//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 2008 The IPython Development Team // // Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in // the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //============================================================================ // OutputArea //============================================================================ /** * @module IPython * @namespace IPython * @submodule OutputArea */ var IPython = (function (IPython) { "use strict"; var utils = IPython.utils; /** * @class OutputArea * * @constructor */ var OutputArea = function (selector, prompt_area) { this.selector = selector; this.wrapper = $(selector); this.outputs = []; this.collapsed = false; this.scrolled = false; this.clear_queued = null; if (prompt_area === undefined) { this.prompt_area = true; } else { this.prompt_area = prompt_area; } this.create_elements(); this.style(); this.bind_events(); }; OutputArea.prototype.create_elements = function () { this.element = $("
"); this.collapse_button = $("
"); this.prompt_overlay = $("
"); this.wrapper.append(this.prompt_overlay); this.wrapper.append(this.element); this.wrapper.append(this.collapse_button); }; OutputArea.prototype.style = function () { this.collapse_button.hide(); this.prompt_overlay.hide(); this.wrapper.addClass('output_wrapper'); this.element.addClass('output vbox'); this.collapse_button.addClass("btn output_collapsed"); this.collapse_button.attr('title', 'click to expand output'); this.collapse_button.html('. . .'); this.prompt_overlay.addClass('out_prompt_overlay prompt'); this.prompt_overlay.attr('title', 'click to expand output; double click to hide output'); this.collapse(); }; /** * Should the OutputArea scroll? * Returns whether the height (in lines) exceeds a threshold. * * @private * @method _should_scroll * @param [lines=100]{Integer} * @return {Bool} * */ OutputArea.prototype._should_scroll = function (lines) { if (lines <=0 ){ return } if (!lines) { lines = 100; } // line-height from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1185151 var fontSize = this.element.css('font-size'); var lineHeight = Math.floor(parseInt(fontSize.replace('px','')) * 1.5); return (this.element.height() > lines * lineHeight); }; OutputArea.prototype.bind_events = function () { var that = this; this.prompt_overlay.dblclick(function () { that.toggle_output(); }); this.prompt_overlay.click(function () { that.toggle_scroll(); }); this.element.resize(function () { // FIXME: Firefox on Linux misbehaves, so automatic scrolling is disabled if ( IPython.utils.browser[0] === "Firefox" ) { return; } // maybe scroll output, // if it's grown large enough and hasn't already been scrolled. if ( !that.scrolled && that._should_scroll(OutputArea.auto_scroll_threshold)) { that.scroll_area(); } }); this.collapse_button.click(function () { that.expand(); }); }; OutputArea.prototype.collapse = function () { if (!this.collapsed) { this.element.hide(); this.prompt_overlay.hide(); if (this.element.html()){ this.collapse_button.show(); } this.collapsed = true; } }; OutputArea.prototype.expand = function () { if (this.collapsed) { this.collapse_button.hide(); this.element.show(); this.prompt_overlay.show(); this.collapsed = false; } }; OutputArea.prototype.toggle_output = function () { if (this.collapsed) { this.expand(); } else { this.collapse(); } }; OutputArea.prototype.scroll_area = function () { this.element.addClass('output_scroll'); this.prompt_overlay.attr('title', 'click to unscroll output; double click to hide'); this.scrolled = true; }; OutputArea.prototype.unscroll_area = function () { this.element.removeClass('output_scroll'); this.prompt_overlay.attr('title', 'click to scroll output; double click to hide'); this.scrolled = false; }; /** * Threshold to trigger autoscroll when the OutputArea is resized, * typically when new outputs are added. * * Behavior is undefined if autoscroll is lower than minimum_scroll_threshold, * unless it is < 0, in which case autoscroll will never be triggered * * @property auto_scroll_threshold * @type Number * @default 100 * **/ OutputArea.auto_scroll_threshold = 100; /** * Lower limit (in lines) for OutputArea to be made scrollable. OutputAreas * shorter than this are never scrolled. * * @property minimum_scroll_threshold * @type Number * @default 20 * **/ OutputArea.minimum_scroll_threshold = 20; /** * * Scroll OutputArea if height supperior than a threshold (in lines). * * Threshold is a maximum number of lines. If unspecified, defaults to * OutputArea.minimum_scroll_threshold. * * Negative threshold will prevent the OutputArea from ever scrolling. * * @method scroll_if_long * * @param [lines=20]{Number} Default to 20 if not set, * behavior undefined for value of `0`. * **/ OutputArea.prototype.scroll_if_long = function (lines) { var n = lines | OutputArea.minimum_scroll_threshold; if(n <= 0){ return } if (this._should_scroll(n)) { // only allow scrolling long-enough output this.scroll_area(); } }; OutputArea.prototype.toggle_scroll = function () { if (this.scrolled) { this.unscroll_area(); } else { // only allow scrolling long-enough output this.scroll_if_long(); } }; // typeset with MathJax if MathJax is available OutputArea.prototype.typeset = function () { if (window.MathJax){ MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset",MathJax.Hub]); } }; OutputArea.prototype.handle_output = function (msg) { var json = {}; var msg_type = json.output_type = msg.header.msg_type; var content = msg.content; if (msg_type === "stream") { json.text = content.data; json.stream = content.name; } else if (msg_type === "display_data") { json = this.convert_mime_types(json, content.data); json.metadata = this.convert_mime_types({}, content.metadata); } else if (msg_type === "pyout") { json.prompt_number = content.execution_count; json = this.convert_mime_types(json, content.data); json.metadata = this.convert_mime_types({}, content.metadata); } else if (msg_type === "pyerr") { json.ename = content.ename; json.evalue = content.evalue; json.traceback = content.traceback; } // append with dynamic=true this.append_output(json, true); }; OutputArea.prototype.convert_mime_types = function (json, data) { if (data === undefined) { return json; } if (data['text/plain'] !== undefined) { json.text = data['text/plain']; } if (data['text/html'] !== undefined) { json.html = data['text/html']; } if (data['image/svg+xml'] !== undefined) { json.svg = data['image/svg+xml']; } if (data['image/png'] !== undefined) { json.png = data['image/png']; } if (data['image/jpeg'] !== undefined) { json.jpeg = data['image/jpeg']; } if (data['text/latex'] !== undefined) { json.latex = data['text/latex']; } if (data['application/json'] !== undefined) { json.json = data['application/json']; } if (data['application/javascript'] !== undefined) { json.javascript = data['application/javascript']; } return json; }; OutputArea.prototype.append_output = function (json, dynamic) { // If dynamic is true, javascript output will be eval'd. this.expand(); // Clear the output if clear is queued. var needs_height_reset = false; if (this.clear_queued) { this.clear_output(false); needs_height_reset = true; } if (json.output_type === 'pyout') { this.append_pyout(json, dynamic); } else if (json.output_type === 'pyerr') { this.append_pyerr(json); } else if (json.output_type === 'display_data') { this.append_display_data(json, dynamic); } else if (json.output_type === 'stream') { this.append_stream(json); } this.outputs.push(json); // Only reset the height to automatic if the height is currently // fixed (done by wait=True flag on clear_output). if (needs_height_reset) { this.element.height(''); } var that = this; setTimeout(function(){that.element.trigger('resize');}, 100); }; OutputArea.prototype.create_output_area = function () { var oa = $("
").addClass("output_area"); if (this.prompt_area) { oa.append($('
').addClass('prompt')); } return oa; }; OutputArea.prototype._append_javascript_error = function (err, container) { // display a message when a javascript error occurs in display output var msg = "Javascript error adding output!" console.log(msg, err); if ( container === undefined ) return; container.append( $('
').html(msg + "
" + err.toString() + '
See your browser Javascript console for more details.' ).addClass('js-error') ); container.show(); }; OutputArea.prototype._safe_append = function (toinsert) { // safely append an item to the document // this is an object created by user code, // and may have errors, which should not be raised // under any circumstances. try { this.element.append(toinsert); } catch(err) { console.log(err); this._append_javascript_error(err, this.element); } }; OutputArea.prototype.append_pyout = function (json, dynamic) { var n = json.prompt_number || ' '; var toinsert = this.create_output_area(); if (this.prompt_area) { toinsert.find('div.prompt').addClass('output_prompt').html('Out[' + n + ']:'); } this.append_mime_type(json, toinsert, dynamic); this._safe_append(toinsert); // If we just output latex, typeset it. if ((json.latex !== undefined) || (json.html !== undefined)) { this.typeset(); } }; OutputArea.prototype.append_pyerr = function (json) { var tb = json.traceback; if (tb !== undefined && tb.length > 0) { var s = ''; var len = tb.length; for (var i=0; i 0){ // have at least one output to consider var last = this.outputs[this.outputs.length-1]; if (last.output_type == 'stream' && json.stream == last.stream){ // latest output was in the same stream, // so append directly into its pre tag // escape ANSI & HTML specials: var pre = this.element.find('div.'+subclass).last().find('pre'); var html = utils.fixCarriageReturn( pre.html() + utils.fixConsole(text)); pre.html(html); return; } } if (!text.replace("\r", "")) { // text is nothing (empty string, \r, etc.) // so don't append any elements, which might add undesirable space return; } // If we got here, attach a new div var toinsert = this.create_output_area(); this.append_text(text, {}, toinsert, "output_stream "+subclass); this._safe_append(toinsert); }; OutputArea.prototype.append_display_data = function (json, dynamic) { var toinsert = this.create_output_area(); this.append_mime_type(json, toinsert, dynamic); this._safe_append(toinsert); // If we just output latex, typeset it. if ( (json.latex !== undefined) || (json.html !== undefined) ) { this.typeset(); } }; OutputArea.display_order = ['javascript','html','latex','svg','png','jpeg','text']; OutputArea.prototype.append_mime_type = function (json, element, dynamic) { for(var type_i in OutputArea.display_order){ var type = OutputArea.display_order[type_i]; if(json[type] != undefined ){ var md = {}; if (json.metadata && json.metadata[type]) { md = json.metadata[type]; }; if(type == 'javascript'){ if (dynamic) { this.append_javascript(json.javascript, md, element, dynamic); } } else { this['append_'+type](json[type], md, element); } return; } } }; OutputArea.prototype.append_html = function (html, md, element) { var toinsert = $("
