""" A minimal application using the Qt console-style IPython frontend. This is not a complete console app, as subprocess will not be able to receive input, there is no real readline support, among other limitations. Authors: * Evan Patterson * Min RK * Erik Tollerud * Fernando Perez * Bussonnier Matthias * Thomas Kluyver * Paul Ivanov """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # stdlib imports import os import signal import sys # If run on Windows, install an exception hook which pops up a # message box. Pythonw.exe hides the console, so without this # the application silently fails to load. # # We always install this handler, because the expectation is for # qtconsole to bring up a GUI even if called from the console. # The old handler is called, so the exception is printed as well. # If desired, check for pythonw with an additional condition # (sys.executable.lower().find('pythonw.exe') >= 0). if os.name == 'nt': old_excepthook = sys.excepthook # Exclude this from our autogenerated API docs. undoc = lambda func: func @undoc def gui_excepthook(exctype, value, tb): try: import ctypes, traceback MB_ICONERROR = 0x00000010 title = u'Error starting IPython QtConsole' msg = u''.join(traceback.format_exception(exctype, value, tb)) ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, msg, title, MB_ICONERROR) finally: # Also call the old exception hook to let it do # its thing too. old_excepthook(exctype, value, tb) sys.excepthook = gui_excepthook # System library imports from IPython.external.qt import QtCore, QtGui # Local imports from IPython.config.application import catch_config_error from IPython.core.application import BaseIPythonApplication from IPython.qt.console.ipython_widget import IPythonWidget from IPython.qt.console.rich_ipython_widget import RichIPythonWidget from IPython.qt.console import styles from IPython.qt.console.mainwindow import MainWindow from IPython.qt.client import QtKernelClient from IPython.qt.manager import QtKernelManager from IPython.utils.traitlets import ( Dict, Unicode, CBool, Any ) from IPython.consoleapp import ( IPythonConsoleApp, app_aliases, app_flags, flags, aliases ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Network Constants #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from IPython.utils.localinterfaces import is_local_ip #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Globals #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _examples = """ ipython qtconsole # start the qtconsole ipython qtconsole --matplotlib=inline # start with matplotlib inline plotting mode """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Aliases and Flags #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # start with copy of flags flags = dict(flags) qt_flags = { 'plain' : ({'IPythonQtConsoleApp' : {'plain' : True}}, "Disable rich text support."), } # and app_flags from the Console Mixin qt_flags.update(app_flags) # add frontend flags to the full set flags.update(qt_flags) # start with copy of front&backend aliases list aliases = dict(aliases) qt_aliases = dict( style = 'IPythonWidget.syntax_style', stylesheet = 'IPythonQtConsoleApp.stylesheet', colors = 'ZMQInteractiveShell.colors', editor = 'IPythonWidget.editor', paging = 'ConsoleWidget.paging', ) # and app_aliases from the Console Mixin qt_aliases.update(app_aliases) qt_aliases.update({'gui-completion':'ConsoleWidget.gui_completion'}) # add frontend aliases to the full set aliases.update(qt_aliases) # get flags&aliases into sets, and remove a couple that # shouldn't be scrubbed from backend flags: qt_aliases = set(qt_aliases.keys()) qt_aliases.remove('colors') qt_flags = set(qt_flags.keys()) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IPythonQtConsole #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IPythonQtConsoleApp(BaseIPythonApplication, IPythonConsoleApp): name = 'ipython-qtconsole' description = """ The IPython QtConsole. This launches a Console-style application using Qt. It is not a full console, in that launched terminal subprocesses will not be able to accept input. The QtConsole supports various extra features beyond the Terminal IPython shell, such as inline plotting with matplotlib, via: ipython qtconsole --matplotlib=inline as well as saving your session as HTML, and printing the output. """ examples = _examples classes = [IPythonWidget] + IPythonConsoleApp.classes flags = Dict(flags) aliases = Dict(aliases) frontend_flags = Any(qt_flags) frontend_aliases = Any(qt_aliases) kernel_client_class = QtKernelClient kernel_manager_class = QtKernelManager stylesheet = Unicode('', config=True, help="path to a custom CSS stylesheet") hide_menubar = CBool(False, config=True, help="Start the console window with the menu bar hidden.") maximize = CBool(False, config=True, help="Start the console window maximized.") plain = CBool(False, config=True, help="Use a plaintext widget instead of rich text (plain can't print/save).") def _plain_changed(self, name, old, new): kind = 'plain' if new else 'rich' self.config.ConsoleWidget.kind = kind if new: self.widget_factory = IPythonWidget else: self.widget_factory = RichIPythonWidget # the factory for creating a widget widget_factory = Any(RichIPythonWidget) def parse_command_line(self, argv=None): super(IPythonQtConsoleApp, self).parse_command_line(argv) self.build_kernel_argv(argv) def