Autowait: Asynchronous REPL --------------------------- Staring with IPython 7.0 and on Python 3.6+, IPython can automatically await code at top level, you should not need to access an event loop or runner yourself. To know more read the :ref:`autoawait` section of our docs, see :ghpull:`11265` or try the following code:: Python 3.6.0 Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information IPython 7.0.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help. In [1]: import aiohttp ...: result = aiohttp.get('') In [2]: response = await result In [3]: await response.json() Out[3]: {'authorizations_url': '', 'code_search_url': '{query}{&page,per_page,sort,order}', ... } .. note:: Async integration is experimental code, behavior may change or be removed between Python and IPython versions without warnings. Integration is by default with `asyncio`, but other libraries can be configured, like ``curio`` or ``trio``, to improve concurrency in the REPL:: In [1]: %autoawait trio In [2]: import trio In [3]: async def child(i): ...: print(" child %s goes to sleep"%i) ...: await trio.sleep(2) ...: print(" child %s wakes up"%i) In [4]: print('parent start') ...: async with trio.open_nursery() as n: ...: for i in range(3): ...: n.spawn(child, i) ...: print('parent end') parent start child 2 goes to sleep child 0 goes to sleep child 1 goes to sleep child 2 wakes up child 1 wakes up child 0 wakes up parent end See :ref:`autoawait` for more information. Asynchronous code in a Notebook interface or any other frontend using the Jupyter Protocol will need further updates of the IPykernel package. Non-Asynchronous code --------------------- As the internal API of IPython are now asynchronous, IPython need to run under an even loop. In order to allow many workflow, (like using the ``%run`` magic, or copy_pasting code that explicitly starts/stop event loop), when top-level code is detected as not being asynchronous, IPython code is advanced via a pseudo-synchronous runner, and will not may not advance pending tasks. Change to Nested Embed ---------------------- The introduction of the ability to run async code had some effect on the ``IPython.embed()`` API. By default embed will not allow you to run asynchronous code unless a event loop is specified. Expected Future changes ----------------------- We expect more internal but public IPython function to become ``async``, and will likely end up having a persisting event loop while IPython is running. Thanks ------ This took more than a year in the making, and the code was rebased a number of time leading to commit authorship that may have been lost in the final Pull-Request. Huge thanks to many people for contribution, discussion, code, documentation, use-case: dalejung, danielballan, ellisonbg, fperez, gnestor, minrk, njsmith, pganssle, tacaswell, takluyver , vidartf ... And many other.