##// END OF EJS Templates
pullrequest: pullrequest from changelog view...
pullrequest: pullrequest from changelog view It seems like it didn't work ... perhaps because I broke it. But now we clean it up and make it work: Use rev_end as the revision to merge. We don't know where to merge ... but start_rev cannot be used for that. This might to some extent have been working before ... but we prefer to clean it up and start over again when the normal merge workflow is fully working.

File last commit:

r3485:b19b1723 beta
r3485:b19b1723 beta
Show More
296 lines | 16.2 KiB | text/html | HtmlLexer
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 ## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
<%inherit file="/base/base.html"/>
<%def name="title()">
Vincent Duvert
Better i18n for page titles.
r2417 ${_('%s Changelog') % c.repo_name} - ${c.rhodecode_name}
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 </%def>
<%def name="breadcrumbs_links()">
Takumi IINO
i18n 'Home' in breadcrumbs
r2492 ${h.link_to(_(u'Home'),h.url('/'))}
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 &raquo;
unified breadcrumbs display
r3392 ${h.repo_link(c.rhodecode_db_repo.groups_and_repo)}
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 &raquo;
Vincent Duvert
Improved i18n on changelog and user group administration pages.
r2312 <% size = c.size if c.size <= c.total_cs else c.total_cs %>
unified breadcrumbs display
r3392 ${_('changelog')} - ${ungettext('showing %d out of %d revision', 'showing %d out of %d revisions', size) % (size, c.total_cs)}
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 </%def>
<%def name="page_nav()">
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 ${self.menu('changelog')}
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 </%def>
<%def name="main()">
<div class="box">
<!-- box / title -->
<div class="title">
<div class="table">
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 % if c.pagination:
<div id="graph">
<div id="graph_nodes">
<canvas id="graph_canvas"></canvas>
<div id="graph_content">
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequest: pullrequest from changelog view...
r3485 <div class="info_box" style="clear: both;padding: 10px 6px;min-height: 12px;text-align: right;">
made compare button nicer on changelog view
r2885 <a href="#" class="ui-btn small" id="rev_range_container" style="display:none"></a>
Don't allow cherry picking changesets from the changelog using checkboxes....
r2927 <a href="#" class="ui-btn small" id="rev_range_clear" style="display:none">${_('Clear selection')}</a>
whitespace cleanup
Rewrote url routes to make all validations and parsing for compare view + added compare fork button into forked repos
r2363 %if c.rhodecode_db_repo.fork:
Mads Kiilerich
changelog: "compare fork with parent" should only be shown when no changesets selected...
r3465 <a id="compare_fork" title="${_('Compare fork with %s' % c.rhodecode_db_repo.fork.repo_name)}" href="${h.url('compare_url',repo_name=c.rhodecode_db_repo.fork.repo_name,org_ref_type='branch',org_ref='default',other_repo=c.repo_name,other_ref_type='branch',other_ref=request.GET.get('branch') or 'default')}" class="ui-btn small">${_('Compare fork with parent')}</a>
Rewrote url routes to make all validations and parsing for compare view + added compare fork button into forked repos
r2363 %endif
hide open pull request for git repos
r2773 %if h.is_hg(c.rhodecode_repo):
Mads Kiilerich
changelog: fix invalid url name left over from cherry picking
r3463 <a id="open_new_pr" href="${h.url('pullrequest_home',repo_name=c.repo_name)}" class="ui-btn small">${_('Open new pull request')}</a>
hide open pull request for git repos
r2773 %endif
Rewrote url routes to make all validations and parsing for compare view + added compare fork button into forked repos
r2363 </div>
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 <div class="container_header">
<div class="info_box" style="float:left">
implemented #44 - branch filtering in changelog, aka branch browser...
