" Vim integration with IPython 0.11+ " " A two-way integration between Vim and IPython. " " Using this plugin, you can send lines or whole files for IPython to execute, " and also get back object introspection and word completions in Vim, like " what you get with: object? object. in IPython " " ----------------- " Quickstart Guide: " ----------------- " Start ipython qtconsole and copy the connection string. " Source this file, which provides new IPython command " :source ipy.vim " :IPythonClipboard " (or :IPythonXSelection if you're using X11 without having to copy) " " written by Paul Ivanov (http://pirsquared.org) " if !has('python') " exit if python is not available. finish endif " Allow custom mappings. if !exists('g:ipy_perform_mappings') let g:ipy_perform_mappings = 1 endif " Register IPython completefunc " 'global' -- for all of vim (default). " 'local' -- only for the current buffer. " otherwise -- don't register it at all. " " you can later set it using ':set completefunc=CompleteIPython', which will " correspond to the 'global' behavior, or with ':setl ...' to get the 'local' " behavior if !exists('g:ipy_completefunc') let g:ipy_completefunc = 'global' endif python << EOF reselect = False # reselect lines after sending from Visual mode show_execution_count = True # wait to get numbers for In[43]: feedback? monitor_subchannel = True # update vim-ipython 'shell' on every send? run_flags= "-i" # flags to for IPython's run magic when using current_line = '' import vim import sys # get around unicode problems when interfacing with vim vim_encoding=vim.eval('&encoding') or 'utf-8' try: sys.stdout.flush except AttributeError: # IPython complains if stderr and stdout don't have flush # this is fixed in newer version of Vim class WithFlush(object): def __init__(self,noflush): self.write=noflush.write self.writelines=noflush.writelines def flush(self):pass sys.stdout = WithFlush(sys.stdout) sys.stderr = WithFlush(sys.stderr) ip = '' try: km except NameError: km = None try: pid except NameError: pid = None def km_from_string(s=''): """create kernel manager from IPKernelApp string such as '--shell=47378 --iopub=39859 --stdin=36778 --hb=52668' for IPython 0.11 or just 'kernel-12345.json' for IPython 0.12 """ from os.path import join as pjoin from IPython.zmq.blockingkernelmanager import BlockingKernelManager, Empty from IPython.config.loader import KeyValueConfigLoader from IPython.zmq.kernelapp import kernel_aliases global km,send,Empty s = s.replace('--existing', '') if 'connection_file' in BlockingKernelManager.class_trait_names(): from IPython.lib.kernel import find_connection_file # 0.12 uses files instead of a collection of ports # include default IPython search path # filefind also allows for absolute paths, in which case the search # is ignored try: # XXX: the following approach will be brittle, depending on what # connection strings will end up looking like in the future, and # whether or not they are allowed to have spaces. I'll have to sync # up with the IPython team to address these issues -pi if '--profile' in s: k,p = s.split('--profile') k = k.lstrip().rstrip() # kernel part of the string p = p.lstrip().rstrip() # profile part of the string fullpath = find_connection_file(k,p) else: fullpath = find_connection_file(s.lstrip().rstrip()) except IOError,e: echo(":IPython " + s + " failed", "Info") echo("^-- failed '" + s + "' not found", "Error") return km = BlockingKernelManager(connection_file = fullpath) km.load_connection_file() else: if s == '': echo(":IPython 0.11 requires the full connection string") return loader = KeyValueConfigLoader(s.split(), aliases=kernel_aliases) cfg = loader.load_config()['KernelApp'] try: km = BlockingKernelManager( shell_address=(ip, cfg['shell_port']), sub_address=(ip, cfg['iopub_port']), stdin_address=(ip, cfg['stdin_port']), hb_address=(ip, cfg['hb_port'])) except KeyError,e: echo(":IPython " +s + " failed", "Info") echo("^-- failed --"+e.message.replace('_port','')+" not specified", "Error") return km.start_channels() send = km.shell_channel.execute # now that we're connect to an ipython kernel, activate completion # machinery, but do so only for the