##// END OF EJS Templates
Reimplemented way of caching repos list, hg model now get's repos objects right from cached dict, this way we skipp creating instances of MercurialRepository and gain performance. Some import cleanup
Reimplemented way of caching repos list, hg model now get's repos objects right from cached dict, this way we skipp creating instances of MercurialRepository and gain performance. Some import cleanup

File last commit:

r245:a83a1799 default
r245:a83a1799 default
Show More
152 lines | 5.2 KiB | text/html | HtmlLexer
Marcin Kuzminski
initial commit.
r0 ## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
Tempaltes changes for changelog and shortlog, changed menu generation in base
r143 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" id="mainhtml">
Marcin Kuzminski
initial commit.
r0 <head>
statics moved to pylons.
r101 <link rel="icon" href="/images/hgicon.png" type="image/png" />
Added managment pages....
r44 <meta name="robots" content="index, nofollow"/>
added pygments webhelper
r98 <title>${next.title()}</title>
Cleaned the way based was used to generate submenu for admin, now it's much more clear to use submenu. Cleaned admin and added comment to middleware
r216 ##For future use yui reset for cross browser compatability.
Tempaltes changes for changelog and shortlog, changed menu generation in base
r143 ##<link rel="stylesheet" href="/js/yui/reset-fonts-grids/reset-fonts-grids.css" type="text/css" />
added pygments webhelper
r98 ${self.css()}
Marcin Kuzminski
Implemented AJAH paging
r79 ${self.js()}
Marcin Kuzminski
initial commit.
r0 </head>
Tempaltes changes for changelog and shortlog, changed menu generation in base
r143 <body class="mainbody">
Added managment pages....
r44 <div id="container">
<div class="page-header">
updated erros found in base.html
r155 <h1>${next.breadcrumbs()}</h1>
Added flash messages support
r237 <div class="flash_msg">
<% messages = h.flash.pop_messages() %>
% if messages:
<ul id="flash-messages">
% for message in messages:
<li class="${message.category}_msg">${message}</li>
% endfor
% endif
<div id="main">
Html updates and fixes
r105 ${next.main()}
Added managment pages....
r44 <div class="page-footer">
Cleaned the way based was used to generate submenu for admin, now it's much more clear to use submenu. Cleaned admin and added comment to middleware
r216 Hg App ${c.hg_app_version} &copy; 2010 by Marcin Kuzminski
Added managment pages....
r44 </div>
Marcin Kuzminski
initial commit.
Added managment pages....
r44 <div id="powered-by">
<a href="http://mercurial.selenic.com/" title="Mercurial">
statics moved to pylons.
r101 <img src="/images/hglogo.png" width="75" height="90" alt="mercurial"/></a>
Added managment pages....
r44 </p>
Marcin Kuzminski
initial commit.
Added managment pages....
r44 <div id="corner-top-left"></div>
<div id="corner-top-right"></div>
<div id="corner-bottom-left"></div>
<div id="corner-bottom-right"></div>
Marcin Kuzminski
initial commit.
Added managment pages....
