""" An exceptionally lousy site spider Ken Kinder Updated for newparallel by Min Ragan-Kelley This module gives an example of how the task interface to the IPython controller works. Before running this script start the IPython controller and some engines using something like:: ipclusterz start -n 4 """ import sys from IPython.parallel import Client, error import time import BeautifulSoup # this isn't necessary, but it helps throw the dependency error earlier def fetchAndParse(url, data=None): import urllib2 import urlparse import BeautifulSoup links = [] try: page = urllib2.urlopen(url, data=data) except Exception: return links else: if page.headers.type == 'text/html': doc = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(page.read()) for node in doc.findAll('a'): href = node.get('href', None) if href: links.append(urlparse.urljoin(url, href)) return links class DistributedSpider(object): # Time to wait between polling for task results. pollingDelay = 0.5 def __init__(self, site): self.client = Client() self.view = self.client.load_balanced_view() self.mux = self.client[:] self.allLinks = [] self.linksWorking = {} self.linksDone = {} self.site = site def visitLink(self, url): if url not in self.allLinks: self.allLinks.append(url) if url.startswith(self.site): print ' ', url self.linksWorking[url] = self.view.apply(fetchAndParse, url) def onVisitDone(self, links, url): print url, ':' self.linksDone[url] = None del self.linksWorking[url] for link in links: self.visitLink(link) def run(self): self.visitLink(self.site) while self.linksWorking: print len(self.linksWorking), 'pending...' self.synchronize() time.sleep(self.pollingDelay) def synchronize(self): for url, ar in self.linksWorking.items(): # Calling get_task_result with block=False will return None if the # task is not done yet. This provides a simple way of polling. try: links = ar.get(0) except error.TimeoutError: continue except Exception as e: self.linksDone[url] = None del self.linksWorking[url] print url, ':', e.traceback else: self.onVisitDone(links, url) def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: site = sys.argv[1] else: site = raw_input('Enter site to crawl: ') distributedSpider = DistributedSpider(site) distributedSpider.run() if __name__ == '__main__': main()