##// END OF EJS Templates
some changes for #45....
some changes for #45. Added warning messages for browsing wrong cs/paths Cleanup of codes

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r547:1e757ac9 default
r644:c8bd0e6c beta
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645 lines | 25.4 KiB | application/javascript | JavascriptLexer
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r547 /*
Copyright (c) 2009, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:
version: 2.8.0r4
* The StyleSheet component is a utility for managing css rules at the
* stylesheet level
* @module stylesheet
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* @requires yahoo
* @beta
(function () {
var d = document,
p = d.createElement('p'), // Have to hold the node (see notes)
workerStyle = p.style, // worker style collection
lang = YAHOO.lang,
selectors = {},
sheets = {},
ssId = 0,
floatAttr = ('cssFloat' in workerStyle) ? 'cssFloat' : 'styleFloat',
* Normalizes the removal of an assigned style for opacity. IE uses the filter property.
_unsetOpacity = ('opacity' in workerStyle) ?
function (style) { style.opacity = ''; } :
function (style) { style.filter = ''; };
* Normalizes the removal of an assigned style for a given property. Expands
* shortcut properties if necessary and handles the various names for the float property.
workerStyle.border = "1px solid red";
workerStyle.border = ''; // IE doesn't unset child properties
_unsetProperty = workerStyle.borderLeft ?
function (style,prop) {
var p;
if (prop !== floatAttr && prop.toLowerCase().indexOf('float') != -1) {
prop = floatAttr;
if (typeof style[prop] === 'string') {
switch (prop) {
case 'opacity':
case 'filter' : _unsetOpacity(style); break;
case 'font' :
style.font = style.fontStyle = style.fontVariant =
style.fontWeight = style.fontSize = style.lineHeight =
style.fontFamily = '';
default :
for (p in style) {
if (p.indexOf(prop) === 0) {
style[p] = '';
} :
function (style,prop) {
if (prop !== floatAttr && prop.toLowerCase().indexOf('float') != -1) {
prop = floatAttr;
if (lang.isString(style[prop])) {
if (prop === 'opacity') {
} else {
style[prop] = '';
* Create an instance of YAHOO.util.StyleSheet to encapsulate a css stylesheet.
* The constructor can be called using function or constructor syntax.
* <pre><code>var sheet = YAHOO.util.StyleSheet(..);</pre></code>
* or
* <pre><code>var sheet = new YAHOO.util.StyleSheet(..);</pre></code>
* The first parameter passed can be any of the following things:
* <ul>
* <li>The desired string name to register a new empty sheet</li>
* <li>The string name of an existing YAHOO.util.StyleSheet instance</li>
* <li>The unique yuiSSID generated for an existing YAHOO.util.StyleSheet instance</li>
* <li>The id of an existing <code>&lt;link&gt;</code> or <code>&lt;style&gt;</code> node</li>
* <li>The node reference for an existing <code>&lt;link&gt;</code> or <code>&lt;style&gt;</code> node</li>
* <li>A chunk of css text to create a new stylesheet from</li>
* </ul>
* <p>If a string is passed, StyleSheet will first look in its static name
* registry for an existing sheet, then in the DOM for an element with that id.
* If neither are found and the string contains the { character, it will be
* used as a the initial cssText for a new StyleSheet. Otherwise, a new empty
* StyleSheet is created, assigned the string value as a name, and registered
* statically by that name.</p>
* <p>The optional second parameter is a string name to register the sheet as.
