""" ILeo - Leo plugin for IPython """ import IPython.ipapi import IPython.genutils import IPython.generics from IPython.hooks import CommandChainDispatcher import re import UserDict from IPython.ipapi import TryNext import IPython.macro import IPython.Shell _leo_push_history = set() def init_ipython(ipy): """ This will be run by _ip.load('ipy_leo') Leo still needs to run update_commander() after this. """ global ip ip = ipy IPython.Shell.hijack_tk() ip.set_hook('complete_command', mb_completer, str_key = '%mb') ip.expose_magic('mb',mb_f) ip.expose_magic('lee',lee_f) ip.expose_magic('leoref',leoref_f) ip.expose_magic('lleo',lleo_f) # Note that no other push command should EVER have lower than 0 expose_ileo_push(push_mark_req, -1) expose_ileo_push(push_cl_node,100) # this should be the LAST one that will be executed, and it will never raise TryNext expose_ileo_push(push_ipython_script, 1000) expose_ileo_push(push_plain_python, 100) expose_ileo_push(push_ev_node, 100) ip.set_hook('pre_prompt_hook', ileo_pre_prompt_hook) global wb wb = LeoWorkbook() ip.user_ns['wb'] = wb first_launch = True def update_commander(new_leox): """ Set the Leo commander to use This will be run every time Leo does ipython-launch; basically, when the user switches the document he is focusing on, he should do ipython-launch to tell ILeo what document the commands apply to. """ global first_launch if first_launch: show_welcome() first_launch = False global c,g c,g = new_leox.c, new_leox.g print "Set Leo Commander:",c.frame.getTitle() # will probably be overwritten by user, but handy for experimentation early on ip.user_ns['c'] = c ip.user_ns['g'] = g ip.user_ns['_leo'] = new_leox new_leox.push = push_position_from_leo run_leo_startup_node() from IPython.external.simplegeneric import generic import pprint def es(s): g.es(s, tabName = 'IPython') pass @generic def format_for_leo(obj): """ Convert obj to string representiation (for editing in Leo)""" return pprint.pformat(obj) # Just an example - note that this is a bad to actually do! #@format_for_leo.when_type(list) #def format_list(obj): # return "\n".join(str(s) for s in obj) attribute_re = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$') def valid_attribute(s): return attribute_re.match(s) _rootnode = None def rootnode(): """ Get ileo root node (@ipy-root) if node has become invalid or has not been set, return None Note that the root is the *first* @ipy-root item found """ global _rootnode if _rootnode is None: return None if c.positionExists(_rootnode.p): return _rootnode _rootnode = None return None def all_cells(): global _rootnode d = {} r = rootnode() if r is not None: nodes = r.p.children_iter() else: nodes = c.allNodes_iter() for p in nodes: h = p.headString() if h.strip() == '@ipy-root': # update root node (found it for the first time) _rootnode = LeoNode(p) # the next recursive call will use the children of new root return all_cells() if h.startswith('@a '): d[h.lstrip('@a ').strip()] = p.parent().copy() elif not valid_attribute(h): continue d[h] = p.copy() return d def eval_node(n): body = n.b if not body.startswith('@cl'): # plain python repr node, just eval it return ip.ev(n.b) # @cl nodes deserve special treatment - first eval the first line (minus cl), then use it to call the rest of body first, rest = body.split('\n',1) tup = first.split(None, 1) # @cl alone SPECIAL USE-> dump var to user_ns if len(tup) == 1: val = ip.ev(rest) ip.user_ns[n.h] = val es("%s = %s" % (n.h, repr(val)[:20] )) return val cl, hd = tup xformer = ip.ev(hd.strip()) es('Transform w/ %s' % repr(xformer)) return xformer(rest, n) class LeoNode(object, UserDict.DictMixin): """ Node in Leo outline Most important attributes (getters/setters available: .v - evaluate node, can also