"""Tornado handlers for the notebook. Authors: * Brian Granger """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2008-2011 The IPython Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Cookie import datetime import email.utils import hashlib import logging import mimetypes import os import stat import threading import time import uuid from tornado.escape import url_escape from tornado import web from tornado import websocket from zmq.eventloop import ioloop from zmq.utils import jsonapi from IPython.external.decorator import decorator from IPython.zmq.session import Session from IPython.lib.security import passwd_check from IPython.utils.jsonutil import date_default from IPython.utils.path import filefind from IPython.utils.py3compat import PY3 try: from docutils.core import publish_string except ImportError: publish_string = None #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Monkeypatch for Tornado <= 2.1.1 - Remove when no longer necessary! #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Google Chrome, as of release 16, changed its websocket protocol number. The # parts tornado cares about haven't really changed, so it's OK to continue # accepting Chrome connections, but as of Tornado 2.1.1 (the currently released # version as of Oct 30/2011) the version check fails, see the issue report: # https://github.com/facebook/tornado/issues/385 # This issue has been fixed in Tornado post 2.1.1: # https://github.com/facebook/tornado/commit/84d7b458f956727c3b0d6710 # Here we manually apply the same patch as above so that users of IPython can # continue to work with an officially released Tornado. We make the # monkeypatch version check as narrow as possible to limit its effects; once # Tornado 2.1.1 is no longer found in the wild we'll delete this code. import tornado if tornado.version_info <= (2,1,1): def _execute(self, transforms, *args, **kwargs): from tornado.websocket import WebSocketProtocol8, WebSocketProtocol76 self.open_args = args self.open_kwargs = kwargs # The difference between version 8 and 13 is that in 8 the # client sends a "Sec-Websocket-Origin" header and in 13 it's # simply "Origin". if self.request.headers.get("Sec-WebSocket-Version") in ("7", "8", "13"): self.ws_connection = WebSocketProtocol8(self) self.ws_connection.accept_connection() elif self.request.headers.get("Sec-WebSocket-Version"): self.stream.write(tornado.escape.utf8( "HTTP/1.1 426 Upgrade Required\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 8\r\n\r\n")) self.stream.close() else: self.ws_connection = WebSocketProtocol76(self) self.ws_connection.accept_connection() websocket.WebSocketHandler._execute = _execute del _execute #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Decorator for disabling read-only handlers #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @decorator def not_if_readonly(f, self, *args, **kwargs): if self.application.read_only: raise web.HTTPError(403, "Notebook server is read-only") else: return f(self, *args, **kwargs) @decorator def authenticate_unless_readonly(f, self, *args, **kwargs): """authenticate this page *unless* readonly view is active. In read-only mode, the notebook list and print view should be accessible without authentication. """ @web.authenticated def auth_f(self, *args, **kwargs): return f(self, *args, **kwargs) if self.application.read_only: return f(self, *args, **kwargs) else: return auth_f(self, *args, **kwargs) def urljoin(*pieces): """Join componenet of url into a relative url Use to prevent double slash when joining subpath """ striped = [s.strip('/') for s in pieces] return '/'.join(s for s in striped if s) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Top-level handlers #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RequestHandler(web.RequestHandler): """RequestHandler with default variable setting.""" def render(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('message', '') return web.RequestHandler.render(*args, **kwargs) class AuthenticatedHandler(RequestHandler): """A RequestHandler with an authenticated user.""" def get_current_user(self): user_id = self.get_secure_cookie(self.settings['cookie_name']) # For now the user_id should not return empty, but it could eventually if user_id == '': user_id = 'anonymous' if user_id is None: # prevent extra Invalid cookie sig warnings: self.clear_cookie(self.settings['cookie_name']) if not self.application.password and not self.application.read_only: user_id = 'anonymous' return user_id @property def logged_in(self): """Is a user currently logged in? """ user = self.get_current_user() return (user and not user == 'anonymous') @property def login_available(self): """May a user proceed to log in? This returns True if login capability is available, irrespective of whether the user is already logged in or not. """ return bool(self.application.password) @property def read_only(self): """Is the notebook read-only? """ return self.application.read_only @property def use_less(self): """Use less instead of css in templates""" return