#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """Start an IPython cluster = (controller + engines).""" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2008 The IPython Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import re import sys import signal pjoin = os.path.join from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from twisted.internet.protocol import ProcessProtocol from twisted.internet.error import ProcessDone, ProcessTerminated from twisted.internet.utils import getProcessOutput from twisted.python import failure, log from IPython.external import argparse from IPython.external import Itpl from IPython.genutils import get_ipython_dir, num_cpus from IPython.kernel.fcutil import have_crypto from IPython.kernel.error import SecurityError from IPython.kernel.fcutil import have_crypto from IPython.kernel.twistedutil import gatherBoth from IPython.kernel.util import printer #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # General process handling code #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def find_exe(cmd): try: import win32api except ImportError: raise ImportError('you need to have pywin32 installed for this to work') else: try: (path, offest) = win32api.SearchPath(os.environ['PATH'],cmd + '.exe') except: (path, offset) = win32api.SearchPath(os.environ['PATH'],cmd + '.bat') return path class ProcessStateError(Exception): pass class UnknownStatus(Exception): pass class LauncherProcessProtocol(ProcessProtocol): """ A ProcessProtocol to go with the ProcessLauncher. """ def __init__(self, process_launcher): self.process_launcher = process_launcher def connectionMade(self): self.process_launcher.fire_start_deferred(self.transport.pid) def processEnded(self, status): value = status.value if isinstance(value, ProcessDone): self.process_launcher.fire_stop_deferred(0) elif isinstance(value, ProcessTerminated): self.process_launcher.fire_stop_deferred( {'exit_code':value.exitCode, 'signal':value.signal, 'status':value.status } ) else: raise UnknownStatus("unknown exit status, this is probably a bug in Twisted") def outReceived(self, data): log.msg(data) def errReceived(self, data): log.err(data) class ProcessLauncher(object): """ Start and stop an external process in an asynchronous manner. Currently this uses deferreds to notify other parties of process state changes. This is an awkward design and should be moved to using a formal NotificationCenter. """ def __init__(self, cmd_and_args): self.cmd = cmd_and_args[0] self.args = cmd_and_args self._reset() def _reset(self): self.process_protocol = None self.pid = None self.start_deferred = None self.stop_deferreds = [] self.state = 'before' # before, running, or after @property def running(self): if self.state == 'running': return True else: return False def fire_start_deferred(self, pid): self.pid = pid self.state = 'running' log.msg('Process %r has started with pid=%i' % (self.args, pid)) self.start_deferred.callback(pid) def start(self): if self.state == 'before': self.process_protocol = LauncherProcessProtocol(self) self.start_deferred = defer.Deferred() self.process_transport = reactor.spawnProcess( self.process_protocol, self.cmd, self.args, env=os.environ ) return self.start_deferred else: s = 'the process has already been started and has state: %r' % \ self.state return defer.fail(ProcessStateError(s)) def get_stop_deferred(self): if self.state == 'running' or self.state == 'before': d = defer.Deferred() self.stop_deferreds.append(d) return d else: s = 'this process is already complete' return defer.fail(ProcessStateError(s)) def fire_stop_deferred(self, exit_code): log.msg('Process %r has stopped with %r' % (self.args, exit_code)) self.state = 'after' for d in self.stop_deferreds: d.callback(exit_code) def signal(self, sig): """ Send a signal to the process. The argument sig can be ('KILL','INT', etc.) or any signal number. """ if self.state == 'running': self.process_transport.signalProcess(sig) # def __del__(self): # self.signal('KILL') def interrupt_then_kill(self, delay=1.0): self.signal('INT') reactor.callLater(delay, self.signal, 'KILL') #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code for launching controller and engines #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ControllerLauncher(ProcessLauncher): def __init__(self, extra_args=None): if sys.platform == 'win32': # This logic is needed because the ipcontroller script doesn't # always get installed in the same way or in the same location. from IPython.kernel.scripts import ipcontroller script_location = ipcontroller.