##// END OF EJS Templates
Add autoincrement for sqlite into Gist table....
Add autoincrement for sqlite into Gist table. Fixes some collision issues with gists after they got deleted

File last commit:

r3821:ce4b7023 beta
r3957:b87def4b beta
Show More
64 lines | 3.6 KiB | text/html | HtmlLexer
code garden for changeset ranges and comments...
r1787 ## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## <%namespace name="diff_block" file="/changeset/diff_block.html"/>
Implemented basic compare view(for pull requests) for mercurial.
r2348 ## ${diff_block.diff_block(change)}
code garden for changeset ranges and comments...
r1787 ##
Implemented basic compare view(for pull requests) for mercurial.
r2348 <%def name="diff_block(change)">
collapsable diff container in changeset, makes quick review easier
r3419 <div class="diff-collapse">
Mads Kiilerich
Fix a lot of casings - use standard casing in most places
r3654 <span target="${'diff-container-%s' % (id(change))}" class="diff-collapse-button">&uarr; ${_('Collapse diff')} &uarr;</span>
collapsable diff container in changeset, makes quick review easier
r3419 </div>
<div class="diff-container" id="${'diff-container-%s' % (id(change))}">
Implemented generation of changesets based...
r2995 %for FID,(cs1, cs2, change, path, diff, stats) in change.iteritems():
<div id="${FID}_target" style="clear:both;margin-top:25px"></div>
<div id="${FID}" class="diffblock margined comm">
code garden for changeset ranges and comments...
r1787 <div class="code-header">
<div class="changeset_header">
<div class="changeset_file">
Mads Kiilerich
diff: don't link to removed files...
r3816 ${h.link_to_if(change!='D',h.safe_unicode(path),h.url('files_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,
Implemented generation of changesets based...
r2995 revision=cs2,f_path=h.safe_unicode(path)))}
code garden for changeset ranges and comments...
r1787 </div>
UI fixes...
r1865 <div class="diff-actions">
Mads Kiilerich
Fix a lot of casings - use standard casing in most places
r3654 <a href="${h.url('files_diff_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,f_path=h.safe_unicode(path),diff2=cs2,diff1=cs1,diff='diff',fulldiff=1)}" class="tooltip" title="${h.tooltip(_('Show full diff for this file'))}"><img class="icon" src="${h.url('/images/icons/page_white_go.png')}"/></a>
<a href="${h.url('files_diff_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,f_path=h.safe_unicode(path),diff2=cs2,diff1=cs1,diff='raw')}" class="tooltip" title="${h.tooltip(_('Raw diff'))}"><img class="icon" src="${h.url('/images/icons/page_white.png')}"/></a>
<a href="${h.url('files_diff_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,f_path=h.safe_unicode(path),diff2=cs2,diff1=cs1,diff='download')}" class="tooltip" title="${h.tooltip(_('Download diff'))}"><img class="icon" src="${h.url('/images/icons/page_save.png')}"/></a>
Implemented generation of changesets based...
r2995 ${c.ignorews_url(request.GET, h.FID(cs2,path))}
${c.context_url(request.GET, h.FID(cs2,path))}
UI fixes...
r1865 </div>
code garden for changeset ranges and comments...
r1787 <span style="float:right;margin-top:-3px">
Mads Kiilerich
Fix a lot of casings - use standard casing in most places
r3654 ${_('Show inline comments')}
Implemented generation of changesets based...
r2995 ${h.checkbox('',checked="checked",class_="show-inline-comments",id_for=h.FID(cs2,path))}
code garden for changeset ranges and comments...
r1787 </label>
<div class="code-body">
Implemented generation of changesets based...
r2995 <div class="full_f_path" path="${h.safe_unicode(path)}"></div>
implements #308 rewrote diffs to enable displaying full diff on each file...
r1789 ${diff|n}
code garden for changeset ranges and comments...
r1787 </div>
collapsable diff container in changeset, makes quick review easier
r3419 </div>
White-space cleanup
r1888 </%def>
Implemented basic compare view(for pull requests) for mercurial.
<%def name="diff_block_simple(change)">
%for op,filenode_path,diff in change:
<div id="${h.FID('',filenode_path)}_target" style="clear:both;margin-top:25px"></div>
white space cleanup
r2478 <div id="${h.FID('',filenode_path)}" class="diffblock margined comm">
Implemented basic compare view(for pull requests) for mercurial.
r2348 <div class="code-header">
<div class="changeset_header">
<div class="changeset_file">
show links to files on compare data at other and org refs
r3357 ${h.safe_unicode(filenode_path)} |
Mads Kiilerich
Fix a lot of casings - use standard casing in most places
r3654 <a class="spantag" href="${h.url('files_home', repo_name=c.other_repo.repo_name, f_path=filenode_path, revision=c.org_ref)}" title="${_('Show file at latest version in this repo')}">${c.org_ref_type}@${h.short_id(c.org_ref) if c.org_ref_type=='rev' else c.org_ref}</a> -&gt;
<a class="spantag" href="${h.url('files_home', repo_name=c.repo_name, f_path=filenode_path, revision=c.other_ref)}" title="${_('Show file at initial version in this repo')}">${c.other_ref_type}@${h.short_id(c.other_ref) if c.other_ref_type=='rev' else c.other_ref}</a>
Implemented basic compare view(for pull requests) for mercurial.
r2348 </div>
<div class="code-body">
<div class="full_f_path" path="${h.safe_unicode(filenode_path)}"></div>
white space cleanup
r2478 </%def>