##// END OF EJS Templates
removed .lower() from permission checking of cached repos list since repos can have capital letters now
removed .lower() from permission checking of cached repos list since repos can have capital letters now

File last commit:

r0:564e4082 default
r511:0fce1f9e default
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50 lines | 2.3 KiB | application/javascript | JavascriptLexer
/ pylons_app / public / js / css_browser_selector.js
Marcin Kuzminski
initial commit.
r0 /*
CSS Browser Selector v0.3.5 (Feb 05, 2010)
Rafael Lima (http://rafael.adm.br)
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/
Contributors: http://rafael.adm.br/css_browser_selector#contributors
2. Set CSS attributes with the code of each browser/os you want to hack
* html.gecko div#header { margin: 1em; }
* .opera #header { margin: 1.2em; }
* .ie .mylink { font-weight: bold; }
* .mac.ie .mylink { font-weight: bold; }
* .[os].[browser] .mylink { font-weight: bold; } -> without space between .[os] and .[browser]
Available OS Codes [os]:
* win - Microsoft Windows
* linux - Linux (x11 and linux)
* mac - Mac OS
* freebsd - FreeBSD
* ipod - iPod Touch
* iphone - iPhone
* webtv - WebTV
* mobile - J2ME Devices (ex: Opera mini)
Available Browser Codes [browser]:
* ie - Internet Explorer (All versions)
* ie8 - Internet Explorer 8.x
* ie7 - Internet Explorer 7.x
* ie6 - Internet Explorer 6.x
* ie5 - Internet Explorer 5.x
* gecko - Mozilla, Firefox (all versions), Camino
* ff2 - Firefox 2
* ff3 - Firefox 3
* ff3_5 - Firefox 3.5 new
* opera - Opera (All versions)
* opera8 - Opera 8.x
* opera9 - Opera 9.x
* opera10 - Opera 10.x
* konqueror - Konqueror
* webkit or safari - Safari, NetNewsWire, OmniWeb, Shiira, Google Chrome
* safari3 - Safari 3.x
* chrome - Google Chrome
* iron - SRWare Iron new
function css_browser_selector(u){var ua = u.toLowerCase(),is=function(t){return ua.indexOf(t)>-1;},g='gecko',w='webkit',s='safari',o='opera',h=document.documentElement,b=[(!(/opera|webtv/i.test(ua))&&/msie\s(\d)/.test(ua))?('ie ie'+RegExp.$1):is('firefox/2')?g+' ff2':is('firefox/3.5')?g+' ff3 ff3_5':is('firefox/3')?g+' ff3':is('gecko/')?g:is('opera')?o+(/version\/(\d+)/.test(ua)?' '+o+RegExp.$1:(/opera(\s|\/)(\d+)/.test(ua)?' '+o+RegExp.$2:'')):is('konqueror')?'konqueror':is('chrome')?w+' chrome':is('iron')?w+' iron':is('applewebkit/')?w+' '+s+(/version\/(\d+)/.test(ua)?' '+s+RegExp.$1:''):is('mozilla/')?g:'',is('j2me')?'mobile':is('iphone')?'iphone':is('ipod')?'ipod':is('mac')?'mac':is('darwin')?'mac':is('webtv')?'webtv':is('win')?'win':is('freebsd')?'freebsd':(is('x11')||is('linux'))?'linux':'','js']; c = b.join(' '); h.className += ' '+c; return c;}; css_browser_selector(navigator.userAgent);