Arbitrary Mimetypes Handing in Terminal ======================================= When using IPython terminal it is now possible to register function to handle arbitrary mimetypes (``TerminalInteractiveShell.mime_renderers`` ``Dict`` configurable). While rendering non-text based representation was possible in many jupyter frontend; it was not possible in terminal IPython, as usually terminal are limited to displaying text. As many terminal these days provide escape sequences to display non-text; bringing this loved feature to IPython CLI made a lot of sens. This functionality will not only allow inline images; but allow opening of external program; for example ``fmplayer`` to "display" sound files. Here is a complete IPython tension to display images inline and convert math to png, before displaying it inline :: from base64 import encodebytes from IPython.lib.latextools import latex_to_png def mathcat(data, meta): png = latex_to_png(f'$${data}$$'.replace('\displaystyle', '').replace('$$$', '$$')) imcat(png, meta) IMAGE_CODE = '\033]1337;File=name=name;inline=true;:{}\a' def imcat(image_data, metadata): try: print(IMAGE_CODE.format(encodebytes(image_data).decode())) # bug workaround except: print(IMAGE_CODE.format(image_data)) def register_mimerenderer(ipython, mime, handler): ipython.display_formatter.active_types.append(mime) ipython.display_formatter.formatters[mime].enabled = True ipython.mime_renderers[mime] = handler def load_ipython_extension(ipython): register_mimerenderer(ipython, 'image/png', imcat) register_mimerenderer(ipython, 'image/jpeg', imcat) register_mimerenderer(ipython, 'text/latex', mathcat) This example only work for iterm2 on mac os and skip error handling for brevity. One could also invoke an external viewer with ```` and a tempfile, which is left as an exercise. So far only the hooks necessary for this are in place, but no default mime renderers added; so inline images will only be available via extensions. We will progressively enable these features by default in the next few releases, and contribution is welcomed.