// Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. // Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. define([ 'base/js/namespace', 'jquery', 'base/js/utils', 'services/kernels/js/comm', 'widgets/js/init', ], function(IPython, $, utils, comm, widgetmanager) { "use strict"; // Initialization and connection. /** * A Kernel Class to communicate with the Python kernel * @Class Kernel */ var Kernel = function (kernel_service_url, ws_url, notebook, id, name) { this.events = notebook.events; this.id = id; this.name = name; this.channels = { 'shell': null, 'iopub': null, 'stdin': null }; this.kernel_service_url = kernel_service_url; this.kernel_url = utils.url_join_encode(this.kernel_service_url, this.id); this.ws_url = ws_url || IPython.utils.get_body_data("wsUrl"); if (!this.ws_url) { // trailing 's' in https will become wss for secure web sockets this.ws_url = location.protocol.replace('http', 'ws') + "//" + location.host; } this.username = "username"; this.session_id = utils.uuid(); this._msg_callbacks = {}; if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') { this.WebSocket = WebSocket; } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') { this.WebSocket = MozWebSocket; } else { alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support, please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported by you have to enable WebSockets in about:config.'); } this.bind_events(); this.init_iopub_handlers(); this.comm_manager = new comm.CommManager(this); this.widget_manager = new widgetmanager.WidgetManager(this.comm_manager, notebook); this.last_msg_id = null; this.last_msg_callbacks = {}; }; Kernel.prototype._get_msg = function (msg_type, content, metadata) { var msg = { header : { msg_id : utils.uuid(), username : this.username, session : this.session_id, msg_type : msg_type, version : "5.0" }, metadata : metadata || {}, content : content, parent_header : {} }; return msg; }; Kernel.prototype.bind_events = function () { var that = this; this.events.on('send_input_reply.Kernel', function(evt, data) { that.send_input_reply(data); }); }; // Initialize the iopub handlers Kernel.prototype.init_iopub_handlers = function () { var output_msg_types = ['stream', 'display_data', 'execute_result', 'error']; this._iopub_handlers = {}; this.register_iopub_handler('status', $.proxy(this._handle_status_message, this)); this.register_iopub_handler('clear_output', $.proxy(this._handle_clear_output, this)); for (var i=0; i < output_msg_types.length; i++) { this.register_iopub_handler(output_msg_types[i], $.proxy(this._handle_output_message, this)); } }; /** * GET /api/kernels */ Kernel.prototype.list = function (success, error) { $.ajax(this.kernel_service_url, { processData: false, cache: false, type: "GET", dataType: "json", success: success, error: this._on_error(error) }); }; /** * POST /api/kernels */ Kernel.prototype.start = function (success, error) { var that = this; var on_success = function (data, status, xhr) { that._kernel_started(data); if (success) { success(data, status, xhr); } }; $.ajax(this.kernel_service_url, { processData: false, cache: false, type: "POST", dataType: "json", success: this._on_success(on_success), error: this._on_error(error) }); }; /** * GET /api/kernels/[:kernel_id] */ Kernel.prototype.get_info = function (success, error) { $.ajax(this.kernel_url, { processData: false, cache: false, type: "GET", dataType: "json", success: this._on_success(success), error: this._on_error(error) }); }; /** * DELETE /api/kernels/[:kernel_id] */ Kernel.prototype.kill = function (success, error) { this._kernel_dead(); $.ajax(this.kernel_url, { processData: false, cache: false, type: "DELETE", dataType: "json", success: this._on_success(success), error: this._on_error(error) }); }; /** * POST /api/kernels/[:kernel_id]/interrupt */ Kernel.prototype.interrupt = function (success, error) { this.events.trigger('status_interrupting.Kernel', {kernel: this}); var url = utils.url_join_encode(this.kernel_url, 'interrupt'); $.ajax(url, { processData: false, cache: false, type: "POST", dataType: "json", success: this._on_success(success), error: this._on_error(error) }); }; /** * POST /api/kernels/[:kernel_id]/restart */ Kernel.prototype.restart = function (success, error) { this.events.trigger('status_restarting.Kernel', {kernel: this}); this.stop_channels(); var that = this; var on_success = function (data, status, xhr) { that._kernel_started(data, status, xhr); if (success) { success(data, status, xhr); } }; var url = utils.url_join_encode(this.kernel_url, 'restart'); $.ajax(url, { processData: false, cache: false, type: "POST", dataType: "json", success: this._on_success(on_success), error: this._on_error(error) }); }; /** * Not actually a HTTP request, but useful function nonetheless * for reconnecting to the kernel if the connection is somehow lost */ Kernel.prototype.reconnect = function () { this.events.trigger('status_reconnecting.Kernel'); var that = this; setTimeout(function () { that.start_channels(); }, 5000); }; Kernel.prototype._on_success = function (success) { var that = this; return function (data, status, xhr) { if (data) { that.id = data.id; that.name = data.name; } that.kernel_url = utils.url_join_encode(that.kernel_service_url, that.id); if (success) { success(data, status, xhr); } }; }; Kernel.prototype._on_error = function (error) { return function (xhr, status, err) { utils.log_ajax_error(xhr, status, err); if (error) { error(xhr, status, err); } }; }; Kernel.prototype._kernel_started = function (json) { console.log("Kernel started: ", json.id); this.events.trigger('status_started.Kernel', {kernel: this}); this.start_channels(); }; Kernel.prototype._kernel_connected = function () { var that = this; console.log('Connected to kernel: ', this.id); this.events.trigger('status_connected.Kernel'); this.kernel_info(function () { that.events.trigger('status_idle.Kernel'); }); }; Kernel.prototype._kernel_dead = function () { this.events.trigger('status_dead.Kernel'); this.stop_channels(); }; /** * Start the `shell`and `iopub` channels. * Will stop and restart them if they already exist. * * @method start_channels */ Kernel.prototype.start_channels = function () { var that = this; this.stop_channels(); var ws_host_url = this.ws_url + this.kernel_url; console.log("Starting WebSockets:", ws_host_url); this.channels.shell = new this.WebSocket( this.ws_url + utils.url_join_encode(this.kernel_url, "shell") ); this.channels.stdin = new this.WebSocket( this.ws_url + utils.url_join_encode(this.kernel_url, "stdin") ); this.channels.iopub = new this.WebSocket( this.ws_url + utils.url_join_encode(this.kernel_url, "iopub") ); var already_called_onclose = false; // only alert once var ws_closed_early = function(evt){ if (already_called_onclose){ return; } already_called_onclose = true; if ( ! evt.wasClean ){ that._ws_closed(ws_host_url, true); } }; var ws_closed_late = function(evt){ if (already_called_onclose){ return; } already_called_onclose = true; if ( ! evt.wasClean ){ that._ws_closed(ws_host_url, false); } }; var ws_error = function(evt){ if (already_called_onclose){ return; } already_called_onclose = true; that._ws_closed(ws_host_url, false); }; for (var c in this.channels) { this.channels[c].onopen = $.proxy(this._ws_opened, this); this.channels[c].onclose = ws_closed_early; this.channels[c].onerror = ws_error; } // switch from early-close to late-close message after 1s setTimeout(function() { for (var c in that.channels) { if (that.channels[c] !== null) { that.channels[c].onclose = ws_closed_late; } } }, 1000); this.channels.shell.onmessage = $.proxy(this._handle_shell_reply, this); this.channels.iopub.onmessage = $.proxy(this._handle_iopub_message, this); this.channels.stdin.onmessage = $.proxy(this._handle_input_request, this); }; /** * Handle a websocket entering the open state * sends session and cookie authentication info as first message. * Once all sockets are open, signal the Kernel.status_started event. * @method _ws_opened */ Kernel.prototype._ws_opened = function (evt) { // send the session id so the Session object Python-side // has