//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 2011 The IPython Development Team // // Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in // the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //============================================================================ // Keyboard management //============================================================================ IPython.namespace('IPython.keyboard'); IPython.keyboard = (function (IPython) { "use strict"; // Setup global keycodes and inverse keycodes. // See http://unixpapa.com/js/key.html for a complete description. The short of // it is that there are different keycode sets. Firefox uses the "Mozilla keycodes" // and Webkit/IE use the "IE keycodes". These keycode sets are mostly the same // but have minor differences. // These apply to Firefox, (Webkit and IE) var _keycodes = { 'a': 65, 'b': 66, 'c': 67, 'd': 68, 'e': 69, 'f': 70, 'g': 71, 'h': 72, 'i': 73, 'j': 74, 'k': 75, 'l': 76, 'm': 77, 'n': 78, 'o': 79, 'p': 80, 'q': 81, 'r': 82, 's': 83, 't': 84, 'u': 85, 'v': 86, 'w': 87, 'x': 88, 'y': 89, 'z': 90, '1 !': 49, '2 @': 50, '3 #': 51, '4 $': 52, '5 %': 53, '6 ^': 54, '7 &': 55, '8 *': 56, '9 (': 57, '0 )': 48, '[ {': 219, '] }': 221, '` ~': 192, ', <': 188, '. >': 190, '/ ?': 191, '\\ |': 220, '\' "': 222, 'numpad0': 96, 'numpad1': 97, 'numpad2': 98, 'numpad3': 99, 'numpad4': 100, 'numpad5': 101, 'numpad6': 102, 'numpad7': 103, 'numpad8': 104, 'numpad9': 105, 'multiply': 106, 'add': 107, 'subtract': 109, 'decimal': 110, 'divide': 111, 'f1': 112, 'f2': 113, 'f3': 114, 'f4': 115, 'f5': 116, 'f6': 117, 'f7': 118, 'f8': 119, 'f9': 120, 'f11': 122, 'f12': 123, 'f13': 124, 'f14': 125, 'f15': 126, 'backspace': 8, 'tab': 9, 'enter': 13, 'shift': 16, 'ctrl': 17, 'alt': 18, 'meta': 91, 'capslock': 20, 'esc': 27, 'space': 32, 'pageup': 33, 'pagedown': 34, 'end': 35, 'home': 36, 'left': 37, 'up': 38, 'right': 39, 'down': 40, 'insert': 45, 'delete': 46, 'numlock': 144, }; // These apply to Firefox and Opera var _mozilla_keycodes = { '; :': 59, '= +': 61, '- _': 173, 'meta': 224 }; // This apply to Webkit and IE var _ie_keycodes = { '; :': 186, '= +': 187, '- _': 189, }; var browser = IPython.utils.browser[0]; var platform = IPython.utils.platform; if (browser === 'Firefox' || browser === 'Opera') { $.extend(_keycodes, _mozilla_keycodes); } else if (browser === 'Safari' || browser === 'Chrome' || browser === 'MSIE') { $.extend(_keycodes, _ie_keycodes); } var keycodes = {}; var inv_keycodes = {}; for (var name in _keycodes) { var names = name.split(' '); if (names.length === 1) { var n = names[0]; keycodes[n] = _keycodes[n]; inv_keycodes[_keycodes[n]] = n; } else { var primary = names[0]; var secondary = names[1]; keycodes[primary] = _keycodes[name]; keycodes[secondary] = _keycodes[name]; inv_keycodes[_keycodes[name]] = primary; } } var normalize_key = function (key) { return inv_keycodes[keycodes[key]]; }; var normalize_shortcut = function (shortcut) { // Put a shortcut into normalized form: // 1. Make lowercase // 2. Replace cmd by meta // 3. Sort '+' separated modifiers into the order alt+ctrl+meta+shift // 4. Normalize keys shortcut = shortcut.toLowerCase().replace('cmd', 'meta'); var values = shortcut.split("+"); if (values.length === 1) { return normalize_key(values[0]); } else { var modifiers = values.slice(0,-1); var key = normalize_key(values[values.length-1]); modifiers.sort(); return modifiers.join('+') + '+' + key; } }; var shortcut_to_event = function (shortcut, type) { // Convert a shortcut (shift+r) to a jQuery Event object type = type || 'keydown'; shortcut = normalize_shortcut(shortcut); var values = shortcut.split("+"); var modifiers = values.slice(0,-1); var key = values[values.length-1]; var opts = {which: keycodes[key]}; if (modifiers.indexOf('alt') !== -1) {opts.altKey = true;} if (modifiers.indexOf('ctrl') !