# coding: utf-8 """Tests for conversions from markdown to other formats""" # Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import re from copy import copy from IPython.utils.py3compat import string_types from IPython.testing import decorators as dec from ...tests.base import TestsBase from ..markdown import markdown2latex, markdown2html, markdown2rst from jinja2 import Environment class TestMarkdown(TestsBase): tests = [ '*test', '**test', '*test*', '_test_', '__test__', '__*test*__', '**test**', '#test', '##test', 'test\n----', 'test [link](https://google.com/)', ] tokens = [ '*test', '**test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', ('test', 'https://google.com/'), ] @dec.onlyif_cmds_exist('pandoc') def test_markdown2latex(self): """markdown2latex test""" for index, test in enumerate(self.tests): self._try_markdown(markdown2latex, test, self.tokens[index]) @dec.onlyif_cmds_exist('pandoc') def test_markdown2latex_markup(self): """markdown2latex with markup kwarg test""" # This string should be passed through unaltered with pandoc's # markdown_strict reader s = '1) arabic number with parenthesis' self.assertEqual(markdown2latex(s, markup='markdown_strict'), s) # This string should be passed through unaltered with pandoc's # markdown_strict+tex_math_dollars reader s = r'$\alpha$ latex math' # sometimes pandoc uses $math$, sometimes it uses \(math\) expected = re.compile(r'(\$|\\\()\\alpha(\$|\\\)) latex math') try: # py3 assertRegex = self.assertRegex except AttributeError: # py2 assertRegex = self.assertRegexpMatches assertRegex( markdown2latex(s, markup='markdown_strict+tex_math_dollars'), expected) @dec.onlyif_cmds_exist('pandoc') def test_pandoc_extra_args(self): # pass --no-wrap s = '\n'.join([ "#latex {{long_line | md2l('markdown', ['--no-wrap'])}}", "#rst {{long_line | md2r(['--columns', '5'])}}", ]) long_line = ' '.join(['long'] * 30) env = Environment() env.filters.update({ 'md2l': markdown2latex, 'md2r': markdown2rst, }) tpl = env.from_string(s) rendered = tpl.render(long_line=long_line) _, latex, rst = rendered.split('#') self.assertEqual(latex.strip(), 'latex %s' % long_line) self.assertEqual(rst.strip(), 'rst %s' % long_line.replace(' ', '\n')) def test_markdown2html(self): """markdown2html test""" for index, test in enumerate(self.tests): self._try_markdown(markdown2html, test, self.tokens[index]) def test_markdown2html_heading_anchors(self): for md, tokens in [ ('# test', ('test', 'id="test"', u'¶', "anchor-link") ), ('###test head space', ('test head space', 'id="test-head-space"', u'¶', "anchor-link") ) ]: self._try_markdown(markdown2html, md, tokens) def test_markdown2html_math(self): # Mathematical expressions should be passed through unaltered cases = [("\\begin{equation*}\n" "\\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \\right)^2 \\leq \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \\right) \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \\right)\n" "\\end{equation*}"), ("$$\n" "a = 1 *3* 5\n" "$$"), "$ a = 1 *3* 5 $", ] for case in cases: self.assertIn(case, markdown2html(case)) def test_markdown2html_math_mixed(self): """ensure markdown between inline and inline-block math""" case = """The entries of $C$ are given by the exact formula: $$ C_{ik} = \sum_{j=1}^n A_{ij} B_{jk} $$ but there are many ways to _implement_ this computation. $\approx 2mnp$ flops""" self._try_markdown(markdown2html, case, case.replace("_implement_", "implement")) def test_markdown2html_math_paragraph(self): """these should all parse without modification""" cases = [ # https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/6724 """Water that is stored in $t$, $s_t$, must equal the storage content of the previous stage, $s_{t-1}$, plus a stochastic inflow, $I_t$, minus what is being released in $t$, $r_t$. With $s_0$ defined as the initial storage content in $t=1$, we have""", # https://github.com/jupyter/nbviewer/issues/420 """$C_{ik}$ $$ C_{ik} = \sum_{j=1} $$ $C_{ik}$""", """$m$ $$ C = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 & -c_0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 1 & -c_{m-1} \end{pmatrix} $$ $x^m$""", """$r=\overline{1,n}$ $$ {\bf b}_{i}^{r}(t)=(1-t)\,{\bf b}_{i}^{r-1}(t)+t\,{\bf b}_{i+1}^{r-1}(t),\: i=\overline{0,n-r}, $$ i.e. the $i^{th}$""" ] for case in cases: self.assertIn(case, markdown2html(case)) @dec.onlyif_cmds_exist('pandoc') def test_markdown2rst(self): """markdown2rst test""" #Modify token array for rst, escape asterik tokens = copy(self.tokens) tokens[0] = r'\*test' tokens[1] = r'\*\*test' for index, test in enumerate(self.tests): self._try_markdown(markdown2rst, test, tokens[index]) def _try_markdown(self, method, test, tokens): results = method(test) if isinstance(tokens, string_types): assert tokens in results else: for token in tokens: assert token in results