require(["notebook/js/widget"], function(){ var SelectionWidgetModel = IPython.WidgetModel.extend({}); IPython.notebook.widget_manager.register_widget_model('SelectionWidgetModel', SelectionWidgetModel); var DropdownView = IPython.WidgetView.extend({ // Called when view is rendered. render : function(){ this.$el .html('') .addClass(this.model.comm.comm_id); this.$buttongroup = $('<div />') .addClass('btn-group') .appendTo(this.$el); this.$droplabel = $('<button />') .addClass('btn') .appendTo(this.$buttongroup); this.$dropbutton = $('<button />') .addClass('btn') .addClass('dropdown-toggle') .attr('data-toggle', 'dropdown') .html('<span class="caret"></span>') .appendTo(this.$buttongroup); this.$droplist = $('<ul />') .addClass('dropdown-menu') .appendTo(this.$buttongroup); // Set defaults. this.update(); }, // Handles: Backend -> Frontend Sync // Frontent -> Frontend Sync update : function(){ this.$droplabel.html(this.model.get('value')); var items = this.model.get('values'); this.$droplist.html(''); for (var index in items) { var that = this; var item_button = $('<a href="#"/>') .html(items[index]) .on('click', function(e){ that.model.set('value', $(, this ); }) this.$droplist.append($('<li />').append(item_button)) } if (this.model.get('disabled')) { this.$buttongroup.attr('disabled','disabled'); this.$droplabel.attr('disabled','disabled'); this.$dropbutton.attr('disabled','disabled'); this.$droplist.attr('disabled','disabled'); } else { this.$buttongroup.removeAttr('disabled'); this.$droplabel.removeAttr('disabled'); this.$dropbutton.removeAttr('disabled'); this.$droplist.removeAttr('disabled'); } }, }); IPython.notebook.widget_manager.register_widget_view('DropdownView', DropdownView); var RadioButtonsView = IPython.WidgetView.extend({ // Called when view is rendered. render : function(){ this.$el .html('') .addClass(this.model.comm.comm_id); this.update(); }, // Handles: Backend -> Frontend Sync // Frontent -> Frontend Sync update : function(){ // Add missing items to the DOM. var items = this.model.get('values'); for (var index in items) { var item_query = ' :input[value="' + items[index] + '"]'; if (this.$el.find(item_query).length == 0) { var $label = $('<label />') .addClass('radio') .html(items[index]) .appendTo(this.$el); var that = this; $('<input />') .attr('type', 'radio') .addClass(this.model) .val(items[index]) .prependTo($label) .on('click', function(e){ that.model.set('value', $(, this); that.model.apply(); }); } if (this.model.get('value') == items[index]) { this.$el.find(item_query).prop('checked', true); } else { this.$el.find(item_query).prop('checked', false); } } // Remove items that no longer exist. this.$el.find('input').each(function(i, obj) { var value = $(obj).val(); var found = false; for (var index in items) { if (items[index] == value) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { $(obj).parent().remove(); } }); }, }); IPython.notebook.widget_manager.register_widget_view('RadioButtonsView', RadioButtonsView); var ToggleButtonsView = IPython.WidgetView.extend({ // Called when view is rendered. render : function(){ this.$el .html('') .addClass(this.model.comm.comm_id); this.$buttongroup = $('<div />') .addClass('btn-group') .attr('data-toggle', 'buttons-radio') .appendTo(this.$el); this.update(); }, // Handles: Backend -> Frontend Sync // Frontent -> Frontend Sync update : function(){ // Add missing items to the DOM. var items = this.model.get('values'); for (var index in items) { var item_query = ' :contains("' + items[index] + '")'; if (this.$buttongroup.find(item_query).length == 0) { var that = this; $('<button />') .attr('type', 'button') .addClass('btn') .html(items[index]) .appendTo(this.$buttongroup) .on('click', function(e){ that.model.set('value', $(, this); that.model.apply(); }); } if (this.model.get('value') == items[index]) { this.$buttongroup.find(item_query).addClass('active'); } else { this.$buttongroup.find(item_query).removeClass('active'); } } // Remove items that no longer exist. this.$buttongroup.find('button').each(function(i, obj) { var value = $(obj).html(); var found = false; for (var index in items) { if (items[index] == value) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { $(obj).remove(); } }); }, }); IPython.notebook.widget_manager.register_widget_view('ToggleButtonsView', ToggleButtonsView); });