#!/usr/bin/env python """Script to auto-generate our API docs. """ import os import sys pjoin = os.path.join here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) sys.path.append(pjoin(os.path.abspath(here), 'sphinxext')) from apigen import ApiDocWriter source = pjoin(here, 'source') #***************************************************************************** if __name__ == '__main__': package = 'IPython' outdir = pjoin(source, 'api', 'generated') docwriter = ApiDocWriter(package,rst_extension='.rst') # You have to escape the . here because . is a special char for regexps. # You must do make clean if you change this! docwriter.package_skip_patterns += [r'\.external$', # Extensions are documented elsewhere. r'\.extensions', # Magics are documented separately r'\.core\.magics', # This isn't API r'\.sphinxext', # Shims r'\.kernel', ] # The inputhook* modules often cause problems on import, such as trying to # load incompatible Qt bindings. It's easiest to leave them all out. The docwriter.module_skip_patterns += [ r'\.lib\.inputhook.+', r'\.ipdoctest', r'\.testing\.plugin', # Deprecated: r'\.core\.magics\.deprecated', # Backwards compat import for lib.lexers r'\.nbconvert\.utils\.lexers', # We document this manually. r'\.utils\.py3compat', # These are exposed in display r'\.core\.display', r'\.lib\.display', # Shims r'\.config', r'\.consoleapp', r'\.frontend$', r'\.html', r'\.nbconvert', r'\.nbformat', r'\.parallel', r'\.qt', ] # main API is in the inputhook module, which is documented. # These modules import functions and classes from other places to expose # them as part of the public API. They must have __all__ defined. The # non-API modules they import from should be excluded by the skip patterns # above. docwriter.names_from__all__.update({ 'IPython.display', }) # Now, generate the outputs docwriter.write_api_docs(outdir) # Write index with .txt extension - we can include it, but Sphinx won't try # to compile it docwriter.write_index(outdir, 'gen.txt', relative_to = pjoin(source, 'api') ) print ('%d files written' % len(docwriter.written_modules))