* This param is largely useful when providing a node id/ref or chunk of css
* text to create a populated instance.</p>
* @class StyleSheet
* @constructor
* @param seed {String|HTMLElement} a style or link node, its id, or a name or
* yuiSSID of a StyleSheet, or a string of css text (see above)
* @param name {String} OPTIONAL name to register instance for future static
* access
function StyleSheet(seed, name) {
var head,
cssRules = {},
// Factory or constructor
if (!(this instanceof StyleSheet)) {
return new StyleSheet(seed,name);
// capture the DOM node if the string is an id
node = seed && (seed.nodeName ? seed : d.getElementById(seed));
// Check for the StyleSheet in the static registry
if (seed && sheets[seed]) {
return sheets[seed];
} else if (node && node.yuiSSID && sheets[node.yuiSSID]) {
return sheets[node.yuiSSID];
// Create a style node if necessary
if (!node || !/^(?:style|link)$/i.test(node.nodeName)) {
node = d.createElement('style');
node.type = 'text/css';
if (lang.isString(seed)) {
// Create entire sheet from seed cssText
if (seed.indexOf('{') != -1) {
// Not a load-time fork because low run-time impact and IE fails
// test for s.styleSheet at page load time (oddly)
if (node.styleSheet) {
node.styleSheet.cssText = seed;
} else {
} else if (!name) {
name = seed;
if (!node.parentNode || node.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'head') {
head = (node.ownerDocument || d).getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
// styleSheet isn't available on the style node in FF2 until appended
// to the head element. style nodes appended to body do not affect
// change in Safari.
// Begin setting up private aliases to the important moving parts
// 1. The stylesheet object
// IE stores StyleSheet under the "styleSheet" property
// Safari doesn't populate sheet for xdomain link elements
sheet = node.sheet || node.styleSheet;
// 2. The style rules collection
// IE stores the rules collection under the "rules" property
_rules = sheet && ('cssRules' in sheet) ? 'cssRules' : 'rules';
// 3. The method to remove a rule from the stylesheet
// IE supports removeRule
_deleteRule = ('deleteRule' in sheet) ?
function (i) { sheet.deleteRule(i); } :
function (i) { sheet.removeRule(i); };
// 4. The method to add a new rule to the stylesheet
// IE supports addRule with different signature
_insertRule = ('insertRule' in sheet) ?
function (sel,css,i) { sheet.insertRule(sel+' {'+css+'}',i); } :
function (sel,css,i) { sheet.addRule(sel,css,i); };
// 5. Initialize the cssRules map from the node
// xdomain link nodes forbid access to the cssRules collection, so this
// will throw an error.
// TODO: research alternate stylesheet, @media
for (i = sheet[_rules].length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
r = sheet[_rules][i];
sel = r.selectorText;
if (cssRules[sel]) {
cssRules[sel].style.cssText += ';' + r.style.cssText;
} else {
cssRules[sel] = r;
// Cache the instance by the generated Id
node.yuiSSID = 'yui-stylesheet-' + (ssId++);
// Register the instance by name if provided or defaulted from seed
if (name) {
// Public API
* Get the unique yuiSSID for this StyleSheet instance
* @method getId
* @return {Number} the static id
getId : function () { return node.yuiSSID; },
* The HTMLElement that this instance encapsulates
* @property node
* @type HTMLElement
node : node,
* Enable all the rules in the sheet
* @method enable
* @return {StyleSheet} the instance
* @chainable
// Enabling/disabling the stylesheet. Changes may be made to rules
// while disabled.
enable : function () { sheet.disabled = false; return this; },
* Disable all the rules in the sheet. Rules may be changed while the
* StyleSheet is disabled.
* @method disable
* @return {StyleSheet} the instance
* @chainable
disable : function () { sheet.disabled = true; return this; },
* Returns boolean indicating whether the StyleSheet is enabled
* @method isEnabled
* @return {Boolean} is it enabled?
isEnabled : function () { return !sheet.disabled; },
* <p>Set style properties for a provided selector string.