the same identity evt.target.send(this.session_id + ':' + document.cookie); if (this.is_connected()) { // all events ready, trigger started event. this._kernel_connected(); } }; Kernel.prototype._ws_closed = function(ws_url, early) { this.stop_channels(); this.events.trigger('status_disconnected.Kernel'); if (!early) { this.reconnect(); } else { console.log('WebSocket connection failed: ', ws_url); this.events.trigger('early_disconnect.Kernel', ws_url); } }; /** * Stop the websocket channels. * @method stop_channels */ Kernel.prototype.stop_channels = function () { for (var c in this.channels) { if ( this.channels[c] !== null ) { this.channels[c].onclose = null; this.channels[c].close(); this.channels[c] = null; } } }; // Main public methods. Kernel.prototype.is_connected = function () { for (var c in this.channels) { // if any channel is not ready, then we're not connected if (this.channels[c] === null) { return false; } if (this.channels[c].readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) { return false; } } return true; }; // send a message on the Kernel's shell channel Kernel.prototype.send_shell_message = function (msg_type, content, callbacks, metadata) { if (!this.is_connected()) { throw new Error("kernel is not connected"); } var msg = this._get_msg(msg_type, content, metadata); this.channels.shell.send(JSON.stringify(msg)); this.set_callbacks_for_msg(msg.header.msg_id, callbacks); return msg.header.msg_id; }; /** * Get kernel info * * @param callback {function} * @method kernel_info * * When calling this method, pass a callback function that expects one argument. * The callback will be passed the complete `kernel_info_reply` message documented * [here](http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/development/messaging.html#kernel-info) */ Kernel.prototype.kernel_info = function (callback) { var callbacks; if (callback) { callbacks = { shell : { reply : callback } }; } return this.send_shell_message("kernel_info_request", {}, callbacks); }; /** * Get info on an object * * @param code {string} * @param cursor_pos {integer} * @param callback {function} * @method inspect * * When calling this method, pass a callback function that expects one argument. * The callback will be passed the complete `inspect_reply` message documented * [here](http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/development/messaging.html#object-information) */ Kernel.prototype.inspect = function (code, cursor_pos, callback) { var callbacks; if (callback) { callbacks = { shell : { reply : callback } }; } var content = { code : code, cursor_pos : cursor_pos, detail_level : 0 }; return this.send_shell_message("inspect_request", content, callbacks); }; /** * Execute given code into kernel, and pass result to callback. * * @async * @method execute * @param {string} code * @param [callbacks] {Object} With the following keys (all optional) * @param callbacks.shell.reply {function} * @param callbacks.shell.payload.[payload_name] {function} * @param callbacks.iopub.output {function} * @param callbacks.iopub.clear_output {function} * @param callbacks.input {function} * @param {object} [options] * @param [options.silent=false] {Boolean} * @param [options.user_expressions=empty_dict] {Dict} * @param [options.allow_stdin=false] {Boolean} true|false * * @example * * The options object should contain the options for the execute call. Its default * values are: * * options = { * silent : true, * user_expressions : {}, * allow_stdin : false * } * * When calling this method pass a callbacks structure of the form: * * callbacks = { * shell : { * reply : execute_reply_callback, * payload : { * set_next_input : set_next_input_callback, * } * }, * iopub : { * output : output_callback, * clear_output : clear_output_callback, * }, * input : raw_input_callback * } * * Each callback will be passed the entire message as a single arugment. * Payload handlers will be passed the corresponding payload and the execute_reply message. */ Kernel.prototype.execute = function (code, callbacks, options) { var content = { code : code, silent : true, store_history : false, user_expressions : {}, allow_stdin : false }; callbacks = callbacks || {}; if (callbacks.input !