be alligned .b, .h - body string, headline string .l - value as string list Also supports iteration, setitem / getitem (indexing): wb.foo['key'] = 12 assert wb.foo['key'].v == 12 Note the asymmetry on setitem and getitem! Also other dict methods are available. .ipush() - run push-to-ipython Minibuffer command access (tab completion works): mb save-to-file """ def __init__(self,p): self.p = p.copy() def __str__(self): return "" % str(self.p) __repr__ = __str__ def __get_h(self): return self.p.headString() def __set_h(self,val): c.setHeadString(self.p,val) LeoNode.last_edited = self c.redraw() h = property( __get_h, __set_h, doc = "Node headline string") def __get_b(self): return self.p.bodyString() def __set_b(self,val): c.setBodyString(self.p, val) LeoNode.last_edited = self c.redraw() b = property(__get_b, __set_b, doc = "Nody body string") def __set_val(self, val): self.b = format_for_leo(val) v = property(lambda self: eval_node(self), __set_val, doc = "Node evaluated value") def __set_l(self,val): self.b = '\n'.join(val ) l = property(lambda self : IPython.genutils.SList(self.b.splitlines()), __set_l, doc = "Node value as string list") def __iter__(self): """ Iterate through nodes direct children """ return (LeoNode(p) for p in self.p.children_iter()) def __children(self): d = {} for child in self: head = child.h tup = head.split(None,1) if len(tup) > 1 and tup[0] == '@k': d[tup[1]] = child continue if not valid_attribute(head): d[head] = child continue return d def keys(self): d = self.__children() return d.keys() def __getitem__(self, key): """ wb.foo['Some stuff'] Return a child node with headline 'Some stuff' If key is a valid python name (e.g. 'foo'), look for headline '@k foo' as well """ key = str(key) d = self.__children() return d[key] def __setitem__(self, key, val): """ You can do wb.foo['My Stuff'] = 12 to create children This will create 'My Stuff' as a child of foo (if it does not exist), and do .v = 12 assignment. Exception: wb.foo['bar'] = 12 will create a child with headline '@k bar', because bar is a valid python name and we don't want to crowd the WorkBook namespace with (possibly numerous) entries """ key = str(key) d = self.__children() if key in d: d[key].v = val return if not valid_attribute(key): head = key else: head = '@k ' + key p = c.createLastChildNode(self.p, head, '') LeoNode(p).v = val def __delitem__(self, key): """ Remove child Allows stuff like wb.foo.clear() to remove all children """ self[key].p.doDelete() c.redraw() def ipush(self): """ Does push-to-ipython on the node """ push_from_leo(self) def go(self): """ Set node as current node (to quickly see it in Outline) """ c.setCurrentPosition(self.p) c.redraw() def append(self): """ Add new node as the last child, return the new node """ p = self.p.insertAsLastChild() return LeoNode(p) def script(self): """ Method to get the 'tangled' contents of the node (parse @others, << section >> references etc.) """ return g.getScript(c,self.p,useSelectedText=False,useSentinels=False) def __get_uA(self): p = self.p # Create the uA if necessary. if not hasattr(p.v.t,'unknownAttributes'): p.v.t.unknownAttributes = {} d = p.v.t.unknownAttributes.setdefault('ipython', {}) return d uA = property(__get_uA, doc = "Access persistent unknownAttributes of node") class LeoWorkbook: """ class for 'advanced' node access Has attributes for all "discoverable" nodes. Node is discoverable if it either - has a valid python name (Foo, bar_12) - is a parent of an anchor node (if it has a child '@a foo', it is visible as foo) """ def __getattr__(self, key): if key.startswith('_') or key == 'trait_names' or not valid_attribute(key): raise AttributeError cells = all_cells() p = cells.get(key, None) if p is None: return add_var(key) return LeoNode(p) def __str__(self): return "" def __setattr__(self,key, val): raise AttributeError("Direct assignment to workbook denied, try wb.