = m.parse_options('-f %s' % path,'f:')[0] # argv splitting is os-dependent if os.name == 'posix': expected = 'c:x' else: expected = path nt.assert_equal(opts['f'], expected) def test_magic_parse_long_options(): """Magic.parse_options can handle --foo=bar long options""" ip = get_ipython() m = DummyMagics(ip) opts, _ = m.parse_options('--foo --bar=bubble', 'a', 'foo', 'bar=') nt.assert_true('foo' in opts) nt.assert_true('bar' in opts) nt.assert_true(opts['bar'], "bubble") @dec.skip_without('sqlite3') def doctest_hist_f(): """Test %hist -f with temporary filename. In [9]: import tempfile In [10]: tfile = tempfile.mktemp('.py','tmp-ipython-') In [11]: %hist -nl -f $tfile 3 In [13]: import os; os.unlink(tfile) """ @dec.skip_without('sqlite3') def doctest_hist_r(): """Test %hist -r XXX - This test is not recording the output correctly. For some reason, in testing mode the raw history isn't getting populated. No idea why. Disabling the output checking for now, though at least we do run it. In [1]: 'hist' in _ip.lsmagic() Out[1]: True In [2]: x=1 In [3]: %hist -rl 2 x=1 # random %hist -r 2 """ @dec.skip_without('sqlite3') def doctest_hist_op(): """Test %hist -op In [1]: class b(float): ...: pass ...: In [2]: class s(object): ...: def __str__(self): ...: return 's' ...: In [3]: In [4]: class r(b): ...: def __repr__(self): ...: return 'r' ...: In [5]: class sr(s,r): pass ...: In [6]: In [7]: bb=b() In [8]: ss=s() In [9]: rr=r() In [10]: ssrr=sr() In [11]: 4.5 Out[11]: 4.5 In [12]: str(ss) Out[12]: 's' In [13]: In [14]: %hist -op >>> class b: ... pass ... >>> class s(b): ... def __str__(self): ... return 's' ... >>> >>> class r(b): ... def __repr__(self): ... return 'r' ... >>> class sr(s,r): pass >>> >>> bb=b() >>> ss=s() >>> rr=r() >>> ssrr=sr() >>> 4.5 4.5 >>> str(ss) 's' >>> """ @dec.skip_without('sqlite3') def test_macro(): ip = get_ipython() ip.history_manager.reset() # Clear any existing history. cmds = ["a=1", "def b():\n return a**2", "print(a,b())"] for i, cmd in enumerate(cmds, start=1): ip.history_manager.store_inputs(i, cmd) ip.magic("macro test 1-3") nt.assert_equal(ip.user_ns["test"].value, "\n".join(cmds)+"\n") # List macros. assert "test" in ip.magic("macro") @dec.skip_without('sqlite3') def test_macro_run(): """Test that we can run a multi-line macro successfully.""" ip = get_ipython() ip.history_manager.reset() cmds = ["a=10", "a+=1", py3compat.doctest_refactor_print("print a"), "%macro test 2-3"] for cmd in cmds: ip.run_cell(cmd, store_history=True) nt.assert_equal(ip.user_ns["test"].value, py3compat.doctest_refactor_print("a+=1\nprint a\n")) with tt.AssertPrints("12"): ip.run_cell("test") with tt.AssertPrints("13"): ip.run_cell("test") @dec.skipif_not_numpy def test_numpy_reset_array_undec(): "Test '%reset array' functionality" _ip.ex('import numpy as np') _ip.ex('a = np.empty(2)') yield (nt.assert_true, 'a' in _ip.user_ns) _ip.magic('reset -f array') yield (nt.assert_false, 'a' in _ip.user_ns) def test_reset_out(): "Test '%reset out' magic" _ip.run_cell("parrot = 'dead'", store_history=True) # test '%reset -f out', make an Out prompt _ip.run_cell("parrot", store_history=True) nt.assert_true('dead' in [_ip.user_ns[x] for x in '_','__','___']) _ip.magic('reset -f out') nt.assert_false('dead' in [_ip.user_ns[x] for x in '_','__','___']) nt.assert_true(len(_ip.user_ns['Out']) == 0) def test_reset_in(): "Test '%reset in' magic" # test '%reset -f in' _ip.run_cell("parrot", store_history=True) nt.assert_true('parrot' in [_ip.user_ns[x] for x in '_i','_ii','_iii']) _ip.magic('%reset -f in') nt.assert_false('parrot' in [_ip.user_ns[x] for x in '_i','_ii','_iii']) nt.assert_true(len(set(_ip.user_ns['In'])) == 1) def test_reset_dhist(): "Test '%reset dhist' magic" _ip.run_cell("tmp = [d for d in _dh]") # copy before clearing _ip.magic('cd ' + os.path.dirname(nt.