== undefined) { content.allow_stdin = true; } $.extend(true, content, options); this.events.trigger('execution_request.Kernel', {kernel: this, content:content}); return this.send_shell_message("execute_request", content, callbacks); }; /** * When calling this method, pass a function to be called with the `complete_reply` message * as its only argument when it arrives. * * `complete_reply` is documented * [here](http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/development/messaging.html#complete) * * @method complete * @param code {string} * @param cursor_pos {integer} * @param callback {function} * */ Kernel.prototype.complete = function (code, cursor_pos, callback) { var callbacks; if (callback) { callbacks = { shell : { reply : callback } }; } var content = { code : code, cursor_pos : cursor_pos }; return this.send_shell_message("complete_request", content, callbacks); }; Kernel.prototype.send_input_reply = function (input) { if (!this.is_connected()) { throw new Error("kernel is not connected"); } var content = { value : input }; this.events.trigger('input_reply.Kernel', {kernel: this, content:content}); var msg = this._get_msg("input_reply", content); this.channels.stdin.send(JSON.stringify(msg)); return msg.header.msg_id; }; // Reply handlers Kernel.prototype.register_iopub_handler = function (msg_type, callback) { this._iopub_handlers[msg_type] = callback; }; Kernel.prototype.get_iopub_handler = function (msg_type) { // get iopub handler for a specific message type return this._iopub_handlers[msg_type]; }; Kernel.prototype.get_callbacks_for_msg = function (msg_id) { // get callbacks for a specific message if (msg_id == this.last_msg_id) { return this.last_msg_callbacks; } else { return this._msg_callbacks[msg_id]; } }; Kernel.prototype.clear_callbacks_for_msg = function (msg_id) { if (this._msg_callbacks[msg_id] !== undefined ) { delete this._msg_callbacks[msg_id]; } }; Kernel.prototype._finish_shell = function (msg_id) { var callbacks = this._msg_callbacks[msg_id]; if (callbacks !== undefined) { callbacks.shell_done = true; if (callbacks.iopub_done) { this.clear_callbacks_for_msg(msg_id); } } }; Kernel.prototype._finish_iopub = function (msg_id) { var callbacks = this._msg_callbacks[msg_id]; if (callbacks !== undefined) { callbacks.iopub_done = true; if (callbacks.shell_done) { this.clear_callbacks_for_msg(msg_id); } } }; /* Set callbacks for a particular message. * Callbacks should be a struct of the following form: * shell : { * * } */ Kernel.prototype.set_callbacks_for_msg = function (msg_id, callbacks) { this.last_msg_id = msg_id; if (callbacks) { // shallow-copy mapping, because we will modify it at the top level var cbcopy = this._msg_callbacks[msg_id] = this.last_msg_callbacks = {}; cbcopy.shell = callbacks.shell; cbcopy.iopub = callbacks.iopub; cbcopy.input = callbacks.input; cbcopy.shell_done = (!callbacks.shell); cbcopy.iopub_done = (!callbacks.iopub); } else { this.last_msg_callbacks = {}; } }; Kernel.prototype._handle_shell_reply = function (e) { var reply = $.parseJSON(e.data); this.events.trigger('shell_reply.Kernel', {kernel: this, reply:reply}); var content = reply.content; var metadata = reply.metadata; var parent_id = reply.parent_header.msg_id; var callbacks = this.get_callbacks_for_msg(parent_id); if (!callbacks || !callbacks.shell) { return; } var shell_callbacks = callbacks.shell; // signal that shell callbacks are done this._finish_shell(parent_id); if (shell_callbacks.reply !== undefined) { shell_callbacks.reply(reply); } if (content.payload && shell_callbacks.payload) { this._handle_payloads(content.payload, shell_callbacks.payload, reply); } }; Kernel.prototype._handle_payloads = function (payloads, payload_callbacks, msg) { var l = payloads.length; // Payloads are handled by triggering events because we don't want the Kernel // to depend on the Notebook or Pager classes. for (var i=0; i