#!/usr/bin/env python """Test the performance of the task farming system. This script submits a set of tasks via a LoadBalancedView. The tasks are basically just a time.sleep(t), where t is a random number between two limits that can be configured at the command line. To run the script there must first be an IPython controller and engines running:: ipclusterz start -n 16 A good test to run with 16 engines is:: python task_profiler.py -n 128 -t 0.01 -T 1.0 This should show a speedup of 13-14x. The limitation here is that the overhead of a single task is about 0.001-0.01 seconds. """ import random, sys from optparse import OptionParser from IPython.utils.timing import time from IPython.parallel import Client def main(): parser = OptionParser() parser.set_defaults(n=100) parser.set_defaults(tmin=1) parser.set_defaults(tmax=60) parser.set_defaults(profile='default') parser.add_option("-n", type='int', dest='n', help='the number of tasks to run') parser.add_option("-t", type='float', dest='tmin', help='the minimum task length in seconds') parser.add_option("-T", type='float', dest='tmax', help='the maximum task length in seconds') parser.add_option("-p", '--profile', type='str', dest='profile', help="the cluster profile [default: 'default']") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() assert opts.tmax >= opts.tmin, "tmax must not be smaller than tmin" rc = Client() view = rc.load_balanced_view() print view rc.block=True nengines = len(rc.ids) rc[:].execute('from IPython.utils.timing import time') # the jobs should take a random time within a range times = [random.random()*(opts.tmax-opts.tmin)+opts.tmin for i in range(opts.n)] stime = sum(times) print "executing %i tasks, totalling %.1f secs on %i engines"%(opts.n, stime, nengines) time.sleep(1) start = time.time() amr = view.map(time.sleep, times) amr.get() stop = time.time() ptime = stop-start scale = stime/ptime print "executed %.1f secs in %.1f secs"%(stime, ptime) print "%.3fx parallel performance on %i engines"%(scale, nengines) print "%.1f%% of theoretical max"%(100*scale/nengines) if __name__ == '__main__': main()