__file__.replace('.pyc', '.py') # The -u option here turns on unbuffered output, which is required # on Win32 to prevent wierd conflict and problems with Twisted args = [find_exe('python'), '-u', script_location] else: args = ['ipcontroller'] self.extra_args = extra_args if extra_args is not None: args.extend(extra_args) ProcessLauncher.__init__(self, args) class EngineLauncher(ProcessLauncher): def __init__(self, extra_args=None): if sys.platform == 'win32': # This logic is needed because the ipcontroller script doesn't # always get installed in the same way or in the same location. from IPython.kernel.scripts import ipengine script_location = ipengine.__file__.replace('.pyc', '.py') # The -u option here turns on unbuffered output, which is required # on Win32 to prevent wierd conflict and problems with Twisted args = [find_exe('python'), '-u', script_location] else: args = ['ipengine'] self.extra_args = extra_args if extra_args is not None: args.extend(extra_args) ProcessLauncher.__init__(self, args) class LocalEngineSet(object): def __init__(self, extra_args=None): self.extra_args = extra_args self.launchers = [] def start(self, n): dlist = [] for i in range(n): el = EngineLauncher(extra_args=self.extra_args) d = el.start() self.launchers.append(el) dlist.append(d) dfinal = gatherBoth(dlist, consumeErrors=True) dfinal.addCallback(self._handle_start) return dfinal def _handle_start(self, r): log.msg('Engines started with pids: %r' % r) return r def _handle_stop(self, r): log.msg('Engines received signal: %r' % r) return r def signal(self, sig): dlist = [] for el in self.launchers: d = el.get_stop_deferred() dlist.append(d) el.signal(sig) dfinal = gatherBoth(dlist, consumeErrors=True) dfinal.addCallback(self._handle_stop) return dfinal def interrupt_then_kill(self, delay=1.0): dlist = [] for el in self.launchers: d = el.get_stop_deferred() dlist.append(d) el.interrupt_then_kill(delay) dfinal = gatherBoth(dlist, consumeErrors=True) dfinal.addCallback(self._handle_stop) return dfinal class BatchEngineSet(object): # Subclasses must fill these in. See PBSEngineSet submit_command = '' delete_command = '' job_id_regexp = '' def __init__(self, template_file, **kwargs): self.template_file = template_file self.context = {} self.context.update(kwargs) self.batch_file = self.template_file+'-run' def parse_job_id(self, output): m = re.match(self.job_id_regexp, output) if m is not None: job_id = m.group() else: raise Exception("job id couldn't be determined: %s" % output) self.job_id = job_id log.msg('Job started with job id: %r' % job_id) return job_id def write_batch_script(self, n): self.context['n'] = n template = open(self.template_file, 'r').read() log.msg('Using template for batch script: %s' % self.template_file) script_as_string = Itpl.itplns(template, self.context) log.msg('Writing instantiated batch script: %s' % self.batch_file) f = open(self.batch_file,'w') f.write(script_as_string) f.close() def handle_error(self, f): f.printTraceback() f.raiseException() def start(self, n): self.write_batch_script(n) d = getProcessOutput(self.submit_command, [self.batch_file],env=os.environ) d.addCallback(self.parse_job_id) d.addErrback(self.handle_error) return d def kill(self): d = getProcessOutput(self.delete_command, [self.job_id],env=os.environ) return d class PBSEngineSet(BatchEngineSet): submit_command = 'qsub' delete_command = 'qdel' job_id_regexp = '\d+' def __init__(self, template_file, **kwargs): BatchEngineSet.__init__(self, template_file, **kwargs) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main functions for the different types of clusters #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: # The logic in these codes should be moved into classes like LocalCluster # MpirunCluster, PBSCluster, etc. This would remove alot of the duplications. # The main functions should then just parse the command line arguments, create # the appropriate class and call a 'start' method. def check_security(args, cont_args): if (not args.x or not args.y) and not have_crypto: log.err(""" OpenSSL/pyOpenSSL is not available, so we can't run in secure mode. Try running ipcluster with the -xy flags: ipcluster local -xy -n 4""") reactor.stop() return False if args.x: cont_args.append('-x') if args.y: cont_args.append('-y') return True def main_local(args): cont_args = [] cont_args.append('--logfile=%s' % pjoin(args.logdir,'ipcontroller')) # Check security settings before proceeding if not check_security(args, cont_args): return cl = ControllerLauncher(extra_args=cont_args) dstart = cl.start() def