##// END OF EJS Templates
Complete copyright notices for web interface; change footer to link to them....
Complete copyright notices for web interface; change footer to link to them. The original copyright notice found in the footer was not accurate as it included only one of the many copyright holders in this project. This change creates an "about" page, which currently contains just the copyright and license information. It links to repository for additional potential copyright holders not listed on the about page. Unlisted contributors are mentioned in template comments. Html links for Kallithea is fixed and we link to Conservancy. Display of version information in the footer is improved.

File last commit:

r4116:ffd45b18 rhodecode-2.2.5-gpl
r4178:9dd72670 kallithea-2.2.5-r...
Show More
230 lines | 8.7 KiB | text/html | HtmlLexer
pull requests draft UI
r2244 <%inherit file="/base/base.html"/>
<%def name="title()">
Added basic models for saving open pull requests...
r2434 ${c.repo_name} ${_('New pull request')}
pull requests draft UI
r2244 </%def>
<%def name="breadcrumbs_links()">
Mads Kiilerich
clean-up of breadcrumbs on pages with repo context bar
r3602 ${_('New pull request')}
pull requests draft UI
r2244 </%def>
Mads Kiilerich
templates: enforce more consistency by being less flexible in templates...
r3609 <%def name="page_nav()">
pull requests draft UI
r2244 <%def name="main()">
Mads Kiilerich
templates: drop context_bar, use repo_context_bar directly
r3988 ${self.repo_context_bar('showpullrequest')}
pull requests draft UI
r2244 <div class="box">
<!-- box / title -->
<div class="title">
Added basic models for saving open pull requests...
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequests: reorganize PR creation page - make it more like the view page
r3814 ${h.form(url('pullrequest', repo_name=c.repo_name), method='post', id='pull_request_form')}
pull requests draft UI
r2244 <div class="form">
<!-- fields -->
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequests: reorganize PR creation page - make it more like the view page
r3814 <div class="fields" style="float:left;width:50%;padding-right:30px;">
pull requests draft UI
<div class="field">
<div class="label">
<label for="pullrequest_title">${_('Title')}:</label>
<div class="input">
small ui improvements to pull-request form
r3815 ${h.text('pullrequest_title', class_="large")}
pull requests draft UI
r2244 </div>
<div class="field">
<div class="label label-textarea">
Mads Kiilerich
fix casings
r3516 <label for="pullrequest_desc">${_('Description')}:</label>
pull requests draft UI
r2244 </div>
<div class="textarea text-area editor">
small ui improvements to pull-request form
r3815 ${h.textarea('pullrequest_desc',size=30, style="height:100px")}
<span class="help-block">${_('Write a short description on this pull request')}</span>
pull requests draft UI
r2244 </div>
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequests: reorganize PR creation page - make it more like the view page
r3814 <div class="field">
<div class="label label-textarea">
<label for="pullrequest_desc">${_('Changeset flow')}:</label>
<div class="input">
small ui improvements to pull-request form
r3815 <div>
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequests: reorganize PR creation page - make it more like the view page
r3814 <div>
small ui improvements to pull-request form
r3815 <div style="padding:5px 3px 3px 3px;">
<b>${_('Origin repository')}:</b> ${c.rhodecode_db_repo.description}
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequests: reorganize PR creation page - make it more like the view page
r3814 <span style="font-size: 20px">
##OTHER, most Probably the PARENT OF THIS FORK
small ui improvements to pull-request form
r3815 <div style="border-top: 1px solid #EEE; margin: 5px 0px 0px 0px">
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequests: reorganize PR creation page - make it more like the view page
r3814 <div>
small ui improvements to pull-request form
r3815 ## filled with JS
<div id="other_repo_desc" style="padding:5px 3px 3px 3px;">
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequests: reorganize PR creation page - make it more like the view page
r3814 <span style="font-size: 20px">
<div style="clear:both"></div>
<div class="field">
<div class="buttons">
Bradley M. Kuhn
Imported some of the GPLv3'd changes from RhodeCode v2.2.5....
