.. _issues_list_5:

Issues closed in the 5.x development cycle

Issues closed in 5.6

GitHub stats for 2017/09/15 - 2018/04/02 (tag: 5.5.0)

These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.

We closed 2 issues and merged 28 pull requests.
The full list can be seen `on GitHub <https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues?q=milestone%3A5.6>`__

The following 10 authors contributed 47 commits.

* Benjamin Ragan-Kelley
* Henry Fredrick Schreiner
* Joris Van den Bossche
* Matthias Bussonnier
* Mradul Dubey
* Roshan Rao
* Samuel Lelièvre
* Teddy Rendahl
* Thomas A Caswell
* Thomas Kluyver

Issues closed in 5.4

GitHub stats for 2017/02/24 - 2017/05/30 (tag: 5.3.0)

These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.

We closed 8 issues and merged 43 pull requests.
The full list can be seen `on GitHub <https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues?q=milestone%3A5.4+>`__

The following 11 authors contributed 64 commits.

* Benjamin Ragan-Kelley
* Carol Willing
* Kyle Kelley
* Leo Singer
* Luke Pfister
* Lumir Balhar
* Matthias Bussonnier
* meeseeksdev[bot]
* memeplex
* Thomas Kluyver
* Ximin Luo

Issues closed in 5.3

GitHub stats for 2017/02/24 - 2017/05/30 (tag: 5.3.0)

These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.

We closed 6 issues and merged 28 pull requests.
The full list can be seen `on GitHub <https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues?q=milestone%3A5.3+>`__

The following 11 authors contributed 53 commits.

* Benjamin Ragan-Kelley
* Carol Willing
* Justin Jent
* Kyle Kelley
* Lumir Balhar
* Matthias Bussonnier
* meeseeksdev[bot]
* Segev Finer
* Steven Maude
* Thomas A Caswell
* Thomas Kluyver

Issues closed in 5.2

GitHub stats for 2016/08/13 - 2017/01/29 (tag: 5.1.0)

These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.

We closed 30 issues and merged 74 pull requests.
The full list can be seen `on GitHub <https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues?q=milestone%3A5.2+>`__

The following 40 authors contributed 434 commits.

* Adam Eury
* anantkaushik89
* anatoly techtonik
* Benjamin Ragan-Kelley
* Bibo Hao
* Carl Smith
* Carol Willing
* Chilaka Ramakrishna
* Christopher Welborn
* Denis S. Tereshchenko
* Diego Garcia
* fatData
* Fermi paradox
* Fernando Perez
* fuho
* Hassan Kibirige
* Jamshed Vesuna
* Jens Hedegaard Nielsen
* Jeroen Demeyer
* kaushikanant
* Kenneth Hoste
* Keshav Ramaswamy
* Kyle Kelley
* Matteo
* Matthias Bussonnier
* mbyt
* memeplex
* Moez Bouhlel
* Pablo Galindo
* Paul Ivanov
* pietvo
* Piotr Przetacznik
* Rounak Banik
* sachet-mittal
* Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy
* Tamir Bahar
* Thomas A Caswell
* Thomas Kluyver
* tillahoffmann
* Yuri Numerov

Issues closed in 5.1

GitHub stats for 2016/07/08 - 2016/08/13 (tag: 5.0.0)

These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.

We closed 33 issues and merged 43 pull requests.
The full list can be seen `on GitHub <https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues?q=milestone%3A5.1+>`__

The following 17 authors contributed 129 commits.

* Antony Lee
* Benjamin Ragan-Kelley
* Carol Willing
* Danilo J. S. Bellini
* 小明 (`dongweiming <https://github.com/dongweiming>`__)
* Fernando Perez
* Gavin Cooper
* Gil Forsyth
* Jacob Niehus
* Julian Kuhlmann
* Matthias Bussonnier
* Michael Pacer
* Nik Nyby
* Pavol Juhas
* Luke Deen Taylor
* Thomas Kluyver
* Tamir Bahar

Issues closed in 5.0

GitHub stats for 2016/07/05 - 2016/07/07 (tag: 5.0.0)

These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.

We closed 95 issues and merged 191 pull requests.
The full list can be seen `on GitHub <https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues?q=milestone%3A5.0+>`__

The following 27 authors contributed 229 commits.

* Adam Greenhall
* Adrian
* Antony Lee
* Benjamin Ragan-Kelley
* Carlos Cordoba
* Carol Willing
* Chris
* Craig Citro
* Dmitry Zotikov
* Fernando Perez
* Gil Forsyth
* Jason Grout
* Jonathan Frederic
* Jonathan Slenders
* Justin Zymbaluk
* Kelly Liu
* klonuo
* Matthias Bussonnier
* nvdv
* Pavol Juhas
* Pierre Gerold
* sukisuki
* Sylvain Corlay
* Thomas A Caswell
* Thomas Kluyver
* Trevor Bekolay
* Yuri Numerov