__file__)) _ip.magic('cd -') nt.assert_true(len(_ip.user_ns['_dh']) > 0) _ip.magic('reset -f dhist') nt.assert_true(len(_ip.user_ns['_dh']) == 0) _ip.run_cell("_dh = [d for d in tmp]") #restore def test_reset_in_length(): "Test that '%reset in' preserves In[] length" _ip.run_cell("print 'foo'") _ip.run_cell("reset -f in") nt.assert_true(len(_ip.user_ns['In']) == _ip.displayhook.prompt_count+1) def test_tb_syntaxerror(): """test %tb after a SyntaxError""" ip = get_ipython() ip.run_cell("for") # trap and validate stdout save_stdout = sys.stdout try: sys.stdout = StringIO() ip.run_cell("%tb") out = sys.stdout.getvalue() finally: sys.stdout = save_stdout # trim output, and only check the last line last_line = out.rstrip().splitlines()[-1].strip() nt.assert_equal(last_line, "SyntaxError: invalid syntax") def test_time(): ip = get_ipython() with tt.AssertPrints("CPU times: user "): ip.run_cell("%time None") ip.run_cell("def f(kmjy):\n" " %time print (2*kmjy)") with tt.AssertPrints("CPU times: user "): with tt.AssertPrints("hihi", suppress=False): ip.run_cell("f('hi')") def test_doctest_mode(): "Toggle doctest_mode twice, it should be a no-op and run without error" _ip.magic('doctest_mode') _ip.magic('doctest_mode') def test_parse_options(): """Tests for basic options parsing in magics.""" # These are only the most minimal of tests, more should be added later. At # the very least we check that basic text/unicode calls work OK. m = DummyMagics(_ip) nt.assert_equal(m.parse_options('foo', '')[1], 'foo') nt.assert_equal(m.parse_options(u'foo', '')[1], u'foo') def test_dirops(): """Test various directory handling operations.""" # curpath = lambda :os.path.splitdrive(os.getcwdu())[1].replace('\\','/') curpath = os.getcwdu startdir = os.getcwdu() ipdir = os.path.realpath(_ip.ipython_dir) try: _ip.magic('cd "%s"' % ipdir) nt.assert_equal(curpath(), ipdir) _ip.magic('cd -') nt.assert_equal(curpath(), startdir) _ip.magic('pushd "%s"' % ipdir) nt.assert_equal(curpath(), ipdir) _ip.magic('popd') nt.assert_equal(curpath(), startdir) finally: os.chdir(startdir) def test_xmode(): # Calling xmode three times should be a no-op xmode = _ip.InteractiveTB.mode for i in range(3): _ip.magic("xmode") nt.assert_equal(_ip.InteractiveTB.mode, xmode) def test_reset_hard(): monitor = [] class A(object): def __del__(self): monitor.append(1) def __repr__(self): return "" _ip.user_ns["a"] = A() _ip.run_cell("a") nt.assert_equal(monitor, []) _ip.magic("reset -f") nt.assert_equal(monitor, [1]) class TestXdel(tt.TempFileMixin): def test_xdel(self): """Test that references from %run are cleared by xdel.""" src = ("class A(object):\n" " monitor = []\n" " def __del__(self):\n" " self.monitor.append(1)\n" "a = A()\n") self.mktmp(src) # %run creates some hidden references... _ip.magic("run %s" % self.fname) # ... as does the displayhook. _ip.run_cell("a") monitor = _ip.user_ns["A"].monitor nt.assert_equal(monitor, []) _ip.magic("xdel a") # Check that a's __del__ method has been called. nt.assert_equal(monitor, [1]) def doctest_who(): """doctest for %who In [1]: %reset -f In [2]: alpha = 123 In [3]: beta = 'beta' In [4]: %who int alpha In [5]: %who str beta In [6]: %whos Variable Type Data/Info ---------------------------- alpha int 123 beta str beta In [7]: %who_ls Out[7]: ['alpha', 'beta'] """ def test_whos(): """Check that whos is protected against objects where repr() fails.""" class A(object): def __repr__(self): raise Exception() _ip.user_ns['a'] = A() _ip.magic("whos") @py3compat.u_format def doctest_precision(): """doctest for %precision In [1]: f = get_ipython().display_formatter.formatters['text/plain'] In [2]: %precision 5 Out[2]: {u}'%.5f' In [3]: f.float_format Out[3]: {u}'%.5f' In [4]: %precision %e Out[4]: {u}'%e' In [5]: f(3.1415927) Out[5]: {u}'3.141593e+00' """ def test_psearch(): with tt.AssertPrints("dict.fromkeys"): _ip.run_cell("dict.fr*?") def test_timeit_shlex(): """test shlex issues with timeit (#1109)""" _ip.ex("def f(*a,**kw): pass") _ip.magic('timeit -n1 "this is a bug".count(" ")') _ip.magic('timeit -r1 -n1 f(" ", 1)') _ip.magic('timeit -r1 -n1 f(" ", 1, " ", 2, " ")') _ip.magic('timeit -r1 -n1 ("a " + "b")') _ip.magic('timeit -r1 -n1 f("a " + "b")') _ip.magic('timeit -r1 -n1 f("a " + "b ")') def test_timeit_arguments(): "Test valid timeit arguments, should not cause SyntaxError (GH #1269)" _ip.magic("timeit ('#')") def test_timeit_special_syntax(): "Test %%timeit with IPython special syntax" from IPython.core.magic import register_line_magic @register_line_magic def lmagic(line): ip = get_ipython() ip.user_ns['lmagic_out'] = line # line mode test _ip.run_line_magic('timeit', '-n1 -r1 %lmagic my line') nt.assert_equal(_ip.user_ns['lmagic_out'], 'my line') # cell mode test _ip.run_cell_magic('timeit', '-n1 -r1', '%lmagic my line2') nt.assert_equal(_ip.user_ns['lmagic_out'], 'my line2') @dec.skipif(execution.profile is None) def test_prun_quotes(): "Test that prun does not clobber string escapes (GH #1302)" _ip.magic(r"prun -q x = '\t'") nt.assert_equal(_ip.user_ns['x'], '\t') def test_extension(): tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory() orig_ipython_dir = _ip.ipython_dir try: _ip.ipython_dir = tmpdir.name nt.assert_raises(ImportError, _ip.magic, "load_ext daft_extension") url = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "daft_extension.py") _ip.magic("install_ext %s" % url) _ip.user_ns.pop('arq', None) invalidate_caches() # Clear import caches _ip.magic("load_ext daft_extension") nt.assert_equal(_ip.user_ns['arq'], 185) _ip.magic("unload_ext daft_extension") assert 'arq' not in _ip.user_ns finally: _ip.ipython_dir = orig_ipython_dir tmpdir.cleanup() def test_notebook_export_json(): with TemporaryDirectory() as td: outfile = os.path.join(td, "nb.ipynb") _ip.ex(py3compat.u_format(u"u = {u}'héllo'")) _ip.magic("notebook -e %s" % outfile) def test_notebook_export_py(): with TemporaryDirectory() as td: outfile = os.path.join(td, "nb.py") _ip.ex(py3compat.u_format(u"u = {u}'héllo'")) _ip.magic("notebook -e %s" % outfile) def test_notebook_reformat_py(): with TemporaryDirectory() as td: infile = os.path.join(td, "nb.ipynb") with io.open(infile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: current.write(nb0, f, 'json') _ip.ex(py3compat.u_format(u"u = {u}'héllo'")) _ip.magic("notebook -f py %s" % infile) def test_notebook_reformat_json(): with TemporaryDirectory() as td: infile = os.path.join(td, "nb.py") with io.open(infile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: current.write(nb0, f, 'py') _ip.ex(py3compat.u_format(u"u = {u}'héllo'")) _ip.magic("notebook -f ipynb %s" % infile) _ip.magic("notebook -f json %s" % infile) def test_env(): env = _ip.magic("env") assert isinstance(env, dict), type(env) class CellMagicTestCase(TestCase): def check_ident(self, magic): # Manually called, we get the result out = _ip.run_cell_magic(magic, 'a', 'b') nt.assert_equal(out, ('a','b')) # Via run_cell, it goes into the user's namespace via displayhook _ip.run_cell('%%' + magic +' c\nd') nt.assert_equal(_ip.user_ns['_'], ('c','d')) def test_cell_magic_func_deco(self): "Cell magic using simple decorator" @register_cell_magic def cellm(line, cell): return line, cell self.check_ident('cellm') def test_cell_magic_reg(self): "Cell magic manually registered" def cellm(line, cell): return line, cell _ip.register_magic_function(cellm, 'cell', 'cellm2') self.check_ident('cellm2') def