r4116 ${h.submit('save',_('Send Pull Request'),class_="btn")}
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequests: reorganize PR creation page - make it more like the view page
r3814 </div>
## Reviewers
<div style="float:left; border-left:1px dashed #eee">
Bradley M. Kuhn
Imported some of the GPLv3'd changes from RhodeCode v2.2.5....
r4116 <div class="pr-details-title">${_('Pull request reviewers')}</div>
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequests: reorganize PR creation page - make it more like the view page
r3814 <div id="reviewers" style="padding:0px 0px 0px 15px">
## members goes here !
Bradley M. Kuhn
Imported some of the GPLv3'd changes from RhodeCode v2.2.5....
r4116 <div>
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequests: reorganize PR creation page - make it more like the view page
r3814 <ul id="review_members" class="group_members">
%for member in [c.default_other_repo_info['user']]:
<li id="reviewer_${member['user_id']}">
<div class="reviewers_member">
<div class="gravatar"><img alt="gravatar" src="${member['gravatar_link']}"/> </div>
<div style="float:left">${member['firstname']} ${member['lastname']} (${_('owner')})</div>
<input type="hidden" value="${member['user_id']}" name="review_members" />
Bradley M. Kuhn
Imported some of the GPLv3'd changes from RhodeCode v2.2.5....
r4116 <span class="action_button" style="padding: 3px" onclick="removeReviewMember(${member['user_id']})">
<i class="icon-remove-sign" style="color: #FF4444;"></i>
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequests: reorganize PR creation page - make it more like the view page
r3814 </div>
<div class='ac'>
<div class="reviewer_ac">
${h.text('user', class_='yui-ac-input')}
<span class="help-block">${_('Add reviewer to this pull request.')}</span>
<div id="reviewers_container"></div>
<div style="clear:both;padding: 0 0 30px 0;"></div>
<div style="float:left;padding:0px 30px 30px 30px">
## overview pulled by ajax
<div style="float:left" id="pull_request_overview"></div>
<div style="float:left;clear:both;padding:10px 10px 10px 0px;display:none">
<a id="pull_request_overview_url" href="#">${_('Detailed compare view')}</a>
pull requests draft UI
r2244 </div>
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequests: reorganize PR creation page - make it more like the view page
r3814 <div style="clear:both;"></div>
pull requests draft UI
r2244 </div>
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequests: reorganize PR creation page - make it more like the view page
Added basic models for saving open pull requests...
r2434 ${h.end_form()}
pull requests draft UI
r2244 </div>
created pull-request overview
r2395 <script type="text/javascript">
Added autocomplete widget for pull request reviewers, in exchange of 90s style...
r2612 var _USERS_AC_DATA = ${c.users_array|n};
Bradley M. Kuhn
Imported some of the GPLv3'd changes from RhodeCode v2.2.5....
r4116 var _GROUPS_AC_DATA = ${c.user_groups_array|n};
Added autocomplete widget for pull request reviewers, in exchange of 90s style...
r2612 PullRequestAutoComplete('user', 'reviewers_container', _USERS_AC_DATA, _GROUPS_AC_DATA);
Added dynamic data loading for other repo we open pull request against...
r2541 var other_repos_info = ${c.other_repos_info|n};
white space cleanup
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequest: separate js actions for 'update preview' from 'destination repo changed'
r3514 var otherrepoChanged = function(){
var sel_box = YUQ('#pull_request_form #other_repo')[0];
var repo_name = sel_box.options[sel_box.selectedIndex].value;
small ui improvements to pull-request form
r3815 var _tmpl = "<b>${_('Destination repository')}</b>: {0}".format(other_repos_info[repo_name]['description']);
YUD.get('other_repo_desc').innerHTML = _tmpl
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequest: separate js actions for 'update preview' from 'destination repo changed'
r3514 // replace options of other_ref with the ones for the current other_repo
var other_ref_selector = YUD.get('other_ref');
var new_select = YUD.createElementFromMarkup(other_repos_info[repo_name]['revs']);
var new_selectedIndex = new_select.selectedIndex;
other_ref_selector.innerHTML = ""; // clear old options
while (new_select.length > 0){ // children will be popped when appened to other_ref_selector
// browsers lost track of selected when appendChild was used
other_ref_selector.selectedIndex = new_selectedIndex;
// reset && add the reviewer based on selected repo
var _data = other_repos_info[repo_name];
YUD.get('review_members').innerHTML = '';
addReviewMember(_data.user.user_id, _data.user.firstname,
_data.user.lastname, _data.user.username,
created pull-request overview
r2395 var loadPreview = function(){
be more explicit about constructing compare url
r3321 //url template
Added basic models for saving open pull requests...
