import fileinput,os,sys def oscmd(c): os.system(c) # html manual. oscmd('sphinx-build -d build/doctrees source build/html') if sys.platform != 'win32': # LaTeX format. oscmd('sphinx-build -b latex -d build/doctrees source build/latex') # Produce pdf. os.chdir('build/latex') # Change chapter style to section style: allows chapters to start on the current page. Works much better for the short chapters we have. for line in fileinput.FileInput('manual.cls',inplace=1): line=line.replace('py@OldChapter=\chapter','py@OldChapter=\section') print line, # Copying the makefile produced by sphinx... oscmd('pdflatex ipython.tex') oscmd('pdflatex ipython.tex') oscmd('pdflatex ipython.tex') oscmd('makeindex -s ipython.idx') oscmd('makeindex -s modipython.idx') oscmd('pdflatex ipython.tex') oscmd('pdflatex ipython.tex') os.chdir('../..')