test_cell_magic_class(self): "Cell magics declared via a class" @magics_class class MyMagics(Magics): @cell_magic def cellm3(self, line, cell): return line, cell _ip.register_magics(MyMagics) self.check_ident('cellm3') def test_cell_magic_class2(self): "Cell magics declared via a class, #2" @magics_class class MyMagics2(Magics): @cell_magic('cellm4') def cellm33(self, line, cell): return line, cell _ip.register_magics(MyMagics2) self.check_ident('cellm4') # Check that nothing is registered as 'cellm33' c33 = _ip.find_cell_magic('cellm33') nt.assert_equal(c33, None) def test_file(): """Basic %%file""" ip = get_ipython() with TemporaryDirectory() as td: fname = os.path.join(td, 'file1') ip.run_cell_magic("file", fname, u'\n'.join([ 'line1', 'line2', ])) with open(fname) as f: s = f.read() nt.assert_in('line1\n', s) nt.assert_in('line2', s) def test_file_var_expand(): """%%file $filename""" ip = get_ipython() with TemporaryDirectory() as td: fname = os.path.join(td, 'file1') ip.user_ns['filename'] = fname ip.run_cell_magic("file", '$filename', u'\n'.join([ 'line1', 'line2', ])) with open(fname) as f: s = f.read() nt.assert_in('line1\n', s) nt.assert_in('line2', s) def test_file_unicode(): """%%file with unicode cell""" ip = get_ipython() with TemporaryDirectory() as td: fname = os.path.join(td, 'file1') ip.run_cell_magic("file", fname, u'\n'.join([ u'liné1', u'liné2', ])) with io.open(fname, encoding='utf-8') as f: s = f.read() nt.assert_in(u'liné1\n', s) nt.assert_in(u'liné2', s) def test_file_amend(): """%%file -a amends files""" ip = get_ipython() with TemporaryDirectory() as td: fname = os.path.join(td, 'file2') ip.run_cell_magic("file", fname, u'\n'.join([ 'line1', 'line2', ])) ip.run_cell_magic("file", "-a %s" % fname, u'\n'.join([ 'line3', 'line4', ])) with open(fname) as f: s = f.read() nt.assert_in('line1\n', s) nt.assert_in('line3\n', s) def test_script_config(): ip = get_ipython() ip.config.ScriptMagics.script_magics = ['whoda'] sm = script.ScriptMagics(shell=ip) nt.assert_in('whoda', sm.magics['cell']) @dec.skip_win32 def test_script_out(): ip = get_ipython() ip.run_cell_magic("script", "--out output sh", "echo 'hi'") nt.assert_equal(ip.user_ns['output'], 'hi\n') @dec.skip_win32 def test_script_err(): ip = get_ipython() ip.run_cell_magic("script", "--err error sh", "echo 'hello' >&2") nt.assert_equal(ip.user_ns['error'], 'hello\n') @dec.skip_win32 def test_script_out_err(): ip = get_ipython() ip.run_cell_magic("script", "--out output --err error sh", "echo 'hi'\necho 'hello' >&2") nt.assert_equal(ip.user_ns['output'], 'hi\n') nt.assert_equal(ip.user_ns['error'], 'hello\n') @dec.skip_win32 def test_script_bg_out(): ip = get_ipython() ip.run_cell_magic("script", "--bg --out output sh", "echo 'hi'") nt.assert_equal(ip.user_ns['output'].read(), b'hi\n') @dec.skip_win32 def test_script_bg_err(): ip = get_ipython() ip.run_cell_magic("script", "--bg --err error sh", "echo 'hello' >&2") nt.assert_equal(ip.user_ns['error'].read(), b'hello\n') @dec.skip_win32 def test_script_bg_out_err(): ip = get_ipython() ip.run_cell_magic("script", "--bg --out output --err error sh", "echo 'hi'\necho 'hello' >&2") nt.assert_equal(ip.user_ns['output'].read(), b'hi\n') nt.assert_equal(ip.user_ns['error'].read(), b'hello\n') def test_script_defaults(): ip = get_ipython() for cmd in ['sh', 'bash', 'perl', 'ruby']: try: find_cmd(cmd) except Exception: pass else: nt.assert_in(cmd, ip.magics_manager.magics['cell']) @magics_class class FooFoo(Magics): """class with both %foo and %%foo magics""" @line_magic('foo') def line_foo(self, line): "I am line foo" pass @cell_magic("foo") def cell_foo(self, line, cell): "I am cell foo, not line foo" pass def test_line_cell_info(): """%%foo and %foo magics are distinguishable to inspect""" ip = get_ipython() ip.magics_manager.register(FooFoo) oinfo = ip.object_inspect('foo') nt.assert_true(oinfo['found']) nt.assert_true(oinfo['ismagic']) oinfo = ip.object_inspect('%%foo') nt.assert_true(oinfo['found']) nt.assert_true(oinfo['ismagic']) nt.assert_equal(oinfo['docstring'], FooFoo.cell_foo.