local buffer if the user added the # following line the vimrc: # let g:ipy_completefunc = 'local' vim.command(""" if g:ipy_completefunc == 'global' set completefunc=CompleteIPython elseif g:ipy_completefunc == 'local' setl completefunc=CompleteIPython endif """) # also activate GUI doc balloons if in gvim vim.command(""" if has('balloon_eval') set bexpr=IPythonBalloonExpr() set ballooneval endif """) set_pid() return km def echo(arg,style="Question"): try: vim.command("echohl %s" % style) vim.command("echom \"%s\"" % arg.replace('\"','\\\"')) vim.command("echohl None") except vim.error: print "-- %s" % arg def disconnect(): "disconnect kernel manager" # XXX: make a prompt here if this km owns the kernel pass def get_doc(word): if km is None: return ["Not connected to IPython, cannot query: %s" % word] msg_id = km.shell_channel.object_info(word) doc = get_doc_msg(msg_id) # get around unicode problems when interfacing with vim return [d.encode(vim_encoding) for d in doc] import re # from http://serverfault.com/questions/71285/in-centos-4-4-how-can-i-strip-escape-sequences-from-a-text-file strip = re.compile('\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]') def strip_color_escapes(s): return strip.sub('',s) def get_doc_msg(msg_id): n = 13 # longest field name (empirically) b=[] try: content = get_child_msg(msg_id)['content'] except Empty: # timeout occurred return ["no reply from IPython kernel"] if not content['found']: return b for field in ['type_name','base_class','string_form','namespace', 'file','length','definition','source','docstring']: c = content.get(field,None) if c: if field in ['definition']: c = strip_color_escapes(c).rstrip() s = field.replace('_',' ').title()+':' s = s.ljust(n) if c.find('\n')==-1: b.append(s+c) else: b.append(s) b.extend(c.splitlines()) return b def get_doc_buffer(level=0): # empty string in case vim.eval return None word = vim.eval('expand("")') or '' doc = get_doc(word) if len(doc) ==0: echo(repr(word)+" not found","Error") return # documentation buffer name is same as the query made to ipython vim.command('new '+word) vim.command('setlocal modifiable noro') # doc window quick quit keys: 'q' and 'escape' vim.command('map q :q') # Known issue: to enable the use of arrow keys inside the terminal when # viewing the documentation, comment out the next line vim.command('map :q') # and uncomment this line (which will work if you have a timoutlen set) #vim.command('map :q') b = vim.current.buffer b[:] = None b[:] = doc vim.command('setlocal nomodified bufhidden=wipe') #vim.command('setlocal previewwindow nomodifiable nomodified ro') #vim.command('set previewheight=%d'%len(b))# go to previous window vim.command('resize %d'%len(b)) #vim.command('pcl') #vim.command('pedit doc') #vim.command('normal ') # go to previous window # use the ReST formatting that ships with stock vim vim.command('setlocal syntax=rst') def vim_ipython_is_open(): """ Helper function to let us know if the vim-ipython shell is currently visible """ for w in vim.windows: if w.buffer.name is not None and w.buffer.name.endswith("vim-ipython"): return True return False def update_subchannel_msgs(debug=False, force=False): """ Grab any pending messages and place them inside the vim-ipython shell. This function will do nothing if the vim-ipython shell is not visible, unless force=True argument is passed. """ if km is None or (not vim_ipython_is_open() and not force): return False msgs = km.sub_channel.get_msgs() if debug: #try: # vim.command("b debug_msgs") #except vim.error: # vim.command("new debug_msgs") #finally: db = vim.current.buffer else: db = [] b = vim.current.buffer startedin_vimipython = vim.eval('@%')=='vim-ipython' if not startedin_vimipython: # switch to preview window vim.command( "try" "|silent! wincmd P" "|catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E441/" "|silent pedit +set\ ma vim-ipython" "|silent! wincmd P" "|endtry") # if the current window is called 'vim-ipython' if vim.eval('@%')=='vim-ipython': # set the preview window height to the current height vim.command("set pvh=" + vim.eval('winheight(0)')) else: # close preview window, it was something other than 