((============================================================================ NBConvert Sphinx-Latex Manual Template Purpose: Allow export of PDF friendly Latex inspired by Sphinx Manual document style. Most of the is derived directly from Sphinx source. Inheritance: null>display_priority>sphinx ==========================================================================)) ((*- extends 'sphinx.tplx' -*)) ((* set parentdocumentclass = 'report' *)) ((* set documentclass = 'manual' *)) ((* block h1 -*))part((* endblock h1 -*)) ((* block h2 -*))chapter((* endblock h2 -*)) ((* block h3 -*))section((* endblock h3 -*)) ((* block h4 -*))subsection((* endblock h4 -*)) ((* block h5 -*))subsubsection((* endblock h5 -*)) ((* block h6 -*))paragraph((* endblock h6 -*))