"""A notebook manager that uses the local file system for storage.


* Brian Granger

#  Copyright (C) 2008-2011  The IPython Development Team
#  Distributed under the terms of the BSD License.  The full license is in
#  the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.

# Imports

import datetime
import os
import uuid
import glob

from tornado import web

from IPython.config.configurable import LoggingConfigurable
from IPython.nbformat import current
from IPython.utils.traitlets import Unicode, List, Dict

# Code

class NotebookManager(LoggingConfigurable):

    notebook_dir = Unicode(os.getcwd(), config=True, help="""
        The directory to use for notebooks.
    filename_ext = Unicode(u'.ipynb')
    allowed_formats = List([u'json',u'py'])

    # Map notebook_ids to notebook names
    mapping = Dict()
    # Map notebook names to notebook_ids
    rev_mapping = Dict()

    def list_notebooks(self):
        """List all notebooks in the notebook dir.

        This returns a list of dicts of the form::

        names = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.notebook_dir,
                                       '*' + self.filename_ext))
        names = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))[0]
                 for name in names]

        data = []
        for name in names:
            if name not in self.rev_mapping:
                notebook_id = self.new_notebook_id(name)
                notebook_id = self.rev_mapping[name]
        data = sorted(data, key=lambda item: item['name'])
        return data

    def new_notebook_id(self, name):
        """Generate a new notebook_id for a name and store its mappings."""
        # TODO: the following will give stable urls for notebooks, but unless
        # the notebooks are immediately redirected to their new urls when their
        # filemname changes, nasty inconsistencies result.  So for now it's
        # disabled and instead we use a random uuid4() call.  But we leave the
        # logic here so that we can later reactivate it, whhen the necessary
        # url redirection code is written.
        #notebook_id = unicode(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL,
        #                 'file://'+self.get_path_by_name(name).encode('utf-8')))
        notebook_id = unicode(uuid.uuid4())
        self.mapping[notebook_id] = name
        self.rev_mapping[name] = notebook_id
        return notebook_id

    def delete_notebook_id(self, notebook_id):
        """Delete a notebook's id only. This doesn't delete the actual notebook."""
        name = self.mapping[notebook_id]
        del self.mapping[notebook_id]
        del self.rev_mapping[name]

    def notebook_exists(self, notebook_id):
        """Does a notebook exist?"""
        if notebook_id not in self.mapping:
            return False
        path = self.get_path_by_name(self.mapping[notebook_id])
        return os.path.isfile(path)

    def find_path(self, notebook_id):
        """Return a full path to a notebook given its notebook_id."""
            name = self.mapping[notebook_id]
        except KeyError:
            raise web.HTTPError(404, u'Notebook does not exist: %s' % notebook_id)
        return self.get_path_by_name(name)

    def get_path_by_name(self, name):
        """Return a full path to a notebook given its name."""
        filename = name + self.filename_ext
        path = os.path.join(self.notebook_dir, filename)
        return path       

    def get_notebook(self, notebook_id, format=u'json'):
        """Get the representation of a notebook in format by notebook_id."""
        format = unicode(format)
        if format not in self.allowed_formats:
            raise web.HTTPError(415, u'Invalid notebook format: %s' % format)
        last_modified, nb = self.get_notebook_object(notebook_id)
        data = current.writes(nb, format)
        name = nb.get('name','notebook')
        return last_modified, name, data

    def get_notebook_object(self, notebook_id):
        """Get the NotebookNode representation of a notebook by notebook_id."""
        path = self.find_path(notebook_id)
        if not os.path.isfile(path):
            raise web.HTTPError(404, u'Notebook does not exist: %s' % notebook_id)
        info = os.stat(path)
        last_modified = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(info.st_mtime)
        with open(path,'r') as f:
            s = f.read()
                # v1 and v2 and json in the .ipynb files.
                nb = current.reads(s, u'json')
                raise web.HTTPError(500, u'Unreadable JSON notebook.')
        if 'name' not in nb:
            nb.name = os.path.split(path)[-1].split(u'.')[0]
        return last_modified, nb

    def save_new_notebook(self, data, name=None, format=u'json'):
        """Save a new notebook and return its notebook_id.

        If a name is passed in, it overrides any values in the notebook data
        and the value in the data is updated to use that value.
        if format not in self.allowed_formats:
            raise web.HTTPError(415, u'Invalid notebook format: %s' % format)

            nb = current.reads(data.decode('utf-8'), format)
            raise web.HTTPError(400, u'Invalid JSON data')

        if name is None:
                name = nb.metadata.name
            except AttributeError:
                raise web.HTTPError(400, u'Missing notebook name')
        nb.metadata.name = name

        notebook_id = self.new_notebook_id(name)
        self.save_notebook_object(notebook_id, nb)
        return notebook_id

    def save_notebook(self, notebook_id, data, name=None, format=u'json'):
        """Save an existing notebook by notebook_id."""
        if format not in self.allowed_formats:
            raise web.HTTPError(415, u'Invalid notebook format: %s' % format)

            nb = current.reads(data.decode('utf-8'), format)
            raise web.HTTPError(400, u'Invalid JSON data')

        if name is not None:
            nb.metadata.name = name
        self.save_notebook_object(notebook_id, nb)

    def save_notebook_object(self, notebook_id, nb):
        """Save an existing notebook object by notebook_id."""
        if notebook_id not in self.mapping:
            raise web.HTTPError(404, u'Notebook does not exist: %s' % notebook_id)
        old_name = self.mapping[notebook_id]
            new_name = nb.metadata.name
        except AttributeError:
            raise web.HTTPError(400, u'Missing notebook name')
        path = self.get_path_by_name(new_name)
            with open(path,'w') as f:
                current.write(nb, f, u'json')
            raise web.HTTPError(400, u'Unexpected error while saving notebook')
        if old_name != new_name:
            old_path = self.get_path_by_name(old_name)
            if os.path.isfile(old_path):
            self.mapping[notebook_id] = new_name
            self.rev_mapping[new_name] = notebook_id

    def delete_notebook(self, notebook_id):
        """Delete notebook by notebook_id."""
        path = self.find_path(notebook_id)
        if not os.path.isfile(path):
            raise web.HTTPError(404, u'Notebook does not exist: %s' % notebook_id)

    def new_notebook(self):
        """Create a new notebook and returns its notebook_id."""
        i = 0
        while True:
            name = u'Untitled%i' % i
            path = self.get_path_by_name(name)
            if not os.path.isfile(path):
                i = i+1
        notebook_id = self.new_notebook_id(name)
        metadata = current.new_metadata(name=name)
        nb = current.new_notebook(metadata=metadata)
        with open(path,'w') as f:
            current.write(nb, f, u'json')
        return notebook_id