// Test keyboard invoked execution. // Test casper.notebook_test(function () { var a = 'print("a")'; var index = this.append_cell(a); this.execute_cell_then(index); var b = 'print("b")'; index = this.append_cell(b); this.execute_cell_then(index); var c = 'print("c")'; index = this.append_cell(c); this.execute_cell_then(index); this.then(function () { // shift-enter // last cell in notebook var base_index = 3; this.select_cell(base_index); this.trigger_keydown('shift-enter'); // Creates one cell this.validate_notebook_state('shift-enter (no cell below)', 'edit', base_index + 1); // not last cell in notebook & starts in edit mode this.click_cell_editor(base_index); this.validate_notebook_state('click cell ' + base_index, 'edit', base_index); this.trigger_keydown('shift-enter'); this.validate_notebook_state('shift-enter (cell exists below)', 'command', base_index + 1); // starts in command mode this.trigger_keydown('k'); this.validate_notebook_state('k in comand mode', 'command', base_index); this.trigger_keydown('shift-enter'); this.validate_notebook_state('shift-enter (start in command mode)', 'command', base_index + 1); // ctrl-enter // last cell in notebook base_index++; this.trigger_keydown('ctrl-enter'); this.validate_notebook_state('ctrl-enter (no cell below)', 'command', base_index); // not last cell in notebook & starts in edit mode this.click_cell_editor(base_index-1); this.validate_notebook_state('click cell ' + (base_index-1), 'edit', base_index-1); this.trigger_keydown('ctrl-enter'); this.validate_notebook_state('ctrl-enter (cell exists below)', 'command', base_index-1); // starts in command mode this.trigger_keydown('j'); this.validate_notebook_state('j in comand mode', 'command', base_index); this.trigger_keydown('ctrl-enter'); this.validate_notebook_state('ctrl-enter (start in command mode)', 'command', base_index); // alt-enter // last cell in notebook this.trigger_keydown('alt-enter'); // Creates one cell this.validate_notebook_state('alt-enter (no cell below)', 'edit', base_index + 1); // not last cell in notebook & starts in edit mode this.click_cell_editor(base_index); this.validate_notebook_state('click cell ' + base_index, 'edit', base_index); this.trigger_keydown('alt-enter'); // Creates one cell this.validate_notebook_state('alt-enter (cell exists below)', 'edit', base_index + 1); // starts in command mode this.trigger_keydown('esc', 'k'); this.validate_notebook_state('k in comand mode', 'command', base_index); this.trigger_keydown('alt-enter'); // Creates one cell this.validate_notebook_state('alt-enter (start in command mode)', 'edit', base_index + 1); // Notebook will now have 8 cells, the index of the last cell will be 7. this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cells_length(), 8, '*-enter commands added cells where needed.'); this.select_cell(7); this.validate_notebook_state('click cell ' + 7 + ' and esc', 'command', 7); }); });