c = get_config() # c.Global.log_to_file = False # c.Global.clean_logs = False # c.Global.exec_lines = ['import numpy'] # c.Global.log_level = 10 # c.Global.shell_class = 'IPython.kernel.core.interpreter.Interpreter' # c.Global.furl_file_name = 'ipcontroller-engine.furl' # c.Global.furl_file = '' # The max number of connection attemps and the initial delay between # those attemps. # c.Global.connect_delay = 0.1 # c.Global.connect_max_tries = 15 # c.MPI.use = '' # c.MPI.mpi4py = """from mpi4py import MPI as mpi # mpi.size = mpi.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() # mpi.rank = mpi.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() # """ # c.MPI.pytrilinos = """from PyTrilinos import Epetra # class SimpleStruct: # pass # mpi = SimpleStruct() # mpi.rank = 0 # mpi.size = 0 # """