%s.v = %s" % (key,val)) __repr__ = __str__ def __iter__(self): """ Iterate all (even non-exposed) nodes """ cells = all_cells() return (LeoNode(p) for p in c.allNodes_iter()) current = property(lambda self: LeoNode(c.currentPosition()), doc = "Currently selected node") def match_h(self, regex): cmp = re.compile(regex) for node in self: if re.match(cmp, node.h, re.IGNORECASE): yield node return def require(self, req): """ Used to control node push dependencies Call this as first statement in nodes. If node has not been pushed, it will be pushed before proceeding E.g. wb.require('foo') will do wb.foo.ipush() if it hasn't been done already """ if req not in _leo_push_history: es('Require: ' + req) getattr(self,req).ipush() @IPython.generics.complete_object.when_type(LeoWorkbook) def workbook_complete(obj, prev): return all_cells().keys() + [s for s in prev if not s.startswith('_')] def add_var(varname): r = rootnode() try: if r is None: p2 = g.findNodeAnywhere(c,varname) else: p2 = g.findNodeInChildren(c, r.p, varname) if p2: return LeoNode(p2) if r is not None: p2 = r.p.insertAsLastChild() else: p2 = c.currentPosition().insertAfter() c.setHeadString(p2,varname) return LeoNode(p2) finally: c.redraw() def add_file(self,fname): p2 = c.currentPosition().insertAfter() push_from_leo = CommandChainDispatcher() def expose_ileo_push(f, prio = 0): push_from_leo.add(f, prio) def push_ipython_script(node): """ Execute the node body in IPython, as if it was entered in interactive prompt """ try: ohist = ip.IP.output_hist hstart = len(ip.IP.input_hist) script = node.script() # The current node _p needs to handle wb.require() and recursive ipushes old_p = ip.user_ns.get('_p',None) ip.user_ns['_p'] = node ip.runlines(script) ip.user_ns['_p'] = old_p if old_p is None: del ip.user_ns['_p'] has_output = False for idx in range(hstart,len(ip.IP.input_hist)): val = ohist.get(idx,None) if val is None: continue has_output = True inp = ip.IP.input_hist[idx] if inp.strip(): es('In: %s' % (inp[:40], )) es('<%d> %s' % (idx, pprint.pformat(ohist[idx],width = 40))) if not has_output: es('ipy run: %s (%d LL)' %( node.h,len(script))) finally: c.redraw() def eval_body(body): try: val = ip.ev(body) except: # just use stringlist if it's not completely legal python expression val = IPython.genutils.SList(body.splitlines()) return val def push_plain_python(node): if not node.h.endswith('P'): raise TryNext script = node.script() lines = script.count('\n') try: exec script in ip.user_ns except: print " -- Exception in script:\n"+script + "\n --" raise es('ipy plain: %s (%d LL)' % (node.h,lines)) def push_cl_node(node): """ If node starts with @cl, eval it The result is put as last child of @ipy-results node, if it exists """ if not node.b.startswith('@cl'): raise TryNext p2 = g.findNodeAnywhere(c,'@ipy-results') val = node.v if p2: es("=> @ipy-results") LeoNode(p2).v = val es(val) def push_ev_node(node): """ If headline starts with @ev, eval it and put result in body """ if not node.h.startswith('@ev '): raise TryNext expr = node.h.lstrip('@ev ') es('ipy eval ' + expr) res = ip.ev(expr) node.v = res def push_mark_req(node): """ This should be the first one that gets called. It will mark the node as 'pushed', for wb.require. """ _leo_push_history.add(node.h) raise TryNext def push_position_from_leo(p): try: push_from_leo(LeoNode(p)) except AttributeError,e: if e.args == ("Commands instance has no attribute 'frame'",): es("Error: ILeo not associated with .leo document") es("Press alt+shift+I to fix!") else: raise @generic def edit_object_in_leo(obj, varname): """ Make it @cl node so