'vim-ipython' vim.command("pcl") vim.command("silent pedit +set\ ma vim-ipython") vim.command("wincmd P") #switch to preview window # subchannel window quick quit key 'q' vim.command('map q :q') vim.command("set bufhidden=hide buftype=nofile ft=python") # make shift-enter and control-enter in insert mode behave same as in ipython notebook # shift-enter send the current line, control-enter send the line # but keeps it around for further editing. vim.command("imap dd:python run_command('''\"''')i") # pkddA: paste, go up one line which is blank after run_command, # delete it, and then back to insert mode vim.command("imap dd:python run_command('''\"''')pkddA") # ctrl-C gets sent to the IPython process as a signal on POSIX vim.command("map  :IPythonInterrupt") #syntax highlighting for python prompt # QtConsole In[] is blue, but I prefer the oldschool green # since it makes the vim-ipython 'shell' look like the holidays! #vim.command("hi Blue ctermfg=Blue guifg=Blue") vim.command("hi Green ctermfg=Green guifg=Green") vim.command("hi Red ctermfg=Red guifg=Red") vim.command("syn keyword Green 'In\ []:'") vim.command("syn match Green /^In \[[0-9]*\]\:/") vim.command("syn match Red /^Out\[[0-9]*\]\:/") b = vim.current.buffer update_occured = False for m in msgs: #db.append(str(m).splitlines()) s = '' if 'msg_type' not in m['header']: # debug information #echo('skipping a message on sub_channel','WarningMsg') #echo(str(m)) continue elif m['header']['msg_type'] == 'status': continue elif m['header']['msg_type'] == 'stream': s = strip_color_escapes(m['content']['data']) elif m['header']['msg_type'] == 'pyout': s = "Out[%d]: " % m['content']['execution_count'] s += m['content']['data']['text/plain'] elif m['header']['msg_type'] == 'pyin': # TODO: the next line allows us to resend a line to ipython if # %doctest_mode is on. In the future, IPython will send the # execution_count on subchannel, so this will need to be updated # once that happens if 'execution_count' in m['content']: s = "\nIn [%d]: "% m['content']['execution_count'] else: s = "\nIn [00]: " s += m['content']['code'].strip() elif m['header']['msg_type'] == 'pyerr': c = m['content'] s = "\n".join(map(strip_color_escapes,c['traceback'])) s += c['ename'] + ":" + c['evalue'] if s.find('\n') == -1: # somewhat ugly unicode workaround from # http://vim.1045645.n5.nabble.com/Limitations-of-vim-python-interface-with-respect-to-character-encodings-td1223881.html if isinstance(s,unicode): s=s.encode(vim_encoding) b.append(s) else: try: b.append(s.splitlines()) except: b.append([l.encode(vim_encoding) for l in s.splitlines()]) update_occured = True # make a newline so we can just start typing there if b[-1] != '': b.append(['']) vim.command('normal G') # go to the end of the file if not startedin_vimipython: vim.command('normal p') # go back to where you were return update_occured def get_child_msg(msg_id): # XXX: message handling should be split into its own process in the future while True: # get_msg will raise with Empty exception if no messages arrive in 1 second m= km.shell_channel.get_msg(timeout=1) if m['parent_header']['msg_id'] == msg_id: break else: #got a message, but not the one we were looking for echo('skipping a message on shell_channel','WarningMsg') return m def print_prompt(prompt,msg_id=None): """Print In[] or In[42] style messages""" global show_execution_count if show_execution_count and msg_id: # wait to get message back from kernel try: child = get_child_msg(msg_id) count = child['content']['execution_count'] echo("In[%d]: %s" %(count,prompt)) except Empty: echo("In[]: %s (no reply from IPython kernel)" % prompt) else: echo("In[]: %s" % prompt) def with_subchannel(f,*args): "conditionally monitor subchannel" def f_with_update(*args): try: f(*args) if monitor_subchannel: update_subchannel_msgs() except AttributeError: #if km is None echo("not connected to IPython", 'Error') return f_with_update @with_subchannel def run_this_file(): msg_id = send('run %s %s' % (run_flags, repr(vim.current.buffer.name),)) print_prompt("In[]: run %s %s" % (run_flags, repr(vim.current.buffer.name)),msg_id) @with_subchannel def run_this_line(): msg_id = send(vim.current.line) print_prompt(vim.current.line, msg_id) @with_subchannel def run_command(cmd): msg_id = send(cmd) print_prompt(cmd, msg_id) @with_subchannel def run_these_lines(): r = vim.current.range lines = "\n".join(vim.current.buffer[r.start:r.end+1]) msg_id = send(lines) #alternative way of doing this in more recent versions of ipython #but %paste only works on the local machine #vim.command("\"*yy") #send("'%paste')") #reselect the previously highlighted block vim.command("normal gv") if not reselect: vim.command("normal ") #vim lines start with 1 #print "lines %d-%d sent to ipython"% (r.start+1,r.end+1) prompt = "lines %d-%d "% (r.start+1,r.end+1) print_prompt(prompt,msg_id) def set_pid(): """ Explicitly ask the ipython kernel for its pid """ global km, pid lines = '\n'.join(['import os', '_pid = os.getpid()']) msg_id = send(lines, silent=True, user_variables=['_pid']) # wait to get message back from kernel try: child = get_child_msg(msg_id) except Empty: echo("no reply from IPython kernel") return pid = int(child['content']['user_variables']['_pid']) return pid def interrupt_kernel_hack(): """ Sends the interrupt signal to the remote kernel. This side steps the (non-functional) ipython interrupt mechanisms. Only works on posix. """ global pid import signal import os if pid is None: # Avoid errors if we couldn't get pid originally, # by trying to obtain it now pid = set_pid() if pid is None: echo("cannot get kernel PID, Ctrl-C will not be supported") return echo("KeyboardInterrupt (sent to ipython: pid " + "%i with signal %i)" % (pid, signal.SIGINT),"Operator") try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT) except OSError: echo("unable to kill pid %d" % pid) pid = None def dedent_run_this_line(): vim.command("left") run_this_line() vim.command("silent undo") def dedent_run_these_lines(): r = vim.current.range shiftwidth = vim.eval('&shiftwidth') count = int(vim.eval('indent(%d+1)/%s' % (r.start,shiftwidth))) vim.command("'<,'>" + "<"*count) run_these_lines() vim.command("silent undo") #def set_this_line(): # # not sure if there's a way to do this, since we have multiple clients # send("get_ipython().shell.set_next_input(\'%s\')" % vim.current.line.replace("\'","\\\'")) # #print "line \'%s\' set at ipython prompt"% vim.current.line # echo("line \'%s\' set at ipython prompt"% vim.current.line,'Statement') def toggle_reselect(): global reselect reselect=not reselect print "F9 will%sreselect lines after sending to ipython"% (reselect and " " or " not ") #def set_breakpoint(): # send("__IP.InteractiveTB.pdb.set_break('%s',%d)" % (vim.current.buffer.name, # vim.current.window.cursor[0])) # print "set breakpoint in %s:%d"% (vim.current.buffer.name, # vim.current.window.cursor[0]) # #def clear_breakpoint(): # send("__IP.InteractiveTB.pdb.clear_break('%s',%d)" % (vim.current.buffer.name, # vim.current.window.cursor[0])) # print "clearing breakpoint in %s:%d" % (vim.current.buffer.name, # vim.current.window.cursor[0]) # #def clear_all_breakpoints(): # send("__IP.InteractiveTB.pdb.clear_all_breaks()"); # print "clearing all breakpoints" # #def run_this_file_pdb(): # send(' __IP.InteractiveTB.pdb.run(\'execfile("%s")\')' % (vim.current.buffer.name,)) # #send('run -d %s' % (vim.current.buffer.name,)) # echo("In[]: run -d %s (using pdb)" % vim.current.buffer.name) EOF fun! toggle_send_on_save() if exists("s:ssos") && s:ssos == 0 let s:ssos = 1 au BufWritePost *.py :py run_this_file() echo "Autosend On" else let s:ssos = 0 au! BufWritePost *.py echo "Autosend Off" endif endfun " Update the vim-ipython shell when the cursor is not moving. " You can change how quickly this happens after you stop moving the cursor by " setting 'updatetime' (in milliseconds). For example, to have this event " trigger after 1 second: " " :set updatetime 1000 " " NOTE: This will only be triggered once, after the first 'updatetime' " milliseconds, *not* every 'updatetime' milliseconds. see :help CursorHold " for more info. " " TODO: Make this easily configurable on the fly, so that an introspection " buffer we may have opened up doesn't get closed just because of an idle " event (i.e. user pressed \d and then left the buffer that popped up, but " expects it to stay there). au CursorHold *.