"""Simple script to be run *twice*, to check reference counting bugs. See test_run for details.""" import sys # We want to ensure that while objects remain available for immediate access, # objects from *previous* runs of the same script get collected, to avoid # accumulating massive amounts of old references. class C(object): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name self.flush_stdout = sys.stdout.flush def __del__(self): print 'tclass.py: deleting object:',self.name self.flush_stdout() try: name = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: pass else: if name.startswith('C'): c = C(name) #print >> sys.stderr, "ARGV:", sys.argv # dbg # This next print statement is NOT debugging, we're making the check on a # completely separate process so we verify by capturing stdout: print 'ARGV 1-:', sys.argv[1:] sys.stdout.flush()