new_frontend_master(self): """ Create and return new frontend attached to new kernel, launched on localhost. """ kernel_manager = self.kernel_manager_class( connection_file=self._new_connection_file(), parent=self, autorestart=True, ) # start the kernel kwargs = dict() kwargs['extra_arguments'] = self.kernel_argv kernel_manager.start_kernel(**kwargs) kernel_manager.client_factory = self.kernel_client_class kernel_client = kernel_manager.client() kernel_client.start_channels(shell=True, iopub=True) widget = self.widget_factory(config=self.config, local_kernel=True) self.init_colors(widget) widget.kernel_manager = kernel_manager widget.kernel_client = kernel_client widget._existing = False widget._may_close = True widget._confirm_exit = self.confirm_exit return widget def new_frontend_slave(self, current_widget): """Create and return a new frontend attached to an existing kernel. Parameters ---------- current_widget : IPythonWidget The IPythonWidget whose kernel this frontend is to share """ kernel_client = self.kernel_client_class( connection_file=current_widget.kernel_client.connection_file, config = self.config, ) kernel_client.load_connection_file() kernel_client.start_channels() widget = self.widget_factory(config=self.config, local_kernel=False) self.init_colors(widget) widget._existing = True widget._may_close = False widget._confirm_exit = False widget.kernel_client = kernel_client widget.kernel_manager = current_widget.kernel_manager return widget def init_qt_app(self): # separate from qt_elements, because it must run first self.app = QtGui.QApplication([]) def init_qt_elements(self): # Create the widget. base_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) icon_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'resources', 'icon', 'IPythonConsole.svg') self.app.icon = QtGui.QIcon(icon_path) QtGui.QApplication.setWindowIcon(self.app.icon) ip = self.ip local_kernel = (not self.existing) or is_local_ip(ip) self.widget = self.widget_factory(config=self.config, local_kernel=local_kernel) self.init_colors(self.widget) self.widget._existing = self.existing self.widget._may_close = not self.existing self.widget._confirm_exit = self.confirm_exit self.widget.kernel_manager = self.kernel_manager self.widget.kernel_client = self.kernel_client self.window = MainWindow(self.app, confirm_exit=self.confirm_exit, new_frontend_factory=self.new_frontend_master, slave_frontend_factory=self.new_frontend_slave, ) self.window.log = self.log self.window.add_tab_with_frontend(self.widget) self.window.init_magic_helper() self.window.init_menu_bar() # Ignore on OSX, where there is always a menu bar if sys.platform != 'darwin' and self.hide_menubar: self.window.menuBar().setVisible(False) self.window.setWindowTitle('IPython') def init_colors(self, widget): """Configure the coloring of the widget""" # Note: This will be dramatically simplified when colors # are removed from the backend. # parse the colors arg down to current known labels cfg = self.config colors = cfg.ZMQInteractiveShell.colors if 'ZMQInteractiveShell.colors' in cfg else None style = cfg.IPythonWidget.syntax_style if 'IPythonWidget.syntax_style' in cfg else None sheet = cfg.IPythonWidget.style_sheet if 'IPythonWidget.style_sheet' in cfg else None # find the value for colors: if colors: colors=colors.lower() if colors in ('lightbg', 'light'): colors='lightbg' elif colors in ('dark', 'linux'): colors='linux' else: colors='nocolor' elif style: if style=='bw': colors='nocolor' elif styles.dark_style(style): colors='linux' else: colors='lightbg' else: colors=None # Configure the style if style: widget.style_sheet = styles.sheet_from_template(style, colors) widget.syntax_style = style widget._syntax_style_changed() widget._style_sheet_changed() elif colors: # use a default dark/light/bw style widget.set_default_style(colors=colors) if self.stylesheet: # we got an explicit stylesheet if os.path.isfile(self.stylesheet): with open(self.stylesheet) as f: sheet = f.read() else: raise IOError("Stylesheet %r not found." % self.stylesheet) if sheet: widget.style_sheet = sheet widget._style_sheet_changed() def init_signal(self): """allow clean shutdown on sigint""" signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda sig, frame: self.exit(-2)) # need a timer, so that QApplication doesn't block until a real # Qt event fires (can require mouse movement) # timer trick from http://stackoverflow.com/q/4938723/938949 timer = QtCore.QTimer() # Let the interpreter run each 200 ms: timer.timeout.connect(lambda: None) timer.start(200) # hold onto ref, so the timer doesn't get cleaned up self._sigint_timer = timer @catch_config_error def initialize(self, argv=None): self.init_qt_app() super(IPythonQtConsoleApp, self).initialize(argv) IPythonConsoleApp.initialize(self,argv) self.init_qt_elements() self.init_signal() def start(self): # draw the window if self.maximize: self.window.showMaximized() else: self.window.show() self.window.raise_() # Start the application main loop. self.app.exec_() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main entry point #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def main(): app = IPythonQtConsoleApp() app.initialize() app.start() if __name__ == '__main__': main()