//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 2011 The IPython Development Team // // Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in // the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //============================================================================ // On document ready //============================================================================ "use strict"; // for the time beeing, we have to pass marked as a parameter here, // as injecting require.js make marked not to put itself in the globals, // which make both this file fail at setting marked configuration, and textcell.js // which search marked into global. require(['components/marked/lib/marked'], function (marked) { window.marked = marked // monkey patch CM to be able to syntax highlight cell magics // bug reported upstream, // see https://github.com/marijnh/CodeMirror2/issues/670 if(CodeMirror.getMode(1,'text/plain').indent == undefined ){ console.log('patching CM for undefined indent'); CodeMirror.modes.null = function() { return {token: function(stream) {stream.skipToEnd();},indent : function(){return 0}} } } CodeMirror.patchedGetMode = function(config, mode){ var cmmode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, mode); if(cmmode.indent == null) { console.log('patch mode "' , mode, '" on the fly'); cmmode.indent = function(){return 0}; } return cmmode; } // end monkey patching CodeMirror IPython.mathjaxutils.init(); $('#ipython-main-app').addClass('border-box-sizing'); $('div#notebook_panel').addClass('border-box-sizing'); var baseProjectUrl = $('body').data('baseProjectUrl') IPython.page = new IPython.Page(); IPython.layout_manager = new IPython.LayoutManager(); IPython.pager = new IPython.Pager('div#pager', 'div#pager_splitter'); IPython.quick_help = new IPython.QuickHelp(); IPython.login_widget = new IPython.LoginWidget('span#login_widget',{baseProjectUrl:baseProjectUrl}); IPython.notebook = new IPython.Notebook('div#notebook',{baseProjectUrl:baseProjectUrl}); IPython.save_widget = new IPython.SaveWidget('span#save_widget'); IPython.menubar = new IPython.MenuBar('#menubar',{baseProjectUrl:baseProjectUrl}) IPython.toolbar = new IPython.MainToolBar('#maintoolbar-container') IPython.tooltip = new IPython.Tooltip() IPython.notification_area = new IPython.NotificationArea('#notification_area') IPython.notification_area.init_notification_widgets(); IPython.layout_manager.do_resize(); $('body').append('
') var nh = $('#test1').innerHeight(); var bh = $('#test2').innerHeight(); var ih = $('#test3').innerHeight(); if(nh != bh || nh != ih) { $('head').append(''); } $('#fonttest').remove(); IPython.page.show(); IPython.layout_manager.do_resize(); var first_load = function () { IPython.layout_manager.do_resize(); var hash = document.location.hash; if (hash) { document.location.hash = ''; document.location.hash = hash; } IPython.notebook.set_autosave_interval(IPython.notebook.minimum_autosave_interval); // only do this once $([IPython.events]).off('notebook_loaded.Notebook', first_load); }; $([IPython.events]).on('notebook_loaded.Notebook', first_load); $([IPython.events]).trigger('app_initialized.NotebookApp'); IPython.notebook.load_notebook($('body').data('notebookId')); if (marked) { marked.setOptions({ gfm : true, tables: true, langPrefix: "language-", highlight: function(code, lang) { if (!lang) { // no language, no highlight return code; } var highlighted; try { highlighted = hljs.highlight(lang, code, false); } catch(err) { highlighted = hljs.highlightAuto(code); } return highlighted.value; } }) } } );