"""Base classes for the notebook conversion pipeline. This module defines Converter, from which all objects designed to implement a conversion of IPython notebooks to some other format should inherit. """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2012, the IPython Development Team. # # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. # # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import converters.transformers as trans from converters.jinja_filters import (python_comment, indent, rm_fake, remove_ansi, markdown, highlight, ansi2html, markdown2latex, escape_tex, FilterDataType) from converters.utils import markdown2rst # Stdlib imports import io from IPython.utils.traitlets import MetaHasTraits from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader env = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader([ './templates/', './templates/skeleton/', ]), extensions=['jinja2.ext.loopcontrols'] ) texenv = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader([ './templates/tex/', './templates/skeleton/tex/', ]), extensions=['jinja2.ext.loopcontrols'] ) # IPython imports from IPython.nbformat import current as nbformat from IPython.config.configurable import Configurable from IPython.utils.traitlets import ( Unicode, List, Bool) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Class declarations #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ConversionException(Exception): pass texenv.block_start_string = '((*' texenv.block_end_string = '*))' texenv.variable_start_string = '(((' texenv.variable_end_string = ')))' texenv.comment_start_string = '((=' texenv.comment_end_string = '=))' texenv.filters['escape_tex'] = escape_tex class ConverterTemplate(Configurable): """ A Jinja2 base converter templates Preprocess the ipynb files, feed it throug jinja templates, and spit an converted files and a data object with other data shoudl be mostly configurable """ pre_transformer_order = List(['haspyout_transformer'], config=True, help= """ An ordered list of pre transformer to apply to the ipynb file befor running through templates """ ) tex_environement = Bool(False, config=True, help=""" is this a tex environment or not """) template_file = Unicode('', config=True, help=""" Name of the template file to use """ ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Instance-level attributes that are set in the constructor for this # class. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- preprocessors = [] def __init__(self, preprocessors={}, jinja_filters={}, config=None, **kw): """ Init a new converter. config: the Configurable confgg object to pass around preprocessors: dict of **availlable** key/value function to run on ipynb json data before conversion to extract/inline file, jinja_filter : dict of supplementary jinja filter that should be made availlable in template. If those are of Configurable Class type, they will be instanciated with the config object as argument. """ super(ConverterTemplate, self).__init__(config=config, **kw) self.env = texenv if self.tex_environement else env self.ext = '.tplx' if self.tex_environement else '.tpl' for name in self.pre_transformer_order: transformer = getattr(preprocessors, name, getattr(trans, name, None)) if isinstance(transformer, MetaHasTraits): transformer = transformer(config=config) self.preprocessors.append(transformer) ## for compat, remove later self.preprocessors.append(trans.coalesce_streams) self.preprocessors.append(trans.ExtractFigureTransformer(config=config)) self.preprocessors.append(trans.RevealHelpTransformer(config=config)) self.preprocessors.append(trans.CSSHtmlHeaderTransformer(config=config)) ## self.env.filters['filter_data_type'] = FilterDataType(config=config) self.env.filters['pycomment'] = python_comment self.env.filters['indent'] = indent self.env.filters['rm_fake'] = rm_fake self.env.filters['rm_ansi'] = remove_ansi self.env.filters['markdown'] = markdown self.env.filters['highlight'] = highlight self.env.filters['ansi2html'] = ansi2html self.env.filters['markdown2latex'] = markdown2latex self.env.filters['markdown2rst'] = markdown2rst for key, filtr in jinja_filters.iteritems(): if isinstance(filtr, MetaHasTraits): self.env.filters[key] = filtr(config=config) else : self.env.filters[key] = filtr self.template = self.env.get_template(self.template_file+self.ext) def process(self, nb): """ preprocess the notebook json for easier use with the templates. will call all the `preprocessor`s in order before returning it. """ # dict of 'resources' that could be made by the preprocessors # like key/value data to extract files from ipynb like in latex conversion resources = {} for preprocessor in self.preprocessors: nb, resources = preprocessor(nb, resources) return nb, resources def convert(self, nb): """ convert the ipynb file return both the converted ipynb file and a dict containing potential other resources """ nb, resources = self.process(nb) return self.template.render(nb=nb, resources=resources), resources def from_filename(self, filename): "read and parse notebook into NotebookNode called self.nb" with io.open(filename) as f: return self.convert(nbformat.read(f, 'json'))