# encoding: utf-8 """Magic functions for InteractiveShell. """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2001 Janko Hauser and # Copyright (C) 2001 Fernando Perez # Copyright (C) 2008 The IPython Development Team # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Stdlib import os import re import sys import types from getopt import getopt, GetoptError # Our own from IPython.config.configurable import Configurable from IPython.core import oinspect from IPython.core.error import UsageError from IPython.core.prefilter import ESC_MAGIC from IPython.external.decorator import decorator from IPython.utils.ipstruct import Struct from IPython.utils.process import arg_split from IPython.utils.traitlets import Bool, Dict, Instance from IPython.utils.warn import error, warn #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Globals #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A dict we'll use for each class that has magics, used as temporary storage to # pass information between the @line/cell_magic method decorators and the # @register_magics class decorator, because the method decorators have no # access to the class when they run. See for more details: # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2366713/can-a-python-decorator-of-an-instance-method-access-the-class magics = dict(line={}, cell={}) magic_types = ('line', 'cell') #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility classes and functions #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Bunch: pass def on_off(tag): """Return an ON/OFF string for a 1/0 input. Simple utility function.""" return ['OFF','ON'][tag] def compress_dhist(dh): head, tail = dh[:-10], dh[-10:] newhead = [] done = set() for h in head: if h in done: continue newhead.append(h) done.add(h) return newhead + tail def needs_local_scope(func): """Decorator to mark magic functions which need to local scope to run.""" func.needs_local_scope = True return func #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Class and method decorators for registering magics #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def register_magics(cls): cls.registered = True cls.magics = dict(line = magics['line'], cell = magics['cell']) magics['line'] = {} magics['cell'] = {} return cls def _record_magic(dct, mtype, mname, func): if mtype == 'line_cell': dct['line'][mname] = dct['cell'][mname] = func else: dct[mtype][mname] = func def validate_type(magic_type): if magic_type not in magic_types: raise ValueError('magic_type must be one of %s, %s given' % magic_types, magic_type) def _magic_marker(magic_type): validate_type(magic_type) # This is a closure to capture the magic_type. We could also use a class, # but it's overkill for just that one bit of state. def magic_deco(arg): call = lambda f, *a, **k: f(*a, **k) if callable(arg): # "Naked" decorator call (just @foo, no args) func = arg name = func.func_name func.magic_name = name retval = decorator(call, func) magics[magic_type][name] = name elif isinstance(arg, basestring): # Decorator called with arguments (@foo('bar')) name = arg def mark(func, *a, **kw): func.magic_name = name magics[magic_type][name] = func.func_name return decorator(call, func) retval = mark else: raise ValueError("Decorator can only be called with " "string or function") return retval return magic_deco line_magic = _magic_marker('line') cell_magic = _magic_marker('cell') #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Core Magic classes #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MagicsManager(Configurable): """Object that handles all magic-related functionality for IPython. """ # Non-configurable class attributes magics = Dict shell = Instance('IPython.core.interactiveshell.InteractiveShellABC') auto_magic = Bool _auto_status = [ 'Automagic is OFF, % prefix IS needed for magic functions.', 'Automagic is ON, % prefix IS NOT needed for magic functions.'] user_magics = Instance('IPython.core.magic_functions.UserMagics') def __init__(self, shell=None, config=None, user_magics=None, **traits): super(MagicsManager, self).__init__(shell=shell, config=config, user_magics=user_magics, **traits) self.magics = dict(line={}, cell={}) def auto_status(self): """Return descriptive string with automagic status.""" return self._auto_status[self.auto_magic] def lsmagic(self): """Return a dict of currently available magic functions. The return dict has the keys 'line' and 'cell', corresponding to the two types of magics we support. Each value is a list of names. """ return self.magics def register(self, *magic_objects): """Register one or more instances of Magics. """ # Start by validating them to ensure they have all had their magic # methods registered at the instance level for m in magic_objects: if not m.registered: raise ValueError("Class of magics %r was constructed without " "the @register_macics class decorator") if type(m) is type: # If we're given an uninstantiated class m = m(self.shell) for mtype in magic_types: self.magics[mtype].update(m.magics[mtype]) def function_as_magic(self, func, magic_type='line', magic_name=None): """Expose a standalone function as magic function for ipython. """ # Create the new method in the user_magics and register it in the # global table validate_type(magic_type) magic_name = func.func_name if magic_name is None else magic_name setattr(self.user_magics, magic_name, func) _record_magic(self.magics, magic_type, magic_name, func) def _define_magic(self, name, func): """Support for deprecated API. This method exists only to support the old-style definition of magics. It will eventually be removed. Deliberately not documented further. """ warn('Deprecated API, use function_as_magic or register_magics: %s\n' % name) meth = types.MethodType(func, self.user_magics) setattr(self.user_magics, name, meth) _record_magic(self.magics, 'line', name, meth) # Key base class that provides the central functionality for magics. class Magics(object): """Base class for implementing magic functions. Shell functions which can be reached as %function_name. All magic functions should accept a string, which they can parse for their own needs. This can make some functions easier to type, eg `%cd ../` vs. `%cd("../")` Classes providing magic functions need to subclass this class, and they MUST: - Use the method decorators `@line_magic` and `@cell_magic` to decorate individual methods as magic functions, AND - Use the class decorator `@register_magics` to ensure that the magic methods are properly registered at the instance level upon instance initialization. See :mod:`magic_functions` for examples of actual implementation classes. """ # Dict holding all command-line options for each magic. options_table = None # Dict for the mapping of magic names to methods, set by class decorator magics = None # Flag to check that the class decorator was properly applied registered = False # Instance of IPython shell shell = None def __init__(self, shell): if not(self.__class__.registered): raise ValueError('Magics subclass without registration - ' 'did you forget to apply @register_magics?') self.shell = shell self.options_table = {} # The method decorators are run when the instance doesn't exist yet, so # they can only record the names of the methods they are supposed to # grab. Only now, that the instance exists, can we create the proper # mapping to bound methods. So we read the info off the original names # table and replace each method name by the actual bound method. for mtype in magic_types: tab = self.magics[mtype] # must explicitly use keys, as we're mutating this puppy for magic_name in tab.keys(): meth_name = tab[magic_name] if isinstance(meth_name, basestring): tab[magic_name] = getattr(self, meth_name) def arg_err(self,func): """Print docstring if incorrect arguments were passed""" print 'Error in arguments:' print oinspect.getdoc(func) def format_latex(self, strng): """Format a string for latex inclusion.""" # Characters that need to be escaped for latex: escape_re = re.compile(r'(%|_|\$|#|&)',re.MULTILINE) # Magic command names as headers: cmd_name_re = re.compile(r'^(%s.*?):' % ESC_MAGIC, re.MULTILINE) # Magic commands cmd_re = re.compile(r'(?P%s.+?\b)(?!\}\}:)' % ESC_MAGIC, re.MULTILINE) # Paragraph continue par_re = re.compile(r'\\$',re.MULTILINE) # The "\n" symbol newline_re = re.compile(r'\\n') # Now build the string for output: #strng = cmd_name_re.sub(r'\n\\texttt{\\textsl{\\large \1}}:',strng) strng = cmd_name_re.sub(r'\n\\bigskip\n\\texttt{\\textbf{ \1}}:', strng) strng = cmd_re.sub(r'\\texttt{\g}',strng) strng = par_re.sub(r'\\\\',strng) strng = escape_re.sub(r'\\\1',strng) strng = newline_re.sub(r'\\textbackslash{}n',strng) return strng def parse_options(self, arg_str, opt_str, *long_opts, **kw): """Parse options passed to an argument string. The interface is similar to that of getopt(), but it returns back a Struct with the options as keys and the stripped argument string still as a string. arg_str is quoted as a true sys.argv vector by using shlex.split. This allows us to easily expand variables, glob files, quote arguments, etc. Options: -mode: default 'string'. If given as 'list', the argument string is returned as a list (split on whitespace) instead of a string. -list_all: put all option values in lists. Normally only options appearing more than once are put in a list. -posix (True): whether to split the input line in POSIX mode or not, as per the conventions outlined in the shlex module from the standard library.""" # inject default options at the beginning of the input line caller = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name arg_str = '%s %s' % (self.options_table.get(caller,''),arg_str) mode = kw.get('mode','string') if mode not in ['string','list']: raise ValueError,'incorrect mode given: %s' % mode # Get options list_all = kw.get('list_all',0) posix = kw.get('posix', os.name == 'posix') strict = kw.get('strict', True) # Check if we have more than one argument to warrant extra processing: odict = {} # Dictionary with options args = arg_str.split() if len(args) >= 1: # If the list of inputs only has 0 or 1 thing in it, there's no # need to look for options argv = arg_split(arg_str, posix, strict) # Do regular option processing try: opts,args = getopt(argv,opt_str,*long_opts) except GetoptError,e: raise UsageError('%s ( allowed: "%s" %s)' % (e.msg,opt_str, " ".join(long_opts))) for o,a in opts: if o.startswith('--'): o = o[2:] else: o = o[1:] try: odict[o].append(a) except AttributeError: odict[o] = [odict[o],a] except KeyError: if list_all: odict[o] = [a] else: odict[o] = a # Prepare opts,args for return opts = Struct(odict) if mode == 'string': args = ' '.join(args) return opts,args def default_option(self, fn, optstr): """Make an entry in the options_table for fn, with value optstr""" if fn not in self.lsmagic(): error("%s is not a magic function" % fn) self.options_table[fn] = optstr