* If the selector includes commas, it will be split into individual
* selectors and applied accordingly. If the selector string does not
* have a corresponding rule in the sheet, it will be added.</p>
* <p>The second parameter can be either a string of CSS text,
* formatted as CSS ("font-size: 10px;"), or an object collection of
* properties and their new values. Object properties must be in
* JavaScript format ({ fontSize: "10px" }).</p>
* <p>The float style property will be set by any of &quot;float&quot;,
* &quot;styleFloat&quot;, or &quot;cssFloat&quot; if passed in the
* object map. Use "float: left;" format when passing a CSS text
* string.</p>
* @method set
* @param sel {String} the selector string to apply the changes to
* @param css {Object|String} Object literal of style properties and
* new values, or a string of cssText
* @return {StyleSheet} the StyleSheet instance
* @chainable
set : function (sel,css) {
var rule = cssRules[sel],
multi = sel.split(/\s*,\s*/),i,
// IE's addRule doesn't support multiple comma delimited selectors
if (multi.length > 1) {
for (i = multi.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
this.set(multi[i], css);
return this;
// Some selector values can cause IE to hang
if (!StyleSheet.isValidSelector(sel)) {
return this;
// Opera throws an error if there's a syntax error in assigned
// cssText. Avoid this using a worker style collection, then
// assigning the resulting cssText.
if (rule) {
rule.style.cssText = StyleSheet.toCssText(css,rule.style.cssText);
} else {
idx = sheet[_rules].length;
css = StyleSheet.toCssText(css);
// IE throws an error when attempting to addRule(sel,'',n)
// which would crop up if no, or only invalid values are used
if (css) {
_insertRule(sel, css, idx);
// Safari replaces the rules collection, but maintains the
// rule instances in the new collection when rules are
// added/removed
cssRules[sel] = sheet[_rules][idx];
return this;
* <p>Unset style properties for a provided selector string, removing
* their effect from the style cascade.</p>
* <p>If the selector includes commas, it will be split into individual
* selectors and applied accordingly. If there are no properties
* remaining in the rule after unsetting, the rule is removed.</p>
* <p>The style property or properties in the second parameter must be the
* <p>JavaScript style property names. E.g. fontSize rather than font-size.</p>
* <p>The float style property will be unset by any of &quot;float&quot;,
* &quot;styleFloat&quot;, or &quot;cssFloat&quot;.</p>
* @method unset
* @param sel {String} the selector string to apply the changes to
* @param css {String|Array} style property name or Array of names
* @return {StyleSheet} the StyleSheet instance
* @chainable
unset : function (sel,css) {
var rule = cssRules[sel],
multi = sel.split(/\s*,\s*/),
remove = !css,
rules, i;
// IE's addRule doesn't support multiple comma delimited selectors
// so rules are mapped internally by atomic selectors
if (multi.length > 1) {
for (i = multi.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
this.unset(multi[i], css);
return this;
if (rule) {
if (!remove) {
if (!lang.isArray(css)) {
css = [css];
workerStyle.cssText = rule.style.cssText;
for (i = css.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (workerStyle.cssText) {
rule.style.cssText = workerStyle.cssText;
} else {
remove = true;
if (remove) { // remove the rule altogether
rules = sheet[_rules];
for (i = rules.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (rules[i] === rule) {
delete cssRules[sel];
return this;
* Get the current cssText for a rule or the entire sheet. If the
* selector param is supplied, only the cssText for that rule will be
* returned, if found. If the selector string targets multiple
* selectors separated by commas, the cssText of the first rule only
* will be returned. If no selector string, the stylesheet's full
* cssText will be returned.