self.application.use_less @property def ws_url(self): """websocket url matching the current request turns http[s]://host[:port] into ws[s]://host[:port] """ proto = self.request.protocol.replace('http', 'ws') host = self.application.ipython_app.websocket_host # default to config value if host == '': host = self.request.host # get from request return "%s://%s" % (proto, host) class AuthenticatedFileHandler(AuthenticatedHandler, web.StaticFileHandler): """static files should only be accessible when logged in""" @authenticate_unless_readonly def get(self, path): return web.StaticFileHandler.get(self, path) class ProjectDashboardHandler(AuthenticatedHandler): @authenticate_unless_readonly def get(self): nbm = self.application.notebook_manager project = nbm.notebook_dir template = self.application.jinja2_env.get_template('projectdashboard.html') self.write( template.render( project=project, project_component=project.split('/'), base_project_url=self.application.ipython_app.base_project_url, base_kernel_url=self.application.ipython_app.base_kernel_url, read_only=self.read_only, logged_in=self.logged_in, login_available=self.login_available)) class LoginHandler(AuthenticatedHandler): def _render(self, message=None): template = self.application.jinja2_env.get_template('login.html') self.write( template.render( next=url_escape(self.get_argument('next', default=self.application.ipython_app.base_project_url)), read_only=self.read_only, logged_in=self.logged_in, login_available=self.login_available, base_project_url=self.application.ipython_app.base_project_url, message=message )) def get(self): if self.current_user: self.redirect(self.get_argument('next', default=self.application.ipython_app.base_project_url)) else: self._render() def post(self): pwd = self.get_argument('password', default=u'') if self.application.password: if passwd_check(self.application.password, pwd): self.set_secure_cookie(self.settings['cookie_name'], str(uuid.uuid4())) else: self._render(message={'error': 'Invalid password'}) return self.redirect(self.get_argument('next', default=self.application.ipython_app.base_project_url)) class LogoutHandler(AuthenticatedHandler): def get(self): self.clear_cookie(self.settings['cookie_name']) if self.login_available: message = {'info': 'Successfully logged out.'} else: message = {'warning': 'Cannot log out. Notebook authentication ' 'is disabled.'} template = self.application.jinja2_env.get_template('logout.html') self.write( template.render( read_only=self.read_only, logged_in=self.logged_in, login_available=self.login_available, base_project_url=self.application.ipython_app.base_project_url, message=message)) class NewHandler(AuthenticatedHandler): @web.authenticated def get(self): nbm = self.application.notebook_manager project = nbm.notebook_dir notebook_id = nbm.new_notebook() self.redirect('/'+urljoin(self.application.ipython_app.base_project_url, notebook_id)) class NamedNotebookHandler(AuthenticatedHandler): @authenticate_unless_readonly def get(self, notebook_id): nbm = self.application.notebook_manager project = nbm.notebook_dir if not nbm.notebook_exists(notebook_id): raise web.HTTPError(404, u'Notebook does not exist: %s' % notebook_id) template = self.application.jinja2_env.get_template('notebook.html') self.write( template.render(project=project, notebook_id=notebook_id, base_project_url=self.application.ipython_app.base_project_url, base_kernel_url=self.application.ipython_app.base_kernel_url, kill_kernel=False, read_only=self.read_only, logged_in=self.logged_in, login_available=self.login_available, mathjax_url=self.application.ipython_app.mathjax_url, use_less=self.use_less,) ) class PrintNotebookHandler(AuthenticatedHandler): @authenticate_unless_readonly def get(self, notebook_id): nbm = self.application.notebook_manager project = nbm.notebook_dir if not nbm.notebook_exists(notebook_id): raise web.HTTPError(404, u'Notebook does not exist: %s' % notebook_id) template = self.application.jinja2_env.get_template('printnotebook.html') self.write( template.render( project=project, notebook_id=notebook_id, base_project_url=self.application.ipython_app.base_project_url, base_kernel_url=self.application.ipython_app.base_kernel_url, kill_kernel=False, read_only=self.read_only, logged_in=self.logged_in, login_available=self.login_available, mathjax_url=self.application.ipython_app.mathjax_url, )) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Kernel handlers #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MainKernelHandler(AuthenticatedHandler): @web.authenticated def get(self): km = self.application.kernel_manager self.finish(jsonapi.dumps(km.list_kernel_ids())) @web.authenticated def post(self): km = self.application.kernel_manager nbm = self.application.notebook_manager notebook_id = self.get_argument('notebook', default=None) kernel_id = km.start_kernel(notebook_id, cwd=nbm.notebook_dir) data = {'ws_url':self.ws_url,'kernel_id':kernel_id} self.set_header('Location', '/'+kernel_id) self.finish(jsonapi.dumps(data)) class KernelHandler(AuthenticatedHandler): SUPPORTED_METHODS = ('DELETE') @web.authenticated def delete(self, kernel_id): km = self.application.kernel_manager km.shutdown_kernel(kernel_id) self.set_status(204) self.finish() class KernelActionHandler(AuthenticatedHandler): @web.authenticated def post(self, kernel_id, action): km = self.application.kernel_manager if action == 'interrupt': km.interrupt_kernel(kernel_id) self.set_status(204) if action == 'restart': km.restart_kernel(kernel_id) data = {'ws_url':self.ws_url, 'kernel_id':kernel_id} self.set_header('Location', '/'+kernel_id) self.write(jsonapi.dumps(data)) self.finish() class ZMQStreamHandler(websocket.WebSocketHandler): def _reserialize_reply(self, msg_list): """Reserialize a reply message using JSON. This takes the msg list from the ZMQ socket, unserializes it using self.session and then serializes the result using JSON. This method should be used by self._on_zmq_reply to build messages that can be sent back to the browser. """ idents, msg_list = self.session.feed_identities(msg_list) msg = self.session.unserialize(msg_list) try: msg['header'].pop('date') except KeyError: pass try: msg['parent_header'].pop('date') except KeyError: pass msg.pop('buffers') return jsonapi.dumps(msg, default=date_default) def _on_zmq_reply(self, msg_list): try: msg = self._reserialize_reply(msg_list) except Exception: self.application.log.critical("Malformed message: %r" % msg_list, exc_info=True) else: self.write_message(msg) def allow_draft76(self): """Allow draft 76, until browsers such as Safari update to RFC 6455. This has been disabled by default in tornado in release 2.2.0, and support will be removed in later versions. """ return True class AuthenticatedZMQStreamHandler(ZMQStreamHandler): def open(self, kernel_id): self.kernel_id = kernel_id.decode('ascii') try: cfg = self.application.config except AttributeError: # protect from the case where this is run from something other than # the notebook app: cfg = None self.session = Session(config=cfg) self.save_on_message = self.on_message self.on_message = self.on_first_message def get_current_user(self): user_id = self.get_secure_cookie(self.settings['cookie_name']) if user_id == '' or (user_id is None and not self.application.password): user_id = 'anonymous' return user_id def _inject_cookie_message(self, msg): """Inject the first message, which is the document cookie, for authentication.""" if not PY3 and isinstance(msg, unicode): # Cookie constructor doesn't accept unicode strings # under Python 2.x for some reason msg = msg.encode('utf8', 'replace') try: self.request._cookies = Cookie.SimpleCookie(msg) except: logging.warn("couldn't parse cookie string: %s",msg, exc_info=True) def on_first_message(self, msg): self._inject_cookie_message(msg) if self.get_current_user() is None: logging.warn("Couldn't authenticate WebSocket connection") raise web.HTTPError(403) self.on_message = self.save_on_message class IOPubHandler(AuthenticatedZMQStreamHandler): def initialize(self, *args, **kwargs): self._kernel_alive = True self._beating = False self.iopub_stream = None self.hb_stream = None def on_first_message(self, msg): try: super(IOPubHandler, self).on_first_message(msg) except web.HTTPError: self.close() return km = self.application.kernel_manager self.time_to_dead = km.time_to_dead self.first_beat = km.first_beat kernel_id = self.kernel_id try: self.iopub_stream = km.create_iopub_stream(kernel_id) self.hb_stream = km.create_hb_stream(kernel_id) except web.HTTPError: # WebSockets don't response to traditional error codes so we # close the connection. if not self.stream.closed(): self.stream.close() self.close() else: self.iopub_stream.on_recv(self._on_zmq_reply) self.start_hb(self.kernel_died) def on_message(self, msg): pass def on_close(self): # This method can be called twice, once by self.kernel_died and once # from the WebSocket close event. If the WebSocket connection is # closed before the ZMQ streams are setup, they could be None. self.stop_hb() if self.iopub_stream is not None and not self.iopub_stream.closed(): self.iopub_stream.on_recv(None) self.iopub_stream.close() if self.hb_stream is not None and not self.hb_stream.closed(): self.hb_stream.close() def start_hb(self, callback): """Start the heartbeating and call the callback if the kernel dies.""" if not self._beating: self._kernel_alive = True def ping_or_dead(): self.hb_stream.flush() if self._kernel_alive: self._kernel_alive = False self.hb_stream.send(b'ping') # flush stream to force immediate socket send self.hb_stream.flush() else: try: callback() except: pass finally: self.stop_hb() def beat_received(msg): self._kernel_alive = True self.hb_stream.on_recv(beat_received) loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance() self._hb_periodic_callback = ioloop.PeriodicCallback(ping_or_dead, self.time_to_dead*1000, loop) loop.add_timeout(time.time()+self.first_beat, self._really_start_hb) self._beating= True def _really_start_hb(self): """callback for delayed heartbeat start Only start the hb loop if we haven't been closed during the wait. """ if self._beating and not self.hb_stream.closed(): self._hb_periodic_callback.start() def stop_hb(self): """Stop the heartbeating and cancel all related callbacks.""" if self._beating: self._beating = False self._hb_periodic_callback.stop() if not self.hb_stream.closed(): self.hb_stream.on_recv(None) def _delete_kernel_data(self): """Remove the kernel data and notebook mapping.""" self.application.kernel_manager.delete_mapping_for_kernel(self.kernel_id) def kernel_died(self): self._delete_kernel_data() self.application.log.error("Kernel died: %s" % self.kernel_id) self.write_message( {'header': {'msg_type': 'status'}, 'parent_header': {}, 'content': {'execution_state':'dead'} } ) self.on_close() class ShellHandler(AuthenticatedZMQStreamHandler): def initialize(self, *args, **kwargs): self.shell_stream = None def on_first_message(self, msg): try: super(ShellHandler, self).on_first_message(msg) except web.HTTPError: self.close() return km = self.application.kernel_manager self.max_msg_size = km.max_msg_size kernel_id = self.kernel_id try: self.shell_stream = km.create_shell_stream(kernel_id) except web.HTTPError: # WebSockets don't response to traditional error codes so we # close the connection. if not self.stream.closed(): self.stream.close() self.close() else: self.shell_stream.on_recv(self._on_zmq_reply) def on_message(self, msg): if len(msg) < self.max_msg_size: msg = jsonapi.loads(msg) self.session.send(self.shell_stream, msg) def on_close(self): # Make sure the stream exists and is not already closed. if self.shell_stream is not None and not self.shell_stream.closed(): self.shell_stream.close() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Notebook web service handlers #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class NotebookRootHandler(AuthenticatedHandler): @authenticate_unless_readonly def get(self): nbm = self.application.notebook_manager km = self.application.kernel_manager files = nbm.list_notebooks() for f in files : f['kernel_id'] = km.kernel_for_notebook(f['notebook_id']) self.finish(jsonapi.dumps(files)) @web.authenticated def post(self): nbm = self.application.notebook_manager body = self.request.body.strip() format = self.get_argument('format', default='json') name = self.get_argument('name', default=None) if body: notebook_id = nbm.save_new_notebook(body, name=name, format=format) else: notebook_id = nbm.new_notebook() self.set_header('Location', '/'+notebook_id) self.finish(jsonapi.dumps(notebook_id)) class NotebookHandler(AuthenticatedHandler): SUPPORTED_METHODS = ('GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE') @authenticate_unless_readonly def get(self, notebook_id): nbm = self.application.notebook_manager format = self.get_argument('format', default='json') last_mod, name, data = nbm.get_notebook(notebook_id, format) if format == u'json': self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.set_header('Content-Disposition','attachment; filename="%s.ipynb"' % name) elif format == u'py': self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-python') self.set_header('Content-Disposition','attachment; filename="%s.py"' % name) self.set_header('Last-Modified', last_mod) self.finish(data) @web.authenticated def put(self, notebook_id): nbm = self.application.notebook_manager format = self.get_argument('format', default='json') name = self.get_argument('name', default=None) nbm.save_notebook(notebook_id, self.request.body, name=name, format=format) self.set_status(204) self.finish() @web.authenticated def delete(self, notebook_id): nbm = self.application.notebook_manager nbm.delete_notebook(notebook_id) self.set_status(204) self.finish() class NotebookCopyHandler(AuthenticatedHandler): @web.authenticated def get(self, notebook_id): nbm = self.application.notebook_manager project = nbm.notebook_dir notebook_id = nbm.copy_notebook(notebook_id) self.redirect('/'+urljoin(self.application.ipython_app.base_project_url, notebook_id)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cluster handlers #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MainClusterHandler(AuthenticatedHandler): @web.authenticated def get(self): cm = self.application.cluster_manager self.finish(jsonapi.dumps(cm.list_profiles())) class ClusterProfileHandler(AuthenticatedHandler): @web.authenticated def get(self, profile): cm = self.application.cluster_manager self.finish(jsonapi.dumps(cm.profile_info(profile))) class ClusterActionHandler(AuthenticatedHandler): @web.authenticated def post(self, profile, action): cm = self.application.cluster_manager if action == 'start': n = self.get_argument('n',default=None) if n is None: data = cm.start_cluster(profile) else: data = cm.start_cluster(profile,int(n)) if action == 'stop': data = cm.stop_cluster(profile) self.finish(jsonapi.dumps(data)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RST web service handlers #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RSTHandler(AuthenticatedHandler): @web.authenticated def post(self): if publish_string is None: raise web.HTTPError(503, u'docutils