r44 </div>
Marcin Kuzminski
Implemented AJAH paging
r79 </html>
new way of menu generation for base, and all admin pages
r182 ### MAKO DEFS ###
Added menu generation as function
r91 <%def name="page_nav()">
Cleaned the way based was used to generate submenu for admin, now it's much more clear to use submenu. Cleaned admin and added comment to middleware
r216 ${self.submenu()}
Added menu generation as function
r91 </%def>
<%def name="menu(current)">
new way of menu generation for base, and all admin pages
r182 <%
def is_current(selected):
if selected == current:
html fix
r208 return "class='current'"
new way of menu generation for base, and all admin pages
r182 %>
%if current not in ['home','admin']:
Cleaned the way based was used to generate submenu for admin, now it's much more clear to use submenu. Cleaned admin and added comment to middleware
r216 ##regular menu
new way of menu generation for base, and all admin pages
r182 <script type="text/javascript">
templating update, improved look & feel, version bump
r225 YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle('repo_switcher','color','#556CB5');
new way of menu generation for base, and all admin pages
r182 YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass('repo_switcher','selected');
var wa = YAHOO.util.Dom.get('repos_list').value;
var url = "${h.url('summary_home',repo_name='__REPLACE__')}".replace('__REPLACE__',wa);
window.location = url;
templating update, improved look & feel, version bump
r225 </script>
new way of menu generation for base, and all admin pages
r182 <ul class="page-nav">
<a id="repo_switcher" title="${_('Switch repository')}" href="#">&darr;</a>
<div id="switch_repos" style="display:none;position: absolute;width: 150px;height: 25px">
<select id="repos_list" size="=10">
Reimplemented way of caching repos list, hg model now get's repos objects right from cached dict, this way we skipp creating instances of MercurialRepository and gain performance. Some import cleanup
r245 %for repo in c.cached_repo_list.values():
<option value="${repo.name}">${repo.name}</option>
new way of menu generation for base, and all admin pages
r182 %endfor
<li ${is_current('summary')}>${h.link_to(_('summary'),h.url('summary_home',repo_name=c.repo_name))}</li>
<li ${is_current('shortlog')}>${h.link_to(_('shortlog'),h.url('shortlog_home',repo_name=c.repo_name))}</li>
<li ${is_current('changelog')}>${h.link_to(_('changelog'),h.url('changelog_home',repo_name=c.repo_name))}</li>
<li ${is_current('branches')}>${h.link_to(_('branches'),h.url('branches_home',repo_name=c.repo_name))}</li>
<li ${is_current('tags')}>${h.link_to(_('tags'),h.url('tags_home',repo_name=c.repo_name))}</li>
<li ${is_current('files')}>${h.link_to(_('files'),h.url('files_home',repo_name=c.repo_name))}</li>
Cleaned the way based was used to generate submenu for admin, now it's much more clear to use submenu. Cleaned admin and added comment to middleware
r216 ##Root menu
new way of menu generation for base, and all admin pages
r182 <ul class="page-nav">
<li ${is_current('home')}>${h.link_to(_('Home'),h.url('/'))}</li>
<li ${is_current('admin')}>${h.link_to(_('Admin'),h.url('admin_home'))}</li>
<li class="logout">${h.link_to(u'Logout',h.url('logout_home'))}</li>
Cleaned the way based was used to generate submenu for admin, now it's much more clear to use submenu. Cleaned admin and added comment to middleware
r216 </div>
Added menu generation as function
r91 </%def>
Cleaned the way based was used to generate submenu for admin, now it's much more clear to use submenu. Cleaned admin and added comment to middleware
r216 <%def name="submenu(current=None)">
def is_current(selected):
if selected == current:
return "class='current_submenu'"
%if current != None:
<ul class="submenu">
html + css changes, added icons and etc.
r219 <li ${is_current('repos')}>${h.link_to(u'repos',h.url('repos'),class_='repos')}</li>
<li ${is_current('users')}>${h.link_to(u'users',h.url('users'),class_='users')}</li>
<li ${is_current('permissions')}>${h.link_to(u'permissions',h.url('permissions'),class_='permissions')}</li>
Cleaned the way based was used to generate submenu for admin, now it's much more clear to use submenu. Cleaned admin and added comment to middleware
r216 </ul>
Added menu generation as function
added pygments webhelper
r98 <%def name="css()">
Updated tempaltes, added file browser breadcrumbs, and feed icons
r102 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/monoblue_custom.css" type="text/css" />
added pygments webhelper
r98 </%def>
Marcin Kuzminski
Implemented AJAH paging
<%def name="js()">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/yui/utilities/utilities.js"></script>
moved get_form_error to base
r176 </%def>
<%def name="get_form_error(element)">
%if hasattr(c,'form_errors') and type(c.form_errors) == dict:
%if c.form_errors.get(element,False):
<span class="error-message">
Marcin Kuzminski
Implemented AJAH paging
r79 </%def>