*,vim-ipython :python if update_subchannel_msgs(): echo("vim-ipython shell updated (on idle)",'Operator') " XXX: broken - cursor hold update for insert mode moves the cursor one " character to the left of the last character (update_subchannel_msgs must be " doing this) "au CursorHoldI *.* :python if update_subchannel_msgs(): echo("vim-ipython shell updated (on idle)",'Operator') " Same as above, but on regaining window focus (mostly for GUIs) au FocusGained *.*,vim-ipython :python if update_subchannel_msgs(): echo("vim-ipython shell updated (on input focus)",'Operator') " Update vim-ipython buffer when we move the cursor there. A message is only " displayed if vim-ipython buffer has been updated. au BufEnter vim-ipython :python if update_subchannel_msgs(): echo("vim-ipython shell updated (on buffer enter)",'Operator') if g:ipy_perform_mappings != 0 map :python run_this_file() map :python run_this_line() map :python run_these_lines() map d :py get_doc_buffer() map s :py if update_subchannel_msgs(force=True): echo("vim-ipython shell updated",'Operator') map :python toggle_reselect() "map :python send('%pdb') "map :python set_breakpoint() "map :python clear_breakpoint() "map :python run_this_file_pdb() "map :python clear_all_breaks() imap imap imap map :call toggle_send_on_save() "" Example of how to quickly clear the current plot with a keystroke "map :python run_command("plt.clf()") "" Example of how to quickly close all figures with a keystroke "map :python run_command("plt.close('all')") "pi custom map :python run_this_file() map :python run_this_line() imap :python run_this_line() map :python dedent_run_this_line() vmap :python run_these_lines() vmap :python dedent_run_these_lines() map I# vmap I# map :s/^\([ \t]*\)#/\1/ vmap :s/^\([ \t]*\)#/\1/ endif command! -nargs=* IPython :py km_from_string("") command! -nargs=0 IPythonClipboard :py km_from_string(vim.eval('@+')) command! -nargs=0 IPythonXSelection :py km_from_string(vim.eval('@*')) command! -nargs=0 IPythonInterrupt :py interrupt_kernel_hack() function! IPythonBalloonExpr() python << endpython word = vim.eval('v:beval_text') reply = get_doc(word) vim.command("let l:doc = %s"% reply) endpython return l:doc endfunction fun! CompleteIPython(findstart, base) if a:findstart " locate the start of the word let line = getline('.') let start = col('.') - 1 while start > 0 && line[start-1] =~ '\k\|\.' "keyword let start -= 1 endwhile echo start python << endpython current_line = vim.current.line endpython return start else " find months matching with "a:base" let res = [] python << endpython base = vim.eval("a:base") findstart = vim.eval("a:findstart") msg_id = km.shell_channel.complete(base, current_line, vim.eval("col('.')")) try: m = get_child_msg(msg_id) matches = m['content']['matches'] matches.insert(0,base) # the "no completion" version # we need to be careful with unicode, because we can have unicode # completions for filenames (for the %run magic, for example). So the next # line will fail on those: #completions= [str(u) for u in matches] # because str() won't work for non-ascii characters # and we also have problems with unicode in vim, hence the following: completions = [s.encode(vim_encoding) for s in matches] except Empty: echo("no reply from IPython kernel") completions=[''] ## Additionally, we have no good way of communicating lists to vim, so we have ## to turn in into one long string, which can be problematic if e.g. the ## completions contain quotes. The next line will not work if some filenames ## contain quotes - but if that's the case, the user's just asking for ## it, right? #completions = '["'+ '", "'.join(completions)+'"]' #vim.command("let completions = %s" % completions) ## An alternative for the above, which will insert matches one at a time, so ## if there's a problem with turning a match into a string, it'll just not ## include the problematic match, instead of not including anything. There's a ## bit more indirection here, but I think it's worth it for c in completions: vim.command('call add(res,"'+c+'")') endpython "call extend(res,completions) return res endif endfun