##// END OF EJS Templates
init bare repos for git now by default. This is recommended setup for remotes repositories
init bare repos for git now by default. This is recommended setup for remotes repositories

File last commit:

r2243:f6cdfc73 codereview
r2321:75280665 beta
Show More
52 lines | 2.1 KiB | text/html | HtmlLexer
Implements #304...
r1770 %if c.repo_branches:
White-space cleanup
r1888 <div id="table_wrap" class="yui-skin-sam">
added sorting to bookmarks tags and branches
r1782 <table id="branches_data">
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 <tr>
Implements #304...
r1770 <th class="left">${_('name')}</th>
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 <th class="left">${_('date')}</th>
Fixes for raw_id, needed for git...
r636 <th class="left">${_('author')}</th>
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 <th class="left">${_('revision')}</th>
added sorting to bookmarks tags and branches
r1782 </thead>
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 %for cnt,branch in enumerate(c.repo_branches.items()):
<tr class="parity${cnt%2}">
Fixes for raw_id, needed for git...
r636 <td>
<span class="logtags">
<span class="branchtag">${h.link_to(branch[0],
Implements #304...
r1770 h.url('files_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,revision=branch[1].raw_id))}</span>
White-space cleanup
r1888 </span>
Implements #304...
r1770 </td>
White-space cleanup
r1888 <td><span class="tooltip" title="${h.age(branch[1].date)}">${branch[1].date}</span></td>
Fixes for raw_id, needed for git...
r636 <td title="${branch[1].author}">${h.person(branch[1].author)}</td>
Implements #304...
r1770 <td>
<pre><a href="${h.url('files_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,revision=branch[1].raw_id)}">r${branch[1].revision}:${h.short_id(branch[1].raw_id)}</a></pre>
White-space cleanup
r1888 </div>
implemented #44 - branch filtering in changelog, aka branch browser...
r1656 </td>
Implements #304...
r1770 </tr>
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 %endfor
implements #195 added closed branches to detailed branches view
r1440 % if hasattr(c,'repo_closed_branches') and c.repo_closed_branches:
%for cnt,branch in enumerate(c.repo_closed_branches.items()):
<tr class="parity${cnt%2}">
<span class="logtags">
<span class="branchtag">${h.link_to(branch[0]+' [closed]',
White-space cleanup
r1888 </span>
Implements #304...
r1770 </td>
White-space cleanup
r1888 <td><span class="tooltip" title="${h.age(branch[1].date)}">${branch[1].date}</span></td>
implements #195 added closed branches to detailed branches view
r1440 <td title="${branch[1].author}">${h.person(branch[1].author)}</td>
Implements #304...
r1770 <td>
<pre><a href="${h.url('files_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,revision=branch[1].raw_id)}">r${branch[1].revision}:${h.short_id(branch[1].raw_id)}</a></pre>
implements #195 added closed branches to detailed branches view
r1440 </td>
Implements #304...
r1770 </tr>
implements #195 added closed branches to detailed branches view
r1440 %endfor
Implements #304...
r1770 %endif
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 </table>
added sorting to bookmarks tags and branches
r1782 </div>
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 %else:
implements #195 added closed branches to detailed branches view
r1440 ${_('There are no branches yet')}
White-space cleanup
r1888 %endif