").addClass("output_subarea output_html rendered_html"); toinsert.append(html); element.append(toinsert); }; OutputArea.prototype.append_javascript = function (js, md, container) { // We just eval the JS code, element appears in the local scope. var element = $("
").addClass("output_subarea"); container.append(element); // Div for js shouldn't be drawn, as it will add empty height to the area. container.hide(); // If the Javascript appends content to `element` that should be drawn, then // it must also call `container.show()`. try { eval(js); } catch(err) { this._append_javascript_error(err, container); } }; OutputArea.prototype.append_text = function (data, md, element, extra_class) { var toinsert = $("
").addClass("output_subarea output_text"); // escape ANSI & HTML specials in plaintext: data = utils.fixConsole(data); data = utils.fixCarriageReturn(data); data = utils.autoLinkUrls(data); if (extra_class){ toinsert.addClass(extra_class); } toinsert.append($("

    OutputArea.prototype.append_svg = function (svg, md, element) {
        var toinsert = $("
").addClass("output_subarea output_svg"); toinsert.append(svg); element.append(toinsert); }; OutputArea.prototype._dblclick_to_reset_size = function (img) { // schedule wrapping image in resizable after a delay, // so we don't end up calling resize on a zero-size object var that = this; setTimeout(function () { var h0 = img.height(); var w0 = img.width(); if (!(h0 && w0)) { // zero size, schedule another timeout that._dblclick_to_reset_size(img); return; } img.resizable({ aspectRatio: true, autoHide: true }); img.dblclick(function () { // resize wrapper & image together for some reason: img.parent().height(h0); img.height(h0); img.parent().width(w0); img.width(w0); }); }, 250); }; OutputArea.prototype.append_png = function (png, md, element) { var toinsert = $("
").addClass("output_subarea output_png"); var img = $("").attr('src','data:image/png;base64,'+png); if (md['height']) { img.attr('height', md['height']); } if (md['width']) { img.attr('width', md['width']); } this._dblclick_to_reset_size(img); toinsert.append(img); element.append(toinsert); }; OutputArea.prototype.append_jpeg = function (jpeg, md, element) { var toinsert = $("
").addClass("output_subarea output_jpeg"); var img = $("").attr('src','data:image/jpeg;base64,'+jpeg); if (md['height']) { img.attr('height', md['height']); } if (md['width']) { img.attr('width', md['width']); } this._dblclick_to_reset_size(img); toinsert.append(img); element.append(toinsert); }; OutputArea.prototype.append_latex = function (latex, md, element) { // This method cannot do the typesetting because the latex first has to // be on the page. var toinsert = $("
").addClass("output_subarea output_latex"); toinsert.append(latex); element.append(toinsert); }; OutputArea.prototype.append_raw_input = function (msg) { var that = this; this.expand(); var content = msg.content; var area = this.create_output_area(); // disable any other raw_inputs, if they are left around $("div.output_subarea.raw_input").remove(); area.append( $("
") .addClass("box-flex1 output_subarea raw_input") .append( $("") .addClass("input_prompt") .text(content.prompt) ) .append( $("") .addClass("raw_input") .attr('type', 'text') .attr("size", 47) .keydown(function (event, ui) { // make sure we submit on enter, // and don't re-execute the *cell* on shift-enter if (event.which === utils.keycodes.ENTER) { that._submit_raw_input(); return false; } }) ) ); this.element.append(area); // weirdly need double-focus now, // otherwise only the cell will be focused area.find("input.raw_input").focus().focus(); } OutputArea.prototype._submit_raw_input = function (evt) { var container = this.element.find("div.raw_input"); var theprompt = container.find("span.input_prompt"); var theinput = container.find("input.raw_input"); var value = theinput.val(); var content = { output_type : 'stream', name : 'stdout', text : theprompt.text() + value + '\n' } // remove form container container.parent().remove(); // replace with plaintext version in stdout this.append_output(content, false); $([IPython.events]).trigger('send_input_reply.Kernel', value); } OutputArea.prototype.handle_clear_output = function (msg) { this.clear_output(msg.content.wait); }; OutputArea.prototype.clear_output = function(wait) { if (wait) { // If a clear is queued, clear before adding another to the queue. if (this.clear_queued) { this.clear_output(false); }; this.clear_queued = true; } else { // Fix the output div's height if the clear_output is waiting for // new output (it is being used in an animation). if (this.clear_queued) { var height = this.element.height(); this.element.height(height); this.clear_queued = false; } // clear all, no need for logic this.element.html(""); this.outputs = []; this.unscroll_area(); return; }; }; // JSON serialization OutputArea.prototype.fromJSON = function (outputs) { var len = outputs.length; for (var i=0; i