r1656 <div style="float:right">${h.select('branch_filter',c.branch_name,c.branch_filters)}</div>
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 </div>
White-space cleanup
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 %for cnt,cs in enumerate(c.pagination):
<div id="chg_${cnt+1}" class="container ${'tablerow%s' % (cnt%2)}">
<div class="left">
<span class="tooltip" title="${h.tooltip(h.age(cs.date))}"><a href="${h.url('changeset_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,revision=cs.raw_id)}"><span class="changeset_id">${cs.revision}:<span class="changeset_hash">${h.short_id(cs.raw_id)}</span></span></a></span>
<div class="author">
<div class="gravatar">
<img alt="gravatar" src="${h.gravatar_url(h.email_or_none(cs.author),16)}"/>
<div title="${cs.author}" class="user">${h.shorter(h.person(cs.author),22)}</div>
Vincent Duvert
Added a translatable date formatter for every date displayed.
r2416 <div class="date">${h.fmt_date(cs.date)}</div>
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 </div>
<div class="mid">
removed wrap paragraphs from commit messages as it broke formatting....
r2426 <div class="message">${h.urlify_commit(cs.message, c.repo_name,h.url('changeset_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,revision=cs.raw_id))}</div>
Mads Kiilerich
changelog: improve texts and functionality regarding selecting changesets
r3445 <div class="expand"><span class="expandtext">&darr; ${_('Show more')} &darr;</span></div>
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 </div>
<div class="right">
<div class="changes">
fixed changed details helper
r2744 <div id="changed_total_${cs.raw_id}" style="float:right;" class="changed_total tooltip" title="${h.tooltip(_('Affected number of files, click to show more details'))}">${len(cs.affected_files)}</div>
Added number of comments in changelog for each changeset...
r1884 <div class="comments-container">
%if len(c.comments.get(cs.raw_id,[])) > 0:
ui touch ups
r1885 <div class="comments-cnt" title="${('comments')}">
<a href="${h.url('changeset_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,revision=cs.raw_id,anchor='comment-%s' % c.comments[cs.raw_id][0].comment_id)}">
<div class="comments-cnt">${len(c.comments[cs.raw_id])}</div>
<img src="${h.url('/images/icons/comments.png')}">
White-space cleanup
r1888 %endif
Added number of comments in changelog for each changeset...
r1884 </div>
Implemented initial code-review status of changesets
r2217 <div class="changeset-status-container">
%if c.statuses.get(cs.raw_id):
added changeset status into changelog view
r2239 <div title="${_('Changeset status')}" class="changeset-status-lbl">${c.statuses.get(cs.raw_id)[1]}</div>
- added commenting to pull requests...
r2443 <div class="changeset-status-ico">
%if c.statuses.get(cs.raw_id)[2]:
Show pull request id in tooltip of associated pull request
r3214 <a class="tooltip" title="${_('Click to open associated pull request #%s' % c.statuses.get(cs.raw_id)[2])}" href="${h.url('pullrequest_show',repo_name=c.statuses.get(cs.raw_id)[3],pull_request_id=c.statuses.get(cs.raw_id)[2])}"><img src="${h.url('/images/icons/flag_status_%s.png' % c.statuses.get(cs.raw_id)[0])}" /></a>
- added commenting to pull requests...
