===================== Development version ===================== This document describes in-flight development work. .. warning:: Please do not edit this file by hand (doing so will likely cause merge conflicts for other Pull Requests). Instead, create a new file in the `docs/source/whatsnew/pr` folder * :class:`~.TextWidget` and :class:`~.TextareaWidget` objects now include a ``placeholder`` attribute, for displaying placeholder text before the user has typed anything. * The %load magic can now find the source for objects in the user namespace. To enable searching the namespace, use the ``-n`` option. .. sourcecode:: ipython In [1]: %load -n my_module.some_function * :class:`~.DirectView` objects have a new :meth:`~.DirectView.use_cloudpickle` method, which works like ``view.use_dill()``, but causes the ``cloudpickle`` module from PiCloud's `cloud`__ library to be used rather than dill or the builtin pickle module. __ https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cloud * Added a .ipynb exporter to nbconvert. It can be used by passing `--to notebook` as a commandline argument to nbconvert. * New nbconvert preprocessor called :class:`~.ClearOutputPreprocessor`. This clears the output from IPython notebooks. * New preprocessor for nbconvert that executes all the code cells in a notebook. To run a notebook and save its output in a new notebook:: ipython nbconvert InputNotebook --ExecutePreprocessor.enabled=True --to notebook --output Executed .. DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE BEFORE RELEASE. FEATURE INSERTION POINT. Backwards incompatible changes ------------------------------ * :func:`IPython.core.oinspect.getsource` call specification has changed: * `oname` keyword argument has been added for property source formatting * `is_binary` keyword argument has been dropped, passing ``True`` had previously short-circuited the function to return ``None`` unconditionally * Removed the octavemagic extension: it is now available as ``oct2py.ipython``. * Creating PDFs with LaTeX no longer uses a post processor. Use `nbconvert --to pdf` instead of `nbconvert --to latex --post pdf`. * Used https://github.com/jdfreder/bootstrap2to3 to migrate the Notebook to Bootstrap 3. Additional changes: - Set `.tab-content .row` `0px;` left and right margin (bootstrap default is `-15px;`) - Removed `height: @btn_mini_height;` from `.list_header>div, .list_item>div` in `tree.less` - Set `#header` div `margin-bottom: 0px;` - Set `#menus` to `float: left;` - Set `#maintoolbar .navbar-text` to `float: none;` - Added no-padding convienence class. - Set border of #maintoolbar to 0px * Accessing the `container` DOM object when displaying javascript has been deprecated in IPython 2.0 in favor of accessing `element`. Starting with IPython 3.0 trying to access `container` will raise an error in browser javascript console. IFrame embedding ```````````````` The IPython Notebook and its APIs by default will only be allowed to be embedded in an iframe on the same origin. To override this, set ``headers[X-Frame-Options]`` to one of * DENY * SAMEORIGIN * ALLOW-FROM uri See `Mozilla's guide to X-Frame-Options <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/X-Frame-Options>`_ for more examples. .. DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE BEFORE RELEASE. INCOMPAT INSERTION POINT.