//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 2013 The IPython Development Team // // Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in // the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //============================================================================ // WidgetModel, WidgetView, and WidgetManager //============================================================================ /** * Base Widget classes * @module IPython * @namespace IPython * @submodule widget */ "use strict"; // Use require.js 'define' method so that require.js is intelligent enough to // syncronously load everything within this file when it is being 'required' // elsewhere. define(["static/components/underscore/underscore-min.js", "static/components/backbone/backbone-min.js", ], function(){ // Only run once on a notebook. if (IPython.notebook.widget_manager == undefined) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // WidgetModel class //-------------------------------------------------------------------- var WidgetModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ apply: function(sender) { this.save(); for (var index in this.views) { var view = this.views[index]; if (view !== sender) { view.refresh(); } } } }); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // WidgetView class //-------------------------------------------------------------------- var WidgetView = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function() { this.model.on('change',this.refresh,this); }, refresh: function() { this.update(); if (this.model.css != undefined) { for (var selector in this.model.css) { if (this.model.css.hasOwnProperty(selector)) { // Get the elements via the css selector. If the selector is // blank, assume the current element is the target. var elements = this.$el.find(selector); if (selector=='') { elements = this.$el; } // Apply the css traits to all elements that match the selector. if (elements.length>0){ var css_traits = this.model.css[selector]; for (var css_key in css_traits) { if (css_traits.hasOwnProperty(css_key)) { elements.css(css_key, css_traits[css_key]); } } } } } } }, }); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // WidgetManager class //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public constructor var WidgetManager = function(comm_manager){ this.comm_manager = comm_manager; this.widget_model_types = {}; this.widget_view_types = {}; this.model_widget_views = {}; var that = this; Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options, error) { var result = that.send_sync(method, model); if (options.success) { options.success(result); } }; } // Register a widget model type. WidgetManager.prototype.register_widget_model = function (widget_model_name, widget_model_type) { // Register the widget with the comm manager. Make sure to pass this object's context // in so `this` works in the call back. this.comm_manager.register_target(widget_model_name, $.proxy(this.handle_com_open, this)); // Register the types of the model and view correspong to this widget type. Later // the widget manager will initialize these when the comm is opened. this.widget_model_types[widget_model_name] = widget_model_type; } // Register a widget view type. WidgetManager.prototype.register_widget_view = function (widget_view_name, widget_view_type) { this.widget_view_types[widget_view_name] = widget_view_type; } // Handle when a comm is opened. WidgetManager.prototype.handle_com_open = function (comm, msg) { var widget_type_name = msg.content.target_name; // Create the corresponding widget model. var widget_model = new this.widget_model_types[widget_type_name]; // Remember comm associated with the model. widget_model.comm = comm; comm.model = widget_model; // Create an array to remember the views associated with the model. widget_model.views = []; // Add a handle to delete the control when the comm is closed. var that = this; var handle_close = function(msg) { that.handle_comm_closed(comm, msg); } comm.on_close(handle_close); // Handle incomming messages. var handle_msg = function(msg) { that.handle_comm_msg(comm, msg); } comm.on_msg(handle_msg); } // Create view that represents the model. WidgetManager.prototype.show_view = function (widget_area, widget_model, widget_view_name) { var widget_view = new this.widget_view_types[widget_view_name]({model: widget_model}); widget_view.render(); widget_model.views.push(widget_view); // Handle when the view element is remove from the page. widget_view.$el.on("remove", function(){ var index = widget_model.views.indexOf(widget_view); if (index > -1) { widget_model.views.splice(index, 1); } widget_view.remove(); // Clean-up view // Close the comm if there are no views left. if (widget_model.views.length()==0) { widget_model.comm.close(); } }); // Add the view's element to cell's widget div. widget_area .append(widget_view.$el) .parent().show(); // Show the widget_area (parent of widget_subarea) // Update the view based on the model contents. widget_view.refresh(); } // Handle incomming comm msg. WidgetManager.prototype.handle_comm_msg = function (comm, msg) { // Different logic for different methods. var method = msg.content.data.method; switch (method){ case 'show': // TODO: Get cell from registered output handler. var cell = IPython.notebook.get_cell(IPython.notebook.get_selected_index()-1); var widget_subarea = cell.element.find('.widget_area').find('.widget_subarea'); if (msg.content.data.parent != undefined) { var find_results = widget_subarea.find("." + msg.content.data.parent); if (find_results.length > 0) { widget_subarea = find_results; } } this.show_view(widget_subarea, comm.model, msg.content.data.view_name); break; case 'update': this.handle_update(comm, msg.content.data.state); break; } } // Handle when a widget is updated via the python side. WidgetManager.prototype.handle_update = function (comm, state) { this.updating = true; for (var key in state) { if (state.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (key=="_css"){ comm.model.css = state[key]; } else { comm.model.set(key, state[key]); } } } comm.model.save(); this.updating = false; } // Handle when a widget is closed. WidgetManager.prototype.handle_comm_closed = function (comm, msg) { for (var view_index in comm.model.views) { var view = comm.model.views[view_index]; view.remove(); } } // Get the cell output area corresponding to the comm. WidgetManager.prototype._get_comm_outputarea = function (comm) { // TODO: get element from comm instead of guessing var cell = IPython.notebook.get_cell(IPython.notebook.get_selected_index()) return cell.output_area; } // Send widget state to python backend. WidgetManager.prototype.send_sync = function (method, model) { var model_json = model.toJSON(); // Only send updated state if the state hasn't been changed during an update. if (!this.updating) { // Create a callback for the output if the widget has an output area associate with it. var callbacks = {}; var comm = model.comm; var outputarea = this._get_comm_outputarea(comm); if (outputarea != null) { callbacks = { iopub : { output : $.proxy(outputarea.handle_output, outputarea), clear_output : $.proxy(outputarea.handle_clear_output, outputarea)} }; }; var data = {sync_method: method, sync_data: model_json}; comm.send(data, callbacks); } return model_json; } IPython.WidgetManager = WidgetManager; IPython.WidgetModel = WidgetModel; IPython.WidgetView = WidgetView; IPython.notebook.widget_manager = new WidgetManager(IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager); }; });