r2434 var url = "${h.url('compare_url',
Mads Kiilerich
compare: swap org and other when they refer to different repos, ie are pull request style...
r3322 repo_name='__other_repo__',
Mads Kiilerich
compare and diff: remove unused "bundle" functionality...
r3304 as_form=True,
Mads Kiilerich
compare/pullrequest: introduce merge parameter...
r3486 merge=True,
Mads Kiilerich
compare: drop unused rev_start and rev_end
r3484 )}";
be more explicit about constructing compare url
r3321 var org_repo = YUQ('#pull_request_form #org_repo')[0].value;
var org_ref = YUQ('#pull_request_form #org_ref')[0].value.split(':');
whitespace cleanup
be more explicit about constructing compare url
r3321 var other_repo = YUQ('#pull_request_form #other_repo')[0].value;
var other_ref = YUQ('#pull_request_form #other_ref')[0].value.split(':');
whitespace cleanup
created pull-request overview
r2395 var select_refs = YUQ('#pull_request_form select.refs')
be more explicit about constructing compare url
r3321 var rev_data = {
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequests: use stable revisions in compare urls instead of bookmark/branch/tag
r3441 'org_repo': org_repo,
'org_ref': org_ref[2],
'org_ref_type': 'rev',
'other_repo': other_repo,
'other_ref': other_ref[2],
'other_ref_type': 'rev',
be more explicit about constructing compare url
r3321 }; // gather the org/other ref and repo here
whitespace cleanup
be more explicit about constructing compare url
r3321 for (k in rev_data){
codecleaner, fix tabs -> spaces
r3449 url = url.replace('__'+k+'__',rev_data[k]);
created pull-request overview
r2395 }
Added basic models for saving open pull requests...
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequest: show 'loading' while waiting for compare_url to load
r3438 YUD.get('pull_request_overview').innerHTML = "${_('Loading ...')}";
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequest: don't do in the ajax callback what can be done in no time right now
r3513 ypjax(url,'pull_request_overview');
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequest: show 'details' link immediately - don't wait for changeset list
r3439 YUD.get('pull_request_overview_url').href = url; // shouldn't have as_form ... but ...
created pull-request overview
r2395 }
Mads Kiilerich
pull request: only bind action to other_repo change once
Mads Kiilerich
pull request: update changeset list automatically - remove refresh icon...
r3326 ## refresh automatically when something changes (org_repo can't change)
YUE.on('org_ref', 'change', function(e){
Mads Kiilerich
pull request: only bind action to other_repo change once
r3325 YUE.on('other_repo', 'change', function(e){
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequest: separate js actions for 'update preview' from 'destination repo changed'
r3514 otherrepoChanged();
Mads Kiilerich
pull request: update changeset list automatically - remove refresh icon...
r3326 loadPreview();
Mads Kiilerich
pull request: only bind action to other_repo change once
r3325 });
Mads Kiilerich
pull request: update changeset list automatically - remove refresh icon...
r3326 YUE.on('other_ref', 'change', function(e){
Added basic models for saving open pull requests...
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequest: separate js actions for 'update preview' from 'destination repo changed'
r3514 otherrepoChanged();
Added basic models for saving open pull requests...
r2434 //lazy load overview after 0.5s
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequest: separate js actions for 'update preview' from 'destination repo changed'
r3514 setTimeout(loadPreview, 500);
Added basic models for saving open pull requests...
created pull-request overview
r2395 </script>
pull requests draft UI
r2244 </%def>