it can be pushed back directly by alt+I """ node = add_var(varname) formatted = format_for_leo(obj) if not formatted.startswith('@cl'): formatted = '@cl\n' + formatted node.b = formatted node.go() @edit_object_in_leo.when_type(IPython.macro.Macro) def edit_macro(obj,varname): bod = '_ip.defmacro("""\\\n' + obj.value + '""")' node = add_var('Macro_' + varname) node.b = bod node.go() def get_history(hstart = 0): res = [] ohist = ip.IP.output_hist for idx in range(hstart, len(ip.IP.input_hist)): val = ohist.get(idx,None) has_output = True inp = ip.IP.input_hist_raw[idx] if inp.strip(): res.append('In [%d]: %s' % (idx, inp)) if val: res.append(pprint.pformat(val)) res.append('\n') return ''.join(res) def lee_f(self,s): """ Open file(s)/objects in Leo - %lee hist -> open full session history in leo - Takes an object. l = [1,2,"hello"]; %lee l. Alt+I in leo pushes the object back - Takes an mglob pattern, e.g. '%lee *.cpp' or %lee 'rec:*.cpp' - Takes input history indices: %lee 4 6-8 10 12-47 """ import os try: if s == 'hist': wb.ipython_history.b = get_history() wb.ipython_history.go() return if s and s[0].isdigit(): # numbers; push input slices to leo lines = self.extract_input_slices(s.strip().split(), True) v = add_var('stored_ipython_input') v.b = '\n'.join(lines) return # try editing the object directly obj = ip.user_ns.get(s, None) if obj is not None: edit_object_in_leo(obj,s) return # if it's not object, it's a file name / mglob pattern from IPython.external import mglob files = (os.path.abspath(f) for f in mglob.expand(s)) for fname in files: p = g.findNodeAnywhere(c,'@auto ' + fname) if not p: p = c.currentPosition().insertAfter() p.setHeadString('@auto ' + fname) if os.path.isfile(fname): c.setBodyString(p,open(fname).read()) c.selectPosition(p) print "Editing file(s), press ctrl+shift+w in Leo to write @auto nodes" finally: c.redraw() def leoref_f(self,s): """ Quick reference for ILeo """ import textwrap print textwrap.dedent("""\ %lee file/object - open file / object in leo %lleo Launch leo (use if you started ipython first!) wb.foo.v - eval node foo (i.e. headstring is 'foo' or '@ipy foo') wb.foo.v = 12 - assign to body of node foo wb.foo.b - read or write the body of node foo wb.foo.l - body of node foo as string list for el in wb.foo: print el.v """ ) def mb_f(self, arg): """ Execute leo minibuffer commands Example: mb save-to-file """ c.executeMinibufferCommand(arg) def mb_completer(self,event): """ Custom completer for minibuffer """ cmd_param = event.line.split() if event.line.endswith(' '): cmd_param.append('') if len(cmd_param) > 2: return ip.IP.Completer.file_matches(event.symbol) cmds = c.commandsDict.keys() cmds.sort() return cmds def ileo_pre_prompt_hook(self): # this will fail if leo is not running yet try: c.outerUpdate() except NameError: pass raise TryNext def show_welcome(): print "------------------" print "Welcome to Leo-enabled IPython session!" print "Try %leoref for quick reference." import IPython.platutils IPython.platutils.set_term_title('ILeo') IPython.platutils.freeze_term_title() def run_leo_startup_node(): p = g.findNodeAnywhere(c,'@ipy-startup') if p: print "Running @ipy-startup nodes" for n in LeoNode(p): push_from_leo(n) def lleo_f(selg, args): """ Launch leo from within IPython This command will return immediately when Leo has been launched, leaving a Leo session that is connected with current IPython session (once you press alt+I in leo) Usage:: lleo foo.leo lleo """ import shlex, sys argv = ['leo'] + shlex.split(args) sys.argv = argv # if this var exists and is true, leo will "launch" (connect) # ipython immediately when it's started global _request_immediate_connect _request_immediate_connect = True import leo.core.runLeo leo.core.runLeo.run()