"""Example for generating an arbitrary DAG as a dependency map. This demo uses networkx to generate the graph. Authors ------- * MinRK """ import networkx as nx from random import randint, random from IPython.zmq.parallel import client as cmod def randomwait(): import time from random import random time.sleep(random()) return time.time() def random_dag(nodes, edges): """Generate a random Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) with a given number of nodes and edges.""" G = nx.DiGraph() for i in range(nodes): G.add_node(i) while edges > 0: a = randint(0,nodes-1) b=a while b==a: b = randint(0,nodes-1) G.add_edge(a,b) if nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(G): edges -= 1 else: # we closed a loop! G.remove_edge(a,b) return G def add_children(G, parent, level, n=2): """Add children recursively to a binary tree.""" if level == 0: return for i in range(n): child = parent+str(i) G.add_node(child) G.add_edge(parent,child) add_children(G, child, level-1, n) def make_bintree(levels): """Make a symmetrical binary tree with @levels""" G = nx.DiGraph() root = '0' G.add_node(root) add_children(G, root, levels, 2) return G def submit_jobs(view, G, jobs): """Submit jobs via client where G describes the time dependencies.""" results = {} for node in nx.topological_sort(G): with view.temp_flags(after=[ results[n] for n in G.predecessors(node) ]): results[node] = view.apply(jobs[node]) return results def validate_tree(G, results): """Validate that jobs executed after their dependencies.""" for node in G: started = results[node].metadata.started for parent in G.predecessors(node): finished = results[parent].metadata.completed assert started > finished, "%s should have happened after %s"%(node, parent) def main(nodes, edges): """Generate a random graph, submit jobs, then validate that the dependency order was enforced. Finally, plot the graph, with time on the x-axis, and in-degree on the y (just for spread). All arrows must point at least slightly to the right if the graph is valid. """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.dates import date2num from matplotlib.cm import gist_rainbow print "building DAG" G = random_dag(nodes, edges) jobs = {} pos = {} colors = {} for node in G: jobs[node] = randomwait client = cmod.Client() view = client.load_balanced_view() print "submitting %i tasks with %i dependencies"%(nodes,edges) results = submit_jobs(view, G, jobs) print "waiting for results" view.wait() print "done" for node in G: md = results[node].metadata start = date2num(md.started) runtime = date2num(md.completed) - start pos[node] = (start, runtime) colors[node] = md.engine_id validate_tree(G, results) nx.draw(G, pos, node_list=colors.keys(), node_color=colors.values(), cmap=gist_rainbow, with_labels=False) x,y = zip(*pos.values()) xmin,ymin = map(min, (x,y)) xmax,ymax = map(max, (x,y)) xscale = xmax-xmin yscale = ymax-ymin plt.xlim(xmin-xscale*.1,xmax+xscale*.1) plt.ylim(ymin-yscale*.1,ymax+yscale*.1) return G,results if __name__ == '__main__': from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # main(5,10) main(32,96) plt.show()