# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """sys.excepthook for IPython itself, leaves a detailed report on disk. """ #***************************************************************************** # Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Fernando Perez. # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #***************************************************************************** from IPython import Release __author__ = '%s <%s>' % Release.authors['Fernando'] __license__ = Release.license __version__ = Release.version #**************************************************************************** # Required modules # From the standard library import os import sys from pprint import pprint,pformat # Homebrewed from IPython.Itpl import Itpl,itpl,printpl from IPython.ColorANSI import ColorScheme,ColorSchemeTable # too long names from IPython import ultraTB from IPython.genutils import * #**************************************************************************** class CrashHandler: """Customizable crash handlers for IPython-based systems. Instances of this class provide a __call__ method which can be used as a sys.excepthook, i.e., the __call__ signature is: def __call__(self,etype, evalue, etb) """ def __init__(self,IP,app_name,contact_name,contact_email, bug_tracker,crash_report_fname, show_crash_traceback=True): """New crash handler. Inputs: - IP: a running IPython instance, which will be queried at crash time for internal information. - app_name: a string containing the name of your application. - contact_name: a string with the name of the person to contact. - contact_email: a string with the email address of the contact. - bug_tracker: a string with the URL for your project's bug tracker. - crash_report_fname: a string with the filename for the crash report to be saved in. These reports are left in the ipython user directory as determined by the running IPython instance. Optional inputs: - show_crash_traceback(True): if false, don't print the crash traceback on stderr, only generate the on-disk report Non-argument instance attributes: These instances contain some non-argument attributes which allow for further customization of the crash handler's behavior. Please see the source for further details. """ # apply args into instance self.IP = IP # IPython instance self.app_name = app_name self.contact_name = contact_name self.contact_email = contact_email self.bug_tracker = bug_tracker self.crash_report_fname = crash_report_fname self.show_crash_traceback = show_crash_traceback # Hardcoded defaults, which can be overridden either by subclasses or # at runtime for the instance. # Template for the user message. Subclasses which completely override # this, or user apps, can modify it to suit their tastes. It gets # expanded using itpl, so calls of the kind $self.foo are valid. self.user_message_template = """ Oops, $self.app_name crashed. We do our best to make it stable, but... A crash report was automatically generated with the following information: - A verbatim copy of the crash traceback. - A copy of your input history during this session. - Data on your current $self.app_name configuration. It was left in the file named: \t'$self.crash_report_fname' If you can email this file to the developers, the information in it will help them in understanding and correcting the problem. You can mail it to: $self.contact_name at $self.contact_email with the subject '$self.app_name Crash Report'. If you want to do it now, the following command will work (under Unix): mail -s '$self.app_name Crash Report' $self.contact_email < $self.crash_report_fname To ensure accurate tracking of this issue, please file a report about it at: $self.bug_tracker """ def __call__(self,etype, evalue, etb): """Handle an exception, call for compatible with sys.excepthook""" # Report tracebacks shouldn't use color in general (safer for users) color_scheme = 'NoColor' # Use this ONLY for developer debugging (keep commented out for release) #color_scheme = 'Linux' # dbg try: rptdir = self.IP.rc.ipythondir except: rptdir = os.getcwd() if not os.path.isdir(rptdir): rptdir = os.getcwd() report_name = os.path.join(rptdir,self.crash_report_fname) # write the report filename into the instance dict so it can get # properly expanded out in the user message template self.crash_report_fname = report_name TBhandler = ultraTB.VerboseTB(color_scheme=color_scheme, long_header=1) traceback = TBhandler.text(etype,evalue,etb,context=31) # print traceback to screen if self.show_crash_traceback: print >> sys.stderr, traceback # and generate a complete report on disk try: report = open(report_name,'w') except: print >> sys.stderr, 'Could not create crash report on disk.' return # Inform user on stderr of what happened msg = itpl('\n'+'*'*70+'\n'+self.user_message_template) print >> sys.stderr, msg # Construct report on disk report.write(self.make_report(traceback)) report.close() raw_input("Press enter to exit:") def make_report(self,traceback): """Return a string containing a crash report.""" sec_sep = '\n\n'+'*'*75+'\n\n' report = [] rpt_add = report.append rpt_add('*'*75+'\n\n'+'IPython post-mortem report\n\n') rpt_add('IPython version: %s \n\n' % Release.version) rpt_add('BZR revision : %s \n\n' % Release.revision) rpt_add('Platform info : os.name -> %s, sys.platform -> %s' % (os.name,sys.platform) ) rpt_add(sec_sep+'Current user configuration structure:\n\n') rpt_add(pformat(self.IP.rc.dict())) rpt_add(sec_sep+'Crash traceback:\n\n' + traceback) try: rpt_add(sec_sep+"History of session input:") for line in self.IP.user_ns['_ih']: rpt_add(line) rpt_add('\n*** Last line of input (may not be in above history):\n') rpt_add(self.IP._last_input_line+'\n') except: pass return ''.join(report) class IPythonCrashHandler(CrashHandler): """sys.excepthook for IPython itself, leaves a detailed report on disk.""" def __init__(self,IP): # Set here which of the IPython authors should be listed as contact AUTHOR_CONTACT = 'Ville' # Set argument defaults app_name = 'IPython' bug_tracker = 'https://bugs.launchpad.net/ipython/+filebug' contact_name,contact_email = Release.authors[AUTHOR_CONTACT][:2] crash_report_fname = 'IPython_crash_report.txt' # Call parent constructor CrashHandler.__init__(self,IP,app_name,contact_name,contact_email, bug_tracker,crash_report_fname) def make_report(self,traceback): """Return a string containing a crash report.""" sec_sep = '\n\n'+'*'*75+'\n\n' report = [] rpt_add = report.append rpt_add('*'*75+'\n\n'+'IPython post-mortem report\n\n') rpt_add('IPython version: %s \n\n' % Release.version) rpt_add('BZR revision : %s \n\n' % Release.revision) rpt_add('Platform info : os.name -> %s, sys.platform -> %s' % (os.name,sys.platform) ) rpt_add(sec_sep+'Current user configuration structure:\n\n') rpt_add(pformat(self.IP.rc.dict())) rpt_add(sec_sep+'Crash traceback:\n\n' + traceback) try: rpt_add(sec_sep+"History of session input:") for line in self.IP.user_ns['_ih']: rpt_add(line) rpt_add('\n*** Last line of input (may not be in above history):\n') rpt_add(self.IP._last_input_line+'\n') except: pass return ''.join(report)