== -1) {opts.ctrlKey = true;} if (modifiers.indexOf('meta') !== -1) {opts.metaKey = true;} if (modifiers.indexOf('shift') !== -1) {opts.shiftKey = true;} return $.Event(type, opts); }; var event_to_shortcut = function (event) { // Convert a jQuery Event object to a shortcut (shift+r) var shortcut = ''; var key = inv_keycodes[event.which]; if (event.altKey && key !== 'alt') {shortcut += 'alt+';} if (event.ctrlKey && key !== 'ctrl') {shortcut += 'ctrl+';} if (event.metaKey && key !== 'meta') {shortcut += 'meta+';} if (event.shiftKey && key !== 'shift') {shortcut += 'shift+';} shortcut += key; return shortcut; }; var trigger_keydown = function (shortcut, element) { // Trigger shortcut keydown on an element element = element || document; element = $(element); var event = shortcut_to_event(shortcut, 'keydown'); element.trigger(event); }; // Shortcut manager class var ShortcutManager = function (delay) { this._shortcuts = {}; this._counts = {}; this._timers = {}; this.delay = delay || 800; // delay in milliseconds }; ShortcutManager.prototype.help = function () { var help = []; for (var shortcut in this._shortcuts) { var help_string = this._shortcuts[shortcut]['help']; var help_index = this._shortcuts[shortcut]['help_index']; if (help_string) { if (platform === 'MacOS') { shortcut = shortcut.replace('meta', 'cmd'); } help.push({ shortcut: shortcut, help: help_string, help_index: help_index} ); } } help.sort(function (a, b) { if (a.help_index > b.help_index) return 1; if (a.help_index < b.help_index) return -1; return 0; }); return help; }; ShortcutManager.prototype.clear_shortcuts = function () { this._shortcuts = {}; }; ShortcutManager.prototype.add_shortcut = function (shortcut, data, suppress_help_update) { if (typeof(data) === 'function') { data = {help: '', help_index: '', handler: data}; } data.help_index = data.help_index || ''; data.help = data.help || ''; data.count = data.count || 1; if (data.help_index === '') { data.help_index = 'zz'; } shortcut = normalize_shortcut(shortcut); this._counts[shortcut] = 0; this._shortcuts[shortcut] = data; if (!suppress_help_update) { // update the keyboard shortcuts notebook help $([IPython.events]).trigger('rebuild.QuickHelp'); } }; ShortcutManager.prototype.add_shortcuts = function (data) { for (var shortcut in data) { this.add_shortcut(shortcut, data[shortcut], true); } // update the keyboard shortcuts notebook help $([IPython.events]).trigger('rebuild.QuickHelp'); }; ShortcutManager.prototype.remove_shortcut = function (shortcut, suppress_help_update) { shortcut = normalize_shortcut(shortcut); delete this._counts[shortcut]; delete this._shortcuts[shortcut]; if (!suppress_help_update) { // update the keyboard shortcuts notebook help $([IPython.events]).trigger('rebuild.QuickHelp'); } }; ShortcutManager.prototype.count_handler = function (shortcut, event, data) { var that = this; var c = this._counts; var t = this._timers; var timer = null; if (c[shortcut] === data.count-1) { c[shortcut] = 0; var timer = t[shortcut]; if (timer) {clearTimeout(timer); delete t[shortcut];} return data.handler(event); } else { c[shortcut] = c[shortcut] + 1; timer = setTimeout(function () { c[shortcut] = 0; }, that.delay); t[shortcut] = timer; } return false; }; ShortcutManager.prototype.call_handler = function (event) { var shortcut = event_to_shortcut(event); var data = this._shortcuts[shortcut]; if (data) { var handler = data['handler']; if (handler) { if (data.count === 1) { return handler(event); } else if (data.count > 1) { return this.count_handler(shortcut, event, data); } } } return true; }; return { keycodes : keycodes, inv_keycodes : inv_keycodes, ShortcutManager : ShortcutManager, normalize_key : normalize_key, normalize_shortcut : normalize_shortcut, shortcut_to_event : shortcut_to_event, event_to_shortcut : event_to_shortcut, trigger_keydown : trigger_keydown }; }(IPython));