__doc__) oinfo = ip.object_inspect('%foo') nt.assert_true(oinfo['found']) nt.assert_true(oinfo['ismagic']) nt.assert_equal(oinfo['docstring'], FooFoo.line_foo.__doc__) def test_multiple_magics(): ip = get_ipython() foo1 = FooFoo(ip) foo2 = FooFoo(ip) mm = ip.magics_manager mm.register(foo1) nt.assert_true(mm.magics['line']['foo'].im_self is foo1) mm.register(foo2) nt.assert_true(mm.magics['line']['foo'].im_self is foo2) def test_alias_magic(): """Test %alias_magic.""" ip = get_ipython() mm = ip.magics_manager # Basic operation: both cell and line magics are created, if possible. ip.run_line_magic('alias_magic', 'timeit_alias timeit') nt.assert_true('timeit_alias' in mm.magics['line']) nt.assert_true('timeit_alias' in mm.magics['cell']) # --cell is specified, line magic not created. ip.run_line_magic('alias_magic', '--cell timeit_cell_alias timeit') nt.assert_false('timeit_cell_alias' in mm.magics['line']) nt.assert_true('timeit_cell_alias' in mm.magics['cell']) # Test that line alias is created successfully. ip.run_line_magic('alias_magic', '--line env_alias env') nt.assert_equal(ip.run_line_magic('env', ''), ip.run_line_magic('env_alias', '')) def test_save(): """Test %save.""" ip = get_ipython() ip.history_manager.reset() # Clear any existing history. cmds = [u"a=1", u"def b():\n return a**2", u"print(a, b())"] for i, cmd in enumerate(cmds, start=1): ip.history_manager.store_inputs(i, cmd) with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "testsave.py") ip.run_line_magic("save", "%s 1-10" % file) with open(file) as f: content = f.read() nt.assert_equal(content.count(cmds[0]), 1) nt.assert_true('coding: utf-8' in content) ip.run_line_magic("save", "-a %s 1-10" % file) with open(file) as f: content = f.read() nt.assert_equal(content.count(cmds[0]), 2) nt.assert_true('coding: utf-8' in content) def test_store(): """Test %store.""" ip = get_ipython() ip.run_line_magic('load_ext', 'storemagic') # make sure the storage is empty ip.run_line_magic('store', '-z') ip.user_ns['var'] = 42 ip.run_line_magic('store', 'var') ip.user_ns['var'] = 39 ip.run_line_magic('store', '-r') nt.assert_equal(ip.user_ns['var'], 42) ip.run_line_magic('store', '-d var') ip.user_ns['var'] = 39 ip.run_line_magic('store' , '-r') nt.assert_equal(ip.user_ns['var'], 39) def _run_edit_test(arg_s, exp_filename=None, exp_lineno=-1, exp_contents=None, exp_is_temp=None): ip = get_ipython() M = code.CodeMagics(ip) last_call = ['',''] opts,args = M.parse_options(arg_s,'prxn:') filename, lineno, is_temp = M._find_edit_target(ip, args, opts, last_call) if exp_filename is not None: nt.assert_equal(exp_filename, filename) if exp_contents is not None: with io.open(filename, 'r') as f: contents = f.read() nt.assert_equal(exp_contents, contents) if exp_lineno != -1: nt.assert_equal(exp_lineno, lineno) if exp_is_temp is not None: nt.assert_equal(exp_is_temp, is_temp) def test_edit_interactive(): """%edit on interactively defined objects""" ip = get_ipython() n = ip.execution_count ip.run_cell(u"def foo(): return 1", store_history=True) try: _run_edit_test("foo") except code.InteractivelyDefined as e: nt.assert_equal(e.index, n) else: raise AssertionError("Should have raised InteractivelyDefined") def test_edit_cell(): """%edit [cell id]""" ip = get_ipython() ip.run_cell(u"def foo(): return 1", store_history=True) # test _run_edit_test("1", exp_contents=ip.user_ns['In'][1], exp_is_temp=True)