// Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. // Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. define([ "widgets/js/widget", "base/js/utils", "jquery", "bootstrap", ], function(widget, utils, $){ var AccordionView = widget.DOMWidgetView.extend({ render: function(){ // Called when view is rendered. var guid = 'panel-group' + utils.uuid(); this.$el .attr('id', guid) .addClass('panel-group'); this.containers = []; this.model_containers = {}; this.update_children([], this.model.get('children')); this.model.on('change:children', function(model, value, options) { this.update_children(model.previous('children'), value); }, this); this.model.on('change:selected_index', function(model, value, options) { this.update_selected_index(model.previous('selected_index'), value, options); }, this); this.model.on('change:_titles', function(model, value, options) { this.update_titles(value); }, this); var that = this; this.on('displayed', function() { this.update_titles(); }, this); }, update_titles: function(titles) { // Set tab titles if (!titles) { titles = this.model.get('_titles'); } var that = this; _.each(titles, function(title, page_index) { var accordian = that.containers[page_index]; if (accordian !== undefined) { accordian .find('.panel-heading') .find('.accordion-toggle') .text(title); } }); }, update_selected_index: function(old_index, new_index, options) { // Only update the selection if the selection wasn't triggered // by the front-end. It must be triggered by the back-end. if (options === undefined || options.updated_view != this) { this.containers[old_index].find('.panel-collapse').collapse('hide'); if (0 <= new_index && new_index < this.containers.length) { this.containers[new_index].find('.panel-collapse').collapse('show'); } } }, update_children: function(old_list, new_list) { // Called when the children list is modified. this.do_diff(old_list, new_list, $.proxy(this.remove_child_model, this), $.proxy(this.add_child_model, this)); }, remove_child_model: function(model) { // Called when a child is removed from children list. var accordion_group = this.model_containers[model.id]; this.containers.splice(accordion_group.container_index, 1); delete this.model_containers[model.id]; accordion_group.remove(); this.pop_child_view(model); }, add_child_model: function(model) { // Called when a child is added to children list. var index = this.containers.length; var uuid = utils.uuid(); var accordion_group = $('
') .addClass('panel panel-default') .appendTo(this.$el); var accordion_heading = $('') .addClass('panel-heading') .appendTo(accordion_group); var that = this; var accordion_toggle = $('') .addClass('accordion-toggle') .attr('data-toggle', 'collapse') .attr('data-parent', '#' + this.$el.attr('id')) .attr('href', '#' + uuid) .click(function(evt){ // Calling model.set will trigger all of the other views of the // model to update. that.model.set("selected_index", index, {updated_view: that}); that.touch(); }) .text('Page ' + index) .appendTo(accordion_heading); var accordion_body = $('', {id: uuid}) .addClass('panel-collapse collapse') .appendTo(accordion_group); var accordion_inner = $('') .addClass('panel-body') .appendTo(accordion_body); var container_index = this.containers.push(accordion_group) - 1; accordion_group.container_index = container_index; this.model_containers[model.id] = accordion_group; var dummy = $(''); accordion_inner.append(dummy); return this.create_child_view(model).then(function(view) { dummy.replaceWith(view.$el); that.update(); that.update_titles(); // Trigger the displayed event of the child view. that.after_displayed(function() { view.trigger('displayed'); }); return view; }, utils.reject("Couldn't add child view to box", true)); }, }); var TabView = widget.DOMWidgetView.extend({ initialize: function() { // Public constructor. this.containers = []; TabView.__super__.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }, render: function(){ // Called when view is rendered. var uuid = 'tabs'+utils.uuid(); var that = this; this.$tabs = $('', {id: uuid}) .addClass('nav') .addClass('nav-tabs') .appendTo(this.$el); this.$tab_contents = $('', {id: uuid + 'Content'}) .addClass('tab-content') .appendTo(this.$el); this.containers = []; this.update_children([], this.model.get('children')); this.model.on('change:children', function(model, value, options) { this.update_children(model.previous('children'), value); }, this); }, update_attr: function(name, value) { // Set a css attr of the widget view. this.$tabs.css(name, value); }, update_children: function(old_list, new_list) { // Called when the children list is modified. this.do_diff(old_list, new_list, $.proxy(this.remove_child_model, this), $.proxy(this.add_child_model, this)); }, remove_child_model: function(model) { // Called when a child is removed from children list. var view = this.pop_child_view(model); this.containers.splice(view.parent_tab.tab_text_index, 1); view.parent_tab.remove(); view.parent_container.remove(); view.remove(); }, add_child_model: function(model) { // Called when a child is added to children list. var index = this.containers.length; var uuid = utils.uuid(); var that = this; var tab = $('') .css('list-style-type', 'none') .appendTo(this.$tabs); var tab_text = $('') .attr('href', '#' + uuid) .attr('data-toggle', 'tab') .text('Page ' + index) .appendTo(tab) .click(function (e) { // Calling model.set will trigger all of the other views of the // model to update. that.model.set("selected_index", index, {updated_view: that}); that.touch(); that.select_page(index); }); tab.tab_text_index = that.containers.push(tab_text) - 1; var dummy = $(''); var contents_div = $('', {id: uuid}) .addClass('tab-pane') .addClass('fade') .append(dummy) .appendTo(that.$tab_contents); return this.create_child_view(model).then(function(view) { dummy.replaceWith(view.$el); view.parent_tab = tab; view.parent_container = contents_div; // Trigger the displayed event of the child view. that.after_displayed(function() { view.trigger('displayed'); }); return view; }, utils.reject("Couldn't add child view to box", true)); }, update: function(options) { // Update the contents of this view // // Called when the model is changed. The model may have been // changed by another view or by a state update from the back-end. if (options === undefined || options.updated_view != this) { // Set tab titles var titles = this.model.get('_titles'); var that = this; _.each(titles, function(title, page_index) { var tab_text = that.containers[page_index]; if (tab_text !== undefined) { tab_text.text(title); } }); var selected_index = this.model.get('selected_index'); if (0 <= selected_index && selected_index < this.containers.length) { this.select_page(selected_index); } } return TabView.__super__.update.apply(this); }, select_page: function(index) { // Select a page. this.$tabs.find('li') .removeClass('active'); this.containers[index].tab('show'); }, }); return { 'AccordionView': AccordionView, 'TabView': TabView, }; });