casper.get_list_items = function () { return this.evaluate(function () { return $.makeArray($('.item_link').map(function () { return { link: $(this).attr('href'), label: $(this).find('.item_name').text() } })); }); } casper.test_items = function (baseUrl) { casper.then(function () { var items = casper.get_list_items(); casper.each(items, function (self, item) { if (!item.label.match('.ipynb$')) { var followed_url =; if (!followed_url.match('/\.\.$')) { casper.thenOpen(followed_url, function () { casper.wait_for_dashboard(); // getCurrentUrl is with host, and url-decoded, // but is without host, and url-encoded var expected = baseUrl + decodeURIComponent(; this.test.assertEquals(this.getCurrentUrl(), expected, 'Testing dashboard link: ' + expected); casper.test_items(baseUrl); this.back(); }); } } }); }); } casper.dashboard_test(function () { baseUrl = this.get_notebook_server(); casper.test_items(baseUrl); })