r2443 %else:
<img src="${h.url('/images/icons/flag_status_%s.png' % c.statuses.get(cs.raw_id)[0])}" />
Implemented initial code-review status of changesets
r2217 %endif
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 </div>
%if cs.parents:
%for p_cs in reversed(cs.parents):
<div class="parent">${_('Parent')}
<span class="changeset_id">${p_cs.revision}:<span class="changeset_hash">${h.link_to(h.short_id(p_cs.raw_id),
White-space cleanup
r1888 <div class="parent">${_('No parents')}</div>
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 <span class="logtags">
%if len(cs.parents)>1:
<span class="merge">${_('merge')}</span>
%if cs.branch:
<span class="branchtag" title="${'%s %s' % (_('branch'),cs.branch)}">
#421 bookmarks in changlog view
r2247 </span>
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 %endif
#421 bookmarks in changlog view
r2247 %if h.is_hg(c.rhodecode_repo):
%for book in cs.bookmarks:
<span class="bookbook" title="${'%s %s' % (_('bookmark'),book)}">
small issue fixes
r2269 </span>
#421 bookmarks in changlog view
r2247 %endif
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 %for tag in cs.tags:
<span class="tagtag" title="${'%s %s' % (_('tag'),tag)}">
White-space cleanup
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 %endfor
<div class="pagination-wh pagination-left">
${c.pagination.pager('$link_previous ~2~ $link_next')}
White-space cleanup
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 <script type="text/javascript" src="${h.url('/js/graph.js')}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
White-space cleanup
started work on #93 added rev ranges view, checkboxes in changelog to view ranges of changes
r977 //Monitor range checkboxes and build a link to changesets
White-space cleanup
r1888 //ranges
started work on #93 added rev ranges view, checkboxes in changelog to view ranges of changes
r977 var checkboxes = YUD.getElementsByClassName('changeset_range');
var url_tmpl = "${h.url('changeset_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,revision='__REVRANGE__')}";
Dan Sheridan
Recreate the pull request URL each time a checkbox is checked
r3116 var pr_tmpl = "${h.url('pullrequest_home',repo_name=c.repo_name)}";
Leonardo Carneiro
Bugfix: On the changelog page, its possible that some changeset is already checked out by the browser. So we check for that on page load.
var checkbox_checker = function(e){
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 var clicked_cb = e.currentTarget;
started work on #93 added rev ranges view, checkboxes in changelog to view ranges of changes
r977 var checked_checkboxes = [];
for (pos in checkboxes){
new patch function, and urls schema....
r2996 if(YUD.get('open_new_pr')){
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequest: pullrequest from changelog view...
r3485 if(checked_checkboxes.length>1){
} else {
YUD.get('open_new_pr').innerHTML = _TM['Open new pull request for selected changesets'];
YUD.get('open_new_pr').innerHTML = _TM['Open new pull request'];
new patch function, and urls schema....
r2996 }
Don't allow cherry picking changesets from the changelog using checkboxes....
r2927 }
whitespace cleanup
fixes #668 cherry picking of changeset should also work now on picking single changesets, and the ones from top
r3076 if(checked_checkboxes.length>0){
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 var rev_end = checked_checkboxes[0].name;
var rev_start = checked_checkboxes[checked_checkboxes.length-1].name;
started work on #93 added rev ranges view, checkboxes in changelog to view ranges of changes
r977 var url = url_tmpl.replace('__REVRANGE__',
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 rev_start+'...'+rev_end);
White-space cleanup
Mads Kiilerich
changelog: improve texts and functionality regarding selecting changesets
r3445 var link = (rev_start == rev_end)
codecleaner, fix tabs -> spaces
r3449 ? _TM['Show selected change __S']
: _TM['Show selected changes __S -> __E'];
whitespace cleanup
Don't allow cherry picking changesets from the changelog using checkboxes....
r2927 link = link.replace('__S',rev_start.substr(0,6));
link = link.replace('__E',rev_end.substr(0,6));
YUD.get('rev_range_container').href = url;
YUD.get('rev_range_container').innerHTML = link;
whitespace cleanup
Dan Sheridan
Recreate the pull request URL each time a checkbox is checked
r3116 YUD.get('open_new_pr').href = pr_tmpl + '?rev_start={0}&rev_end={1}'.format(rev_start,rev_end);
Mads Kiilerich
changelog: "compare fork with parent" should only be shown when no changesets selected...
r3465 YUD.setStyle('compare_fork','display','none');
started work on #93 added rev ranges view, checkboxes in changelog to view ranges of changes
r977 }
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 YUD.setStyle('rev_range_container','display','none');
Mads Kiilerich
pullrequest: pullrequest from changelog view...
r3485 YUD.get('open_new_pr').href = pr_tmpl
Mads Kiilerich
changelog: "compare fork with parent" should only be shown when no changesets selected...