not available') body = self.request.body.strip() source = body # template_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), u'templates', u'rst_template.html') defaults = {'file_insertion_enabled': 0, 'raw_enabled': 0, '_disable_config': 1, 'stylesheet_path': 0 # 'template': template_path } try: html = publish_string(source, writer_name='html', settings_overrides=defaults ) except: raise web.HTTPError(400, u'Invalid RST') print html self.set_header('Content-Type', 'text/html') self.finish(html) # to minimize subclass changes: HTTPError = web.HTTPError class FileFindHandler(web.StaticFileHandler): """subclass of StaticFileHandler for serving files from a search path""" _static_paths = {} # _lock is needed for tornado < 2.2.0 compat _lock = threading.Lock() # protects _static_hashes def initialize(self, path, default_filename=None): if isinstance(path, basestring): path = [path] self.roots = tuple( os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(p)) + os.path.sep for p in path ) self.default_filename = default_filename @classmethod def locate_file(cls, path, roots): """locate a file to serve on our static file search path""" with cls._lock: if path in cls._static_paths: return cls._static_paths[path] try: abspath = os.path.abspath(filefind(path, roots)) except IOError: # empty string should always give exists=False return '' # os.path.abspath strips a trailing / # it needs to be temporarily added back for requests to root/ if not (abspath + os.path.sep).startswith(roots): raise HTTPError(403, "%s is not in root static directory", path) cls._static_paths[path] = abspath return abspath def get(self, path, include_body=True): path = self.parse_url_path(path) # begin subclass override abspath = self.locate_file(path, self.roots) # end subclass override if os.path.isdir(abspath) and self.default_filename is not None: # need to look at the request.path here for when path is empty # but there is some prefix to the path that was already # trimmed by the routing if not self.request.path.endswith("/"): self.redirect(self.request.path + "/") return abspath = os.path.join(abspath, self.default_filename) if not os.path.exists(abspath): raise HTTPError(404) if not os.path.isfile(abspath): raise HTTPError(403, "%s is not a file", path) stat_result = os.stat(abspath) modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(stat_result[stat.ST_MTIME]) self.set_header("Last-Modified", modified) mime_type, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(abspath) if mime_type: self.set_header("Content-Type", mime_type) cache_time = self.get_cache_time(path, modified, mime_type) if cache_time > 0: self.set_header("Expires", datetime.datetime.utcnow() + \ datetime.timedelta(seconds=cache_time)) self.set_header("Cache-Control", "max-age=" + str(cache_time)) else: self.set_header("Cache-Control", "public") self.set_extra_headers(path) # Check the If-Modified-Since, and don't send the result if the # content has not been modified ims_value = self.request.headers.get("If-Modified-Since") if ims_value is not None: date_tuple = email.utils.parsedate(ims_value) if_since = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(date_tuple)) if if_since >= modified: self.set_status(304) return with open(abspath, "rb") as file: data = file.read() hasher = hashlib.sha1() hasher.update(data) self.set_header("Etag", '"%s"' % hasher.hexdigest()) if include_body: self.write(data) else: assert self.request.method == "HEAD" self.set_header("Content-Length", len(data)) @classmethod def get_version(cls, settings, path): """Generate the version string to be used in static URLs. This method may be overridden in subclasses (but note that it is a class method rather than a static method). The default implementation uses a hash of the file's contents. ``settings`` is the `Application.settings` dictionary and ``path`` is the relative location of the requested asset on the filesystem. The returned value should be a string, or ``None`` if no version could be determined. """ # begin subclass override: static_paths = settings['static_path'] if isinstance(static_paths, basestring): static_paths = [static_paths] roots = tuple( os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(p)) + os.path.sep for p in static_paths ) try: abs_path = filefind(path, roots) except IOError: logging.error("Could not find static file %r", path) return None # end subclass override with cls._lock: hashes = cls._static_hashes if abs_path not in hashes: try: f = open(abs_path, "rb") hashes[abs_path] = hashlib.md5(f.read()).hexdigest() f.close() except Exception: logging.error("Could not open static file %r", path) hashes[abs_path] = None hsh = hashes.get(abs_path) if hsh: return hsh[:5] return None def parse_url_path(self, url_path): """Converts a static URL path into a filesystem path. ``url_path`` is the path component of the URL with ``static_url_prefix`` removed. The return value should be filesystem path relative to ``static_path``. """ if os.path.sep != "/": url_path = url_path.replace("/", os.path.sep) return url_path