added empty controllers for branches tags files graph, routing and test for them
import logging
Html changes and cleanups, made folders for html templates, implemented tags and branches pages
from pylons import tmpl_context as c, app_globals as g, session, request, config, url
added empty controllers for branches tags files graph, routing and test for them
from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect
from pylons_app.lib.base import BaseController, render
Html changes and cleanups, made folders for html templates, implemented tags and branches pages
from pylons_app.lib.utils import get_repo_slug
from pylons_app.model.hg_model import HgModel
Authenticated controller with LoginRequired decorator, and cleaned __before__ (used in baseController now). fixed User for clone url with logged in session user....
from pylons_app.lib.auth import LoginRequired
Html changes and cleanups, made folders for html templates, implemented tags and branches pages
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
added empty controllers for branches tags files graph, routing and test for them
class BranchesController(BaseController):
Authenticated controller with LoginRequired decorator, and cleaned __before__ (used in baseController now). fixed User for clone url with logged in session user....
Html changes and cleanups, made folders for html templates, implemented tags and branches pages
def __before__(self):
Authenticated controller with LoginRequired decorator, and cleaned __before__ (used in baseController now). fixed User for clone url with logged in session user....
super(BranchesController, self).__before__()
added empty controllers for branches tags files graph, routing and test for them
def index(self):
Html changes and cleanups, made folders for html templates, implemented tags and branches pages
hg_model = HgModel()
c.repo_info = hg_model.get_repo(c.repo_name)
c.repo_branches = c.repo_info.branches
return render('branches/branches.html')