r3465 YUD.setStyle('compare_fork','display','');
started work on #93 added rev ranges view, checkboxes in changelog to view ranges of changes
r977 }
Leonardo Carneiro
Bugfix: On the changelog page, its possible that some changeset is already checked out by the browser. So we check for that on page load.
r3464 };
YUE.on(checkboxes,'click', checkbox_checker);
Don't allow cherry picking changesets from the changelog using checkboxes....
r2927 YUE.on('rev_range_clear','click',function(e){
for (var i=0; i<checkboxes.length; i++){
var cb = checkboxes[i];
cb.checked = false;
UI fixes...
r1865 var msgs = YUQ('.message');
Aras Pranckevicius
changelog: simplify row expansion and fix for Firefox (parentElement->parentNode)
r1879 // get first element height
fixes expand button on changeset
r1934 var el = YUQ('#graph_content .container')[0];
UI fixes...
r1865 var row_h = el.clientHeight;
for(var i=0;i<msgs.length;i++){
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 var m = msgs[i];
UI fixes...
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 var h = m.clientHeight;
var pad = YUD.getStyle(m,'padding');
if(h > row_h){
var offset = row_h - (h+12);
UI fixes...
r1865 }
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 var elem = e.currentTarget.parentNode.parentNode;
White-space cleanup
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 //redraw the graph, line_count and jsdata are global vars
Aras Pranckevicius
graph: fix counting of "heads" for graph, condense graph into more narrow lines instead of trying to increase its width (past certain width produces really bad html layout)
r2924 set_canvas(100);
White-space cleanup
UI fixes...
r1865 var r = new BranchRenderer();
Aras Pranckevicius
graph: fix counting of "heads" for graph, condense graph into more narrow lines instead of trying to increase its width (past certain width produces really bad html layout)
r2924 r.render(jsdata,100,line_count);
White-space cleanup
UI fixes...
r1865 })
White-space cleanup
// Fetch changeset details
changelog uses lazy loading of affected files details, in some scenarios this can improve speed...
r1431 YUE.on(YUD.getElementsByClassName('changed_total'),'click',function(e){
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 var id = e.currentTarget.id;
var url = "${h.url('changelog_details',repo_name=c.repo_name,cs='__CS__')}";
var url = url.replace('__CS__',id.replace('changed_total_',''));
changelog uses lazy loading of affected files details, in some scenarios this can improve speed...
r1431 });
White-space cleanup
implemented #44 - branch filtering in changelog, aka branch browser...
r1656 // change branch filter
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 var selected_branch = e.currentTarget.options[e.currentTarget.selectedIndex].value;
var url_main = "${h.url('changelog_home',repo_name=c.repo_name)}";
var url = "${h.url('changelog_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,branch='__BRANCH__')}";
var url = url.replace('__BRANCH__',selected_branch);
if(selected_branch != ''){
window.location = url;
window.location = url_main;
White-space cleanup
implemented #44 - branch filtering in changelog, aka branch browser...
r1656 });
White-space cleanup
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 function set_canvas(width) {
var c = document.getElementById('graph_nodes');
var t = document.getElementById('graph_content');
canvas = document.getElementById('graph_canvas');
var div_h = t.clientHeight;
var heads = 1;
var line_count = 0;
var jsdata = ${c.jsdata|n};
White-space cleanup
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 for (var i=0;i<jsdata.length;i++) {
Aras Pranckevicius
graph: fix counting of "heads" for graph, condense graph into more narrow lines instead of trying to increase its width (past certain width produces really bad html layout)
r2924 var in_l = jsdata[i][2];
for (var j in in_l) {
var m = in_l[j][1];
if (m > line_count)
line_count = m;
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 }
White-space cleanup
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 var r = new BranchRenderer();
White-space cleanup
Mads Kiilerich
html: don't use tabs
r3197 });
${_('There are no changes yet')}
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 </div>
White-space cleanup
r1888 </div>
UI fixes...
r1865 </%def>