start_engines(cont_pid): engine_args = [] engine_args.append('--logfile=%s' % \ pjoin(args.logdir,'ipengine%s-' % cont_pid)) eset = LocalEngineSet(extra_args=engine_args) def shutdown(signum, frame): log.msg('Stopping local cluster') # We are still playing with the times here, but these seem # to be reliable in allowing everything to exit cleanly. eset.interrupt_then_kill(0.5) cl.interrupt_then_kill(0.5) reactor.callLater(1.0, reactor.stop) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT,shutdown) d = eset.start(args.n) return d def delay_start(cont_pid): # This is needed because the controller doesn't start listening # right when it starts and the controller needs to write # furl files for the engine to pick up reactor.callLater(1.0, start_engines, cont_pid) dstart.addCallback(delay_start) dstart.addErrback(lambda f: f.raiseException()) def main_mpirun(args): cont_args = [] cont_args.append('--logfile=%s' % pjoin(args.logdir,'ipcontroller')) # Check security settings before proceeding if not check_security(args, cont_args): return cl = ControllerLauncher(extra_args=cont_args) dstart = cl.start() def start_engines(cont_pid): raw_args = ['mpirun'] raw_args.extend(['-n',str(args.n)]) raw_args.append('ipengine') raw_args.append('-l') raw_args.append(pjoin(args.logdir,'ipengine%s-' % cont_pid)) if args.mpi: raw_args.append('--mpi=%s' % args.mpi) eset = ProcessLauncher(raw_args) def shutdown(signum, frame): log.msg('Stopping local cluster') # We are still playing with the times here, but these seem # to be reliable in allowing everything to exit cleanly. eset.interrupt_then_kill(1.0) cl.interrupt_then_kill(1.0) reactor.callLater(2.0, reactor.stop) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT,shutdown) d = eset.start() return d def delay_start(cont_pid): # This is needed because the controller doesn't start listening # right when it starts and the controller needs to write # furl files for the engine to pick up reactor.callLater(1.0, start_engines, cont_pid) dstart.addCallback(delay_start) dstart.addErrback(lambda f: f.raiseException()) def main_pbs(args): cont_args = [] cont_args.append('--logfile=%s' % pjoin(args.logdir,'ipcontroller')) # Check security settings before proceeding if not check_security(args, cont_args): return cl = ControllerLauncher(extra_args=cont_args) dstart = cl.start() def start_engines(r): pbs_set = PBSEngineSet(args.pbsscript) def shutdown(signum, frame): log.msg('Stopping pbs cluster') d = pbs_set.kill() d.addBoth(lambda _: cl.interrupt_then_kill(1.0)) d.addBoth(lambda _: reactor.callLater(2.0, reactor.stop)) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT,shutdown) d = pbs_set.start(args.n) return d dstart.addCallback(start_engines) dstart.addErrback(lambda f: f.raiseException()) def get_args(): base_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) base_parser.add_argument( '-x', action='store_true', dest='x', help='turn off client security' ) base_parser.add_argument( '-y', action='store_true', dest='y', help='turn off engine security' ) base_parser.add_argument( "--logdir", type=str, dest="logdir", help="directory to put log files (default=$IPYTHONDIR/log)", default=pjoin(get_ipython_dir(),'log') ) base_parser.add_argument( "-n", "--num", type=int, dest="n", default=2, help="the number of engines to start" ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='IPython cluster startup. This starts a controller and\ engines using various approaches. THIS IS A TECHNOLOGY PREVIEW AND\ THE API WILL CHANGE SIGNIFICANTLY BEFORE THE FINAL RELEASE.' ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( help='available cluster types. For help, do "ipcluster TYPE --help"') parser_local = subparsers.add_parser( 'local', help='run a local cluster', parents=[base_parser] ) parser_local.set_defaults(func=main_local) parser_mpirun = subparsers.add_parser( 'mpirun', help='run a cluster using mpirun', parents=[base_parser] ) parser_mpirun.add_argument( "--mpi", type=str, dest="mpi", # Don't put a default here to allow no MPI support help="how to call MPI_Init (default=mpi4py)" ) parser_mpirun.set_defaults(func=main_mpirun) parser_pbs = subparsers.add_parser( 'pbs', help='run a pbs cluster', parents=[base_parser] ) parser_pbs.add_argument( '--pbs-script', type=str, dest='pbsscript', help='PBS script template', default='pbs.template' ) parser_pbs.set_defaults(func=main_pbs) args = parser.parse_args() return args def main(): args = get_args() reactor.callWhenRunning(args.func, args) log.startLogging(sys.stdout) reactor.run() if __name__ == '__main__': main()