* @method getCssText
* @param sel {String} Selector string
* @return {String}
getCssText : function (sel) {
var rule,css;
if (lang.isString(sel)) {
// IE's addRule doesn't support multiple comma delimited
// selectors so rules are mapped internally by atomic selectors
rule = cssRules[sel.split(/\s*,\s*/)[0]];
return rule ? rule.style.cssText : null;
} else {
css = [];
for (sel in cssRules) {
if (cssRules.hasOwnProperty(sel)) {
rule = cssRules[sel];
css.push(rule.selectorText+" {"+rule.style.cssText+"}");
return css.join("\n");
_toCssText = function (css,base) {
var f = css.styleFloat || css.cssFloat || css['float'],
workerStyle.cssText = base || '';
if (lang.isString(css)) {
// There is a danger here of incremental memory consumption in Opera
workerStyle.cssText += ';' + css;
} else {
if (f && !css[floatAttr]) {
css = lang.merge(css);
delete css.styleFloat; delete css.cssFloat; delete css['float'];
css[floatAttr] = f;
for (prop in css) {
if (css.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
try {
// IE throws Invalid Value errors and doesn't like whitespace
// in values ala ' red' or 'red '
workerStyle[prop] = lang.trim(css[prop]);
catch (e) {
return workerStyle.cssText;
lang.augmentObject(StyleSheet, {
* <p>Converts an object literal of style properties and values into a string
* of css text. This can then be assigned to el.style.cssText.</p>
* <p>The optional second parameter is a cssText string representing the
* starting state of the style prior to alterations. This is most often
* extracted from the eventual target's current el.style.cssText.</p>
* @method StyleSheet.toCssText
* @param css {Object} object literal of style properties and values
* @param cssText {String} OPTIONAL starting cssText value
* @return {String} the resulting cssText string
* @static
toCssText : (('opacity' in workerStyle) ? _toCssText :
// Wrap IE's toCssText to catch opacity. The copy/merge is to preserve
// the input object's integrity, but if float and opacity are set, the
// input will be copied twice in IE. Is there a way to avoid this
// without increasing the byte count?
function (css, cssText) {
if (lang.isObject(css) && 'opacity' in css) {
css = lang.merge(css,{
filter: 'alpha(opacity='+(css.opacity*100)+')'
delete css.opacity;
return _toCssText(css,cssText);
* Registers a StyleSheet instance in the static registry by the given name
* @method StyleSheet.register
* @param name {String} the name to assign the StyleSheet in the registry
* @param sheet {StyleSheet} The StyleSheet instance
* @return {Boolean} false if no name or sheet is not a StyleSheet
* instance. true otherwise.
* @static
register : function (name,sheet) {
return !!(name && sheet instanceof StyleSheet &&
!sheets[name] && (sheets[name] = sheet));
* <p>Determines if a selector string is safe to use. Used internally
* in set to prevent IE from locking up when attempting to add a rule for a
* &quot;bad selector&quot;.</p>
* <p>Bad selectors are considered to be any string containing unescaped
* `~!@$%^&()+=|{}[];'"?< or space. Also forbidden are . or # followed by
* anything other than an alphanumeric. Additionally -abc or .-abc or
* #_abc or '# ' all fail. There are likely more failure cases, so
* please file a bug if you encounter one.</p>
* @method StyleSheet.isValidSelector
* @param sel {String} the selector string
* @return {Boolean}
* @static
isValidSelector : function (sel) {
var valid = false;
if (sel && lang.isString(sel)) {
if (!selectors.hasOwnProperty(sel)) {
// TEST: there should be nothing but white-space left after
// these destructive regexs
selectors[sel] = !/\S/.test(
// combinators
sel.replace(/\s+|\s*[+~>]\s*/g,' ').
// attribute selectors (contents not validated)
replace(/([^ ])\[.*?\]/g,'$1').
// pseudo-class|element selectors (contents of parens
// such as :nth-of-type(2) or :not(...) not validated)
replace(/([^ ])::?[a-z][a-z\-]+[a-z](?:\(.*?\))?/ig,'$1').
// element tags
replace(/(?:^| )[a-z0-6]+/ig,' ').
// escaped characters
// class and id identifiers
valid = selectors[sel];
return valid;
YAHOO.util.StyleSheet = StyleSheet;
* Style node must be added to the head element. Safari does not honor styles
applied to StyleSheet objects on style nodes in the body.
* StyleSheet object is created on the style node when the style node is added
to the head element in Firefox 2 (and maybe 3?)
* The cssRules collection is replaced after insertRule/deleteRule calls in
Safari 3.1. Existing Rules are used in the new collection, so the collection
cannot be cached, but the rules can be.
* Opera requires that the index be passed with insertRule.
* Same-domain restrictions prevent modifying StyleSheet objects attached to
link elements with remote href (or "about:blank" or "javascript:false")
* Same-domain restrictions prevent reading StyleSheet cssRules/rules
collection of link elements with remote href (or "about:blank" or
* Same-domain restrictions result in Safari not populating node.sheet property
for link elements with remote href (et.al)
* IE names StyleSheet related properties and methods differently (see code)
* IE converts tag names to upper case in the Rule's selectorText
* IE converts empty string assignment to complex properties to value settings
for all child properties. E.g. style.background = '' sets non-'' values on
style.backgroundPosition, style.backgroundColor, etc. All else clear
style.background and all child properties.
* IE assignment style.filter = '' will result in style.cssText == 'FILTER:'
* All browsers support Rule.style.cssText as a read/write property, leaving
only opacity needing to be accounted for.
* Benchmarks of style.property = value vs style.cssText += 'property: value'
indicate cssText is slightly slower for single property assignment. For
multiple property assignment, cssText speed stays relatively the same where
style.property speed decreases linearly by the number of properties set.
Exception being Opera 9.27, where style.property is always faster than
* Opera 9.5b throws a syntax error when assigning cssText with a syntax error.
* Opera 9.5 doesn't honor rule.style.cssText = ''. Previous style persists.
You have to remove the rule altogether.
* Stylesheet properties set with !important will trump inline style set on an
element or in el.style.property.
* Creating a worker style collection like document.createElement('p').style;
will fail after a time in FF (~5secs of inactivity). Property assignments
will not alter the property or cssText. It may be the generated node is
garbage collected and the style collection becomes inert (speculation).
* IE locks up when attempting to add a rule with a selector including at least
characters {[]}~`!@%^&*()+=|? (unescaped) and leading _ or -
such as addRule('-foo','{ color: red }') or addRule('._abc','{...}')
* IE's addRule doesn't support comma separated selectors such as
addRule('.foo, .bar','{..}')
* IE throws an error on valid values with leading/trailing white space.
* When creating an entire sheet at once, only FF2/3 & Opera allow creating a
style node, setting its innerHTML and appending to head.
* When creating an entire sheet at once, Safari requires the style node to be
created with content in innerHTML of another element.
* When creating an entire sheet at once, IE requires the style node content to
be set via node.styleSheet.cssText
* When creating an entire sheet at once in IE, styleSheet.cssText can't be
written until node.type = 'text/css'; is performed.
* When creating an entire sheet at once in IE, load-time fork on
var styleNode = d.createElement('style'); _method = styleNode.styleSheet ?..
fails (falsey). During run-time, the test for .styleSheet works fine
* Setting complex properties in cssText will SOMETIMES allow child properties
to be unset
set unset FF2 FF3 S3.1 IE6 IE7 Op9.27 Op9.5
---------- ----------------- --- --- ---- --- --- ------ -----
-top-color NO NO YES YES YES
-color NO NO NO NO NO
background -color NO NO YES YES YES
-position NO NO YES YES YES
-position-x NO NO NO NO NO
font line-height YES YES NO NO NO NO YES
-size-adjust ??? ??? n/a n/a n/a ??? ???
padding -top NO NO YES YES YES
margin -top NO NO YES YES YES
list-style -type YES YES YES YES YES
overflow -x NO NO YES n/a YES
??? - unsetting font-size-adjust has the same effect as unsetting font-size
* FireFox and WebKit populate rule.cssText as "SELECTOR { CSSTEXT }", but
Opera and IE do not.
* IE6 and IE7 silently ignore the { and } if passed into addRule('.foo','{
color:#000}',0). IE8 does not and creates an empty rule.
* IE6-8 addRule('.foo','',n) throws an error. Must supply *some* cssText
YAHOO.register("stylesheet", YAHOO.util.StyleSheet, {version: "2.8.0r4", build: "2449"});