# encoding: utf-8 """ This module defines the things that are used in setup.py for building IPython This includes: * The basic arguments to setup * Functions for finding things like packages, package data, etc. * A function for checking dependencies. """ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2008 The IPython Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os, sys from glob import glob from setupext import install_data_ext #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Useful globals and utility functions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A few handy globals isfile = os.path.isfile pjoin = os.path.join def oscmd(s): print ">", s os.system(s) # A little utility we'll need below, since glob() does NOT allow you to do # exclusion on multiple endings! def file_doesnt_endwith(test,endings): """Return true if test is a file and its name does NOT end with any of the strings listed in endings.""" if not isfile(test): return False for e in endings: if test.endswith(e): return False return True #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Basic project information #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Release.py contains version, authors, license, url, keywords, etc. execfile(pjoin('IPython','Release.py')) # Create a dict with the basic information # This dict is eventually passed to setup after additional keys are added. setup_args = dict( name = name, version = version, description = description, long_description = long_description, author = author, author_email = author_email, url = url, download_url = download_url, license = license, platforms = platforms, keywords = keywords, cmdclass = {'install_data': install_data_ext}, ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find packages #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_package(packages, pname, config=False, tests=False, scripts=False, others=None): """ Add a package to the list of packages, including certain subpackages. """ packages.append('.'.join(['IPython',pname])) if config: packages.append('.'.join(['IPython',pname,'config'])) if tests: packages.append('.'.join(['IPython',pname,'tests'])) if scripts: packages.append('.'.join(['IPython',pname,'scripts'])) if others is not None: for o in others: packages.append('.'.join(['IPython',pname,o])) def find_packages(): """ Find all of IPython's packages. """ packages = ['IPython'] add_package(packages, 'config', tests=True) add_package(packages , 'Extensions') add_package(packages, 'external') add_package(packages, 'gui') add_package(packages, 'gui.wx') add_package(packages, 'kernel', config=True, tests=True, scripts=True) add_package(packages, 'kernel.core', config=True, tests=True) add_package(packages, 'testing', tests=True) add_package(packages, 'tools', tests=True) add_package(packages, 'UserConfig') return packages #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find package data #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def find_package_data(): """ Find IPython's package_data. """ # This is not enough for these things to appear in an sdist. # We need to muck with the MANIFEST to get this to work package_data = { 'IPython.UserConfig' : ['*'], 'IPython.tools.tests' : ['*.txt'], 'IPython.testing' : ['*.txt'] } return package_data #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find data files #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def find_data_files(): """ Find IPython's data_files. """ # I can't find how to make distutils create a nested dir. structure, so # in the meantime do it manually. Butt ugly. # Note that http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~noel/distutils.html, ex. 2/3, contain # information on how to do this more cleanly once python 2.4 can be assumed. # Thanks to Noel for the tip. docdirbase = 'share/doc/ipython' manpagebase = 'share/man/man1' # We only need to exclude from this things NOT already excluded in the # MANIFEST.in file. exclude = ('.sh','.1.gz') # We need to figure out how we want to package all of our rst docs? # docfiles = filter(lambda f:file_doesnt_endwith(f,exclude),glob('docs/*')) examfiles = filter(isfile, glob('docs/examples/core/*.py')) examfiles.append(filter(isfile, glob('docs/examples/kernel/*.py'))) manpages = filter(isfile, glob('docs/man/*.1.gz')) igridhelpfiles = filter(isfile, glob('IPython/Extensions/igrid_help.*')) data_files = [#('data', docdirbase, docfiles), ('data', pjoin(docdirbase, 'examples'),examfiles), ('data', manpagebase, manpages), ('data',pjoin(docdirbase, 'extensions'),igridhelpfiles), ] # import pprint # pprint.pprint(data_files) return [] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find scripts #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def find_scripts(): """ Find IPython's scripts. """ scripts = [] scripts.append('IPython/kernel/scripts/ipengine') scripts.append('IPython/kernel/scripts/ipcontroller') scripts.append('IPython/kernel/scripts/ipcluster') scripts.append('scripts/ipython') scripts.append('scripts/pycolor') scripts.append('scripts/irunner') # Script to be run by the windows binary installer after the default setup # routine, to add shortcuts and similar windows-only things. Windows # post-install scripts MUST reside in the scripts/ dir, otherwise distutils # doesn't find them. if 'bdist_wininst' in sys.argv: if len(sys.argv) > 2 and ('sdist' in sys.argv or 'bdist_rpm' in sys.argv): print >> sys.stderr,"ERROR: bdist_wininst must be run alone. Exiting." sys.exit(1) scripts.append('scripts/ipython_win_post_install.py') return scripts #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find scripts #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def check_for_dependencies(): """Check for IPython's dependencies. This function should NOT be called if running under setuptools! """ from setupext.setupext import ( print_line, print_raw, print_status, print_message, check_for_zopeinterface, check_for_twisted, check_for_foolscap, check_for_pyopenssl, check_for_sphinx, check_for_pygments, check_for_nose, check_for_pexpect ) print_line() print_raw("BUILDING IPYTHON") print_status('python', sys.version) print_status('platform', sys.platform) if sys.platform == 'win32': print_status('Windows version', sys.getwindowsversion()) print_raw("") print_raw("OPTIONAL DEPENDENCIES") check_for_zopeinterface() check_for_twisted() check_for_foolscap() check_for_pyopenssl() check_for_sphinx() check_for_pygments() check_for_nose() check_for_pexpect()