@ECHO OFF REM ~ Windows command line make file for Sphinx documentation SETLOCAL SET SPHINXOPTS= SET SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build SET PAPER= SET SRCDIR=source IF "%PAPER%" == "" SET PAPER=a4 SET ALLSPHINXOPTS=-d build\doctrees -D latex_paper_size=%PAPER% %SPHINXOPTS% %SRCDIR% FOR %%X IN (%SPHINXBUILD%.exe) DO SET P=%%~$PATH:X FOR %%L IN (html pickle htmlhelp latex changes linkcheck) DO ( IF "%1" == "%%L" ( IF "%P%" == "" ( ECHO. ECHO Error: Sphinx is not available. Please make sure it is correctly installed. GOTO END ) MD build\doctrees 2>NUL MD build\%1 || GOTO DIR_EXIST %SPHINXBUILD% -b %1 %ALLSPHINXOPTS% build\%1 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO ERROR ECHO. ECHO Build finished. Results are in build\%1. IF "%1" == "pickle" ( ECHO Now you can process the pickle files or run ECHO sphinx-web build\pickle to start the sphinx-web server. ) IF "%1" == "htmlhelp" ( ECHO Now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the ECHO .hhp project file in build/htmlhelp. ) IF "%1" == "linkcheck" ( ECHO Look for any errors in the above output ECHO or in build\linkcheck\output.rst. ) GOTO END ) ) IF "%1" == "clean" ( RD /s /q build dist %SRCDIR%\api\generated 2>NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 0 ECHO Build environment cleaned! GOTO END ) ECHO. ECHO Please use "make [target]" where [target] is one of: ECHO. ECHO html to make standalone HTML files ECHO pickle to make pickle files (usable by e.g. sphinx-web) ECHO htmlhelp to make HTML files and a HTML help project ECHO latex to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter ECHO changes to make an overview over all changed/added/deprecated items ECHO linkcheck to check all external links for integrity GOTO END :DIR_EXIST ECHO. ECHO Info: Run "make clean" to clean build environment :ERROR ECHO